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Posts posted by Roy_The_Ruthles

  1. Re: Magic Missiles


    I can think of 3 ways to build it, the good, the bad and the horribly broken


    1) good: AoE 1 hex accurate affects desolid NND EB (not does body as 1d4+1 damage per missle hardly does body to a DnD character,)


    2) bad: AoE 1 hex accurate as above but megascaled so 1 hex = the world (this way you can't DFC from it, which i don't like but may appeal to some)


    3) The Horribly broken (and my favorite) build it as a summon which continues to attempt movebys on the target until it succeds.

  2. Re: Advanced energy sources: Some thought and pretty big numbers.


    as far as spaceflight goes, i once planned out a "hard Sci-fi" game, with no faster than light travel, just bending the laws of relativity a bit (one of the themes was to see how society changes over many years as technology is developed).


    I used breeder ships powerd by nuclear fusion, here's one of my main sources http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/D/Daedalus.html

  3. Re: Combat Precognition


    One time, the final boss of a campain, was a person who could read the future so exactly that he knew what you would do before you did. You swing, he uses DFC, you mind control, he has mental forcefields, you AOE - he DFCs further, etc.


    This was the most frusterating fight of the night, until he was double backstabbed by the god of assassins (he was the king of gods) and we find the lord of death has been pulling the strings all along. Didn't feel as anticlimactic as i just discribed, i swear.


    But anyway it was a huge force wall to each defense and impossibly high, with the side effect that it moved you around and used your actions if you had them

  4. Re: Good-by Speedster


    Mental entangles (few high willed speedsters)


    force walls, entangles used to make walls, supress speed, reverse gravity, TK (to grab them with a big hand), just plain grabbing them, and anything that doesn't work on DCV.



  5. Re: Necrons


    Ok, here's my suggestion, ressurection on an activation roll and if they fail to make it they die. Makes it easy to bring them back. and to me that was the scariest thing about necrons.


    You may want to add some sort of 6- +2d6 on the gauss weapons to signify that rolling a 6 to wound automatically inflicts one wound (very scary) and maybe some more armor from that good armor save. Could be Damage reduction though, I'm just noting with a 1.5d6 RKA and 3rED they won't kill each other very fast, but does this mean space marines only have 3rPD?


    Two other things, change the flight on the destroyers to "only over surfaces" to prevent ariel necron drop squad! and


    necron warrior - 6"

    necron warrior leaping - 11"


    Necron prefered method of travel? -> boing! boing boing!


    "steady men, here come those leaping skeletons of doom!"

  6. Re: How do I build werewolf & vampires?


    To build a werewolf virus it might be some version of a sticky no END, continous uncontrolled transform, to probably both physical and mental/spiritual (can't say for sure, never saw the 2nd movie).


    Obviously the way to build werewolves and vampires oneshotting each other (i don't really recall many fight scenes but i recall they are all too short) would be some varient of damage reduction and vunerability


    Vampires - DR to everything but UV rays, fire, and what ever else you like.

    vunerable to werewolves x2 body


    Werewolves - DR to everything but silver

    vunerable to vampires (and silver if you want)


    that'd be crazy though...

  7. Re: Idle thinkings on BattleTech


    Ok, i'd never heard of a battletech RPG but upon googling it, it looks pretty good for the in mech stuff.


    and yeah my roomate pointed out the range modifier when we were talking in the car tonight.


    Thanks everyone for the suggestions!

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