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Posts posted by Onyxclaw

  1. Re: I'm considering Hero...


    i'm not singling him out for destruction, i'm singling him out as the person most likely to go


    "i shall kill these demon spawn for the good of the catholic church!"


    right before being hit by 3 teamworking octo-ninja's using octo-fu to take him appart


    actually the plan was to send him to get a live acid spewing alien a little further down...and see if he does it. Kat will save him if the little octopi becoem too much ;)

  2. Re: I'm considering Hero...


    i agree with fox's claim that an "epic" death can be exciting every once in a while.


    A character once blew himself up in a fit of roleplaying that was amazing. All the players looked at me to stop him and say "no you can't do that" but i just let him go.


    In the end there was only chunks where a formerly *good* sorceror had been.


    It was awesome and i'm bringing him back as a deamon later...


    that was daniel's mage right? That was so totally awsome!


    His grasp on the chracter was so wonderful and the roleplaying was great. I'd encurage performances like that on a more regular basis, though without the suicide ;)

  3. Re: I'm considering Hero...


    you know i'm gonna make 200pt "cute" octo death right? with octo fu?


    i hope brian doesn't need to breath...


    please don't just single him out, spread the fun :D ...although that encounter *was* ment to break him in. The little ones are supposed to be annoying, not deadly!!! and no martial arts for the octopi...except martial grab, and "cringe", and that one that helps them break grabs....yeah...hmm...octo fu...

  4. Re: I'm considering Hero...


    which is fine, and I respect that you are capable of that.


    But a lot of times you are very rude on board, even when a person hasn't been rude to you...and when they get upset you don't back off.

    You also take a lot of offense when people are rude to you when you havn't been to them.


    Of course most of us are guilty of the same thing, so that wasn't dirrected at just you, sorry if you felt it was, but it was a general post of my ammusement. Since most of the post wars on site do ammuse me.

  5. Re: I'm considering Hero...


    I always find it amusing when people object to being treated like or accused of the same kinds of things they accuse others of... Or when they don't like being talked to the way they talk to others.


    Generally being openminded and accepting of the fact that others will not always agree and that trying to change thier minds is generally a waste of valuable time helps keep things from getting out of hand...


    But then that is often easier said than done.

  6. Re: A more feminine martial art


    Shotguns and kantana make everything cooler instantly.


    Shotguns 'cause they go KA-CHINK! and kantana 'cause they usually mean that ninja aren't far behind. And once you have ninja, the coolness factor goes up 100-fold.


    And don't even start me on adding monkeys to the mix!


    I've always felt zombie pirate ninja cyborg monkies were the ticket to movie magic....wodner why I've never seen them in films :nonp:

  7. Re: I'm considering Hero...


    we played a oneshot where we all died, up til then it was much fun. My death was even fun, I got beheaded ^^


    In the game I am preparing death will be common only if characters do foolish things. If you insult something bigger than you he's going to have something to say about it. I don't protect PCs from death at all, but I will pull punches if I made something more powerful than I intended, (i.e. that little octopus really shouldn't be able to kill a fighter...why is he dieing? oh...right..he can't breathe...oops. ::make octopus release::) I also wont gun for them. But I let them know that right off the bat.


    I've warned my players to be ready if thier character dies, cause in all liekly hood it will happen eventually. But then they can build as many characters as they want to have waiting in the wings...so it's ok.


    In a different setting than the current one though, I would probubly try to make sure they didn't die often, just because it would make the story too short...and I'm really in it for the stories ;)

  8. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay


    it's not that they arn't partial to it. They like it more than any other RPG except daniel i think. it's just that they don't like RPGs as much. It's like having 100% of 2% of their attention.


    And brian, brian might love hunter, not sure...


    haha, yeah you nailed it there.


    He doesn't love hunter. It just rewards him for being a trigger happy a$$hat. that's what he loves.

  9. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay


    hmmm that's interesting' date=' although i know OC, Zod, Fireg0lem and I are all at least part time GMs (actually all of us run and play)[/quote']


    yep, I know about the same as you Roy of course. most of our other players aren't partial to a system and don't want to put in the effort to GM. They aren't as crazy as us and think we are such dorks for being here =P


    Kech says I spend too much time on the boards. But he's curious..hehe

  10. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay


    Character generation take me 1 hour to a week or more, depending on the charcter I am making. I'm still working on getting my Ketera Templates mapped out, and I don't have a single of 32 finished...I started them in may.


    I do have 4 finished characters. Completely finished one, ready to be PCs in a nother game even.


    Unfortunately each of these templates is for a critter built on 900 points or more. Which doesn't help matters.


    If it is a simple character with powers that easily fit into the hero system then generation is much faster...but when (for example) one of the powers requires devouring the soul of another character and has triggered effects due to range that are not related to getting more dice AND optional outcomes by choice as well, it makes getting the right combination of powers, links, triggers, and SFX to be as true to concept as possible very difficult and time consuming. You can of course throw together something and fudge the rest, but thats not always as satisfying and often feels a little cheap to me.


    As long as the final outcome is satisfying I certainly don't mind taking the time to build them. Most of the time it's even fun. I just have to make sure I have all the time I need.


    PC creation for games is much easier for me than NPC creation, I can usually finish a good PC in a couple hours if I already have an idea or about what Foc and Roy take if I don't...but that's mainly because I have a whole lot less options.

  11. Re: Three or more Eyes


    except you also stated that it was against the rules to give a third eye points even IF it was a true disadvantage. And even if GMs wanted to make it so. It is the job of the GM to enforce disadvantages, if they don't bring them up then they shouldn't have given points for them.


    I personally feel that almost all equipment is Independent unless it can not under any circumstance be used by someone else. It was not wrong for them to want to make his shield independent, it just wasn't in genre.


    You'd probubly hate the fact that I make all equipment in my games independent for the sole purpose of looting and disarming, unless it has a SFX that requires it to be with the user. You probubly also hate the fact that I frequently destroy my player's equipment, or that I give them an equipment retainer when the game begins to help lighten the loss of chracter points later...


    But as a GM it's my decision. So it doesn't really matter.

  12. Re: Three or more Eyes


    well, if I understand what you want here, we can't really helpy you decide that. What the eye is suppose to do is a function of it's creator's desires..in theis case you. You can have the eyes give them access to what ever kind of abilities you want to.


    You can also treat them as you would any other focus.

  13. Re: Three or more Eyes


    if having a third eye makes you the target of instant death on site I'd give you even more points than 5 for it. It is entirely based on GM decision wether or not it is a limitation and how much it is worth.


    If it's common then it would probubly just be special effect.


    If looking odd can get you killed or hinder you then why not give them points. It's not like 5 points will break the game.


    I give characters points in my game for being Albino when their species usually isn't. That's not a huge life threatening disadvantage. But it sure does warrent distinctive features.


    Remember that the first rule to this system is to forget the rules if you have to to have fun.


    So honestly, there is nothing that is prohibited, other than by GM decision. Some things are just not normally allowed in a "by the book" game.

  14. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay


    I think it depends on the person. I learned DnD straight from the book' date=' as well as most of the WW games. I've always enjoyed making characters right from the first, i think it depends on the person how you should introduce them.[/quote']


    I would agree with you roy. I'm not satified unless I have made my character from the inside out. I'll accept help. But I want them to be mine.

  15. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay


    On the theatre aspect, yes I am. And I'm sick of it, which would be why I quit ;) But then theatre came with auditions. You don't just get handed a script you've never read and told to go cold unless you already knew what you were getting yourself into.


    alright, so....catch the part about it works for most people. and where I agreed with you?

    Cause it does, and I agreed with that. I still agree with it.


    But to me Chargen isn't all about stats or even the mechanics. It is about making a person. So even if as a GM I make the stats for said person, I don't believe in creating the "person" for a player entirely, just the body for the person that they want to play. I would not be adverse for helping another player in the ways you've suggested, taking thier concept and giving them a form.


    I just don't like being handed a character and being told to play.


    The mechanics are not super essentail to enjoyign a system. I'll agree with that. The complexities of mechanical character generation are not important. I'll also agree with that.


    But the conceptual creation of the character is of utmost importance. And I feel wrong taking that away from the player.


    I's ok if it's good for you, I definately respect that. I just can't do it.

  16. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay


    my only argument would be that this system requires you to want this kind of limitation. If I was trying to create a personal character, spent a lot of time trying, making characters over and over again tryig to get the combonation I wanted, and I could not I would probubly feel that the system was crap. A system that promised me customizable character concepts and delivered me this would be "a bad system."


    I I knew that was what I was getting into I would not be expecting that customized character, I would not be tryign to get eactly what I wanted from the standpoint of a prethought out but not constructed character design.


    If I chose to play a system like this, I would be expecting an interesting generated character for me to try and play. If that was my mindset I would feel that this is a "good system."


    both are true, and both are valid player responses. The system is both "crap" and "good"

    It's a good system if what I want is what it does well.

    It's a crap system if it can't do what I'm looking for or what it tells me t can do.


    It's a "valid" system if it works in general

  17. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay


    I agree, but one can measure the benefits and drawbacks of a thing in an objective manner. For example, most human beings prefer comfort to pain, so I can objectively determine that I'd rather sit in a pampasan chair than sleep on a bed of nails -- and so would most human beings. Similarly, I feel that I can objectively measure certain advantages and disadvantages of various roleplaying systems. If you put a lot into character creation, and don't get a lot back for your effort....


    *shrug* But I'm still waiting for an example system to think about.


    I would agree with you (hence the rest of my post) I just think that people should listen to the advice they give...and try to be open minded when they request openmindedness from others


    EDIT: I am curious about the system fox is talking about as well. I have a lot of older friends that have been gaming much longer than I, more than half my lifetime longer. So I'll probubly go ask them about it.

  18. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay


    It's a simple fact that there are people who hold the exact reverse of your mindset on this issue.



    I think that it pretty much sums up most arguments, and how to end them. Everyone should take this advice and accept the fact there there is really mre than one way to think about something and for the most part more than one answer to most questions. Even you. Afterall, these are just opinions.


    personally I would agree that a system in which I spent forever working on a chracter and could not build something that fit what I wanted is a bad system. But then I believe any system where I can not make a character the way I want it is bad, regaurdless of the length of the process. That's why I choose not to play other systems that people have offered to expose me too.


    And that's why I choose hero. I can make whatever I want. I just have to figure out how and put in the time.

  19. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay


    I am aware I've made a monster, and that's ok. And it will be a lot of maintnece and that's ok too. I'm just happy I have two tech GMs to help.


    Honestly, someone's first introduction to a system should never be chargen. They should get to play it first.


    now, that I can't *always* agree with. A lot of the times sure, especially if they already have roleplaying expereince.


    I started with this game less than a year ago, I had never roleplayed before. I did have 5 years theare experience and awards for storytelling, which helps make me a decent roleplayer (so far as I have been told). I have a lot of friends who roleplay and decided to give it a try. And, I requested to build my own character as a way to learn the powers creation system and get a better feel for what was going on. I would not have been satisfied with having my character made for me, and that's one of the things I never liked about DnD, because the characters seemed so cookiecutter esq. My first HS character was a 200 point baby dragon, not a normal frist start at all. I'm all the better for having made her. If I hadn't I would not have gotten so invested in the system, I would have just said, "oh, nice game." and the overwhelming choices and possibilities would have escaped me. I probubly would have never thought twice about the system, and writtin it off as another thing to do once in a blue moon.


    But then to me the character generation was the most important part of the game. I was always under the impression that having a deep well thought out character was the whole point of roleplaying, that as players we were supposed to assume the role of the individual we chose to play. How can I play the game if I have not created a role to play, wich satisfies me?


    I gues I feel like accepting a character hat I did not at least help create is like letting someone else choose the path I should take with my life =P


    But for people who don't want to get that into the game a pregen character is fine. And it makes things easier on the GM as well. It cuts time in preparations and has many other good features. But with some players, playig the game isn't the most important part, and they wont be satisfied with skipping this stage.

  20. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay


    I like working with those kinds of chracters and helping them get what they like out of it. I wont ever make a character for someone else, if I do help it becomes a joint experience with the player involved at everystep.


    It is particularly rewarding when after a few days of work the player can look at thier character sheet and say "Yes, this is what I wanted."


    I dunno, it makes me feel good inside. Honestly I'd rather have them then the too serious or too focused gamer. It makes the whole thing seem more personal and close nit. More like you're a group of friends around a campfire telling stories together, than an evil dictator mandating events.

  21. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay


    the only problem is there aren't any pregens I can use for the bulk of these characters. For characters that don't matter sure. But for my Ketera, no way. I don't like th pregens for most of the monsters either, and I do own the beastiary.


    I have tried to use archived characters. It usually takes a day or two to convert them even if they are the "right" thing. I found an Alien (like from the movie) premade that needed retweaking and spent a day and a half redoing it.


    I am only doing the minimal for my NPCs, and they aren't stacking up points wise. It's the power creation that's hard.


    Since it is based on a preexisting world that I designed years ago it is very very hard to translate into hero to my satisfaction. It doesn't help that this is a very high powered game either...most of my NPCs are 600-2200 points. And unfortunately they have to be.


    AND since it's not a normal campaign, IE no party, and characters can go where ever they want whenever they want and create the story around each of them, any character that apprea must be ready to at least be semi reoccuring. I know I made myself a monster, but, I'm finding this system extrememly hard to create it in.


    ....though I love it so *hugs collection of HERO books*


    For everything other than NPC generation I love this system and agree with the post you found whole heartedly. It's just sometimes frustrating. Not that I'll let that discurage me.

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