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Everything posted by Legiokot

  1. Re: Berserker Wow, thank you, AlHazred. That's perfect. What I meant by conventional methods... I don't want them to hack it to death, I want them to try and trigger a landslide on it or something to that effect, something that takes thought and planning.
  2. Re: Berserker Thank you for the advice. I am the GM. The powers are redundant. I hadn't really thought of that. Bye-bye energy blast. The reason it's so powerful is because I don't want it to be beaten in conventional ways, but if they do find a way, I want to have the stats for it. Thanks =D
  3. I have made this for my game. I'm relatively new to the HERO system, though... Any suggestions? ;; (Also, if I uploaded this wrong, please forgive.) Hoohah!
  4. Re: Elder Races... 1. I give them a skill, usually 10-, that lets them just... know something occasionally, or maybe use a small one time race-based power. 2. Describe that their eyes seem to betray an ancient wisdom, animals seem to respect the Elder more, they don't get bitten by insects, they never have to clean themselves, anything that makes them seem more. 3. I usually don't allow PC's to play them, unless it's a... young.. Elder. It gives the player too much superiority over the other players. From what I've seen, it also creates too much reliance on the Elder's powers and heritage. 4. If handled carefully, they add. If tossed in as a solve-all, be-all, uber race that could do just about anything, they suck. 5. Mri, from the Faded Sun trilogy by C. J. Cherryh. They're powerful enough that in the books they're talked about in that no human would ever want to fight one on-on-one. But.. they're not overpowered. They have a huge honor system, which also adds to the mystery.
  5. Re: Your Favorite Fantasy Weapon? I like the 12 Swords from Fred Saberhagen's "The Books of Lost Swords" series... My favorites would be Coinspinner and The Mindblade.
  6. I'm making a character... who messes with people's minds. It's based on her emotions. When she loses control, bad things happen. The power causes insanity in other people, delusions, etc. How would I do this ? And how would I make a "voice in the head" type-thing ? Please help. -.-;;
  7. This may seem like a really dumb question. But here goes. Active points? What are they, and how do you spend them ? And when something has an END cost, do you just subtract from your total END ?
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