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    uh...I'm a Super Guy?
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    Job? What's a job?

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  1. Re: Anatomy of a diorama Looks Great! Have you considered e-mailing Rich Birlew about havng these pics up at his Site, in the extras area? I'm sure he'd be thrilled with it. Also; OotS fans keep your eyes peeled for the Order of the Stick game, coming soon. I playtested it, it was quite fun, sort of like Talisman meets Heroquest. Each of up to six players assume control of one of the Order as they brave Xykons Dungeon. The game is both Collabrative and Competitive, players must work together to defeat Xykon, but the player with the most Loot and such is declared the Winner after the party exits the dungeon [if they exit the dungeon, that is]!
  2. Re: Who is the best Archaic/Anachronism/whatever in comics? Favorite Anachronism; [sort of...] Travis Morgan, The Warlord. Another Mike Grell creation. Favorite Archer; Hawkeye. Favorite Ninja; Kitty Pryde
  3. Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters? I agree. It seemed to me that if the !mpact line had succeeded, then the Black Hood might have passed around a bit more. Also, I think the 'Throw Away' Black Hood that died in issue one wasn't a complete throw away.[i think his name was Wayne something.] If you recall back, the !mpact line started with a new comic each week for six weeks, first with The Fly, and then The Legend of The Shield, then the Comet [i think that was the order, maybe the Shield was first...]. Anyhow, Jaguar, & W.E.B. followed, and the BlackHood was the last.... the thing was, In those first issues of each title, The Black Hood was a unifying theme. He was travelling the country, looking for other 'Special People' like himself, he said, to fight to protect the innocent from something that he knew was coming. He Proposed the creation of an organization, which he wanted to call The Crusaders [the name stuck, even though Wayne didn't survive to see it] in order to better prepare themselves. He seemed to be a paranoid Punisher type of hero, who sort of freaked out the younger, new heroes, like Fly, Comet and Jaguar. His history was revealed piecemeal in each issue #1, of the other heroes comics. Black Hood was once an ordinary man, who was inexplicably driven to commit himself to justice, no matter the cost. He sacrificed his job, his family, his happiness, and even his life because of the curse on that Hood, and the evidence in the Comics that followed are that the Black Hood mystically imparted all of the Skills and natural advantages of everyone who ever died wearing it before, to the current bearer. Furthermore, the bearer was unconciously guided by the Spirits of the Past Black Hoods, who as part of the curse were bound to it forever. [The Wayne guy that died in Black Hood #1 only discovered all this when he sadly joined them in death, and met the other spirits hoverring around.] The high school kid / main character was a big guy, sure, but with the Hood on he was a champion athelete, fencer, marksman, and who knows what all else. Same thing happened when the gangster, 'Hit' Coffee [strangely, I remember his name] wore the hood, he noticed the power it gave him, and he tried to twist it to his own ends, but the "Justice Seeking" curse on the Hood was too strong. Can you tell I liked the !mpact line? It was pretty refreshing back when Image ruled the comics world, a breath of mostly Silver Age air. Too bad it didn't last. I also hated what was done to The Comet, in a vain attempt to suddenly "steel/rust age" the !mpact line. The Crucible [the last !mpact mini-series] was pretty bad, as I recall.
  4. Re: Build your own "New Avengers"! This was the funniest sh!t I have read in ages. Rock on with your bad self! ....just as long as it's clear you weren't serious.
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