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Blue Rose

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Everything posted by Blue Rose

  1. Re: Three or more Eyes I read in a book once where there were creatures with three eyes. They explained that in order to see three dimensions one needs two eyes, so in order to see four dimensions one needs three eyes. The reason why we couldn't see those creatures was based off of the "Flat Land" concept that a two dimensional creature would have trouble conceptualizing a three dimensional creature. Therefore by extrapolation a three dimensional creature would have trouble conceptualizing a four dimensional creature. So, getting off of tangent. A possible power that a three eyed individual might have is to see four dimensionally. Time has been called the fourth dimension, but the GM can choose to call the fourth dimension the higher (or lower) planes if he/she wishes (i.e. something out of "The Mystic World"). ---Blue Rose
  2. Re: Things to Do With Hunteds I have noticed quite a few characters are hunted by VIPER... and most everyone else seems to be hunted by UNTIL. How about other mundain but prominent organizations as interesting hunteds, like the ACLU. I think the ACLU as a hunted would be amusing (though if its level is anything above "watching", your PC might be dragged into court for some frivolous charge ala "The Incredibles".) Just a thought. ---Blue Rose
  3. Re: Insomnia update Sudden thoughts of PETA knocking down the door because they feel that the rat is being mistreated. If the PCs don't do something about them, PETA might sue them or worse yet might begin a smear campaign against them. They do want to keep their good name after all. Just a thought. ---Blue Rose
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