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Everything posted by wlogue

  1. wlogue


    Re: Elves I've got elves. Not as a PC Race. They are aloof and (as far as humans and dwarves can tell) immortal. There are Elves and Dark Elves. The difference is that the Dark Elves tried to wipe the substandard (not as "good" as elves) races from the world about five hundred years ago. Elves and Dark elves look exactly the same, if you discount the maniacal gleam of EVIL in the eyes of the Dark Elves. It may be possible that the Dark Elves are simply misunderstood; as no one in my world has actually met a Dark Elf (I'm saving tham as the really BIG bad guys). They've fought armies of undead, utterly alien reptilian races, and a world spanning wannabe world government, but nothing truely EVIL.
  2. Re: Your scenario style Serial. I've only ever run FH. My campaign has run over several interrelated threads for over ten years. It's entirely serial. The actions taken; or not taken, in the game this week will have an effect next week. I've had two players drop due to real life issues, and one drop due to a lack of interest in the game. When possible, I alternate GM responsibilities with another (who runs WW or SR) every two weeks. I'm usually the one who can't game due to RL considerations. Despite the fact that I'm unable to attend about 12 of 52 possible gaming sessions, most of the players seem eager to have me GM. I'd like to think it's because of my skill at being GM; but it probably has more to do with wanting something new after a few weeks of the other game. My sole claim to fame is that my campaign is the only one to result in any romance between PCs or NPCs and result in ANY amount of Blue Booking between adventures.
  3. Re: A funny thing happened on the way to the Dungeon... Jkeown, You're a lucky man, or at least a lucky GM. Having player's that engage their brains before picking up the dice is rare. I don't know if it's because most players come to the table with the expectation of combat, or because GM's tend to train their players to attack and kill whatever end up in front of them because "This is obviously what the GM has planned, so we better get through it" or both. In any case, I'd say props to your girlfriend, and the rest of the group, for the intelligence to realize that certain things needed to get accomplished and then doing it without unnecessary bloodshed - especially on the part of the party. I'd also give you props for allowing the players to take their preferred course of actions. You must be creating a reasonable level of versimilitude for the players to identify dangers in advance of bloodletting for them to have taken such a wise course of action. Excellent job all around!
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