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NoahBody's Achievements

  1. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? 'beat on the brat' - The Ramones, via Pandora.com
  2. Re: Power up a TV or movie character.
  3. Re: Mutants and Materminds Restating what a lot of people have said the Freedom City setting is very well done and loaded with lots of homages (characters and otherwise - The Claremont Academy, frex). The M&M corebook doesn't have any characters or a setting in it, but it does have a bunch of archetypes ('brain in a jar' or 'sinister simian') statted out. There also the Silver Age Sentinels game which has a reasonably complete setting with lots of characters - although there is a fair amount of 'homage overlap'. Plus the D20 system for supers is, um, not to my taste.
  4. Re: WWYCD: The Crossover from H E Double-hockey-stick Good Eats. Alton Brown is obviously a wacky theme villian wannabe, and would probably just try to use the PCs to make dinner. "Darn it Firewing! Flambees are just theater - they don't really do anything for the flavor!"
  5. Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power Oddly enough, I just had a similar discussion with my wife this weekend. Since we have a 2-year old and a 2-month old, we have decided that Duplication with four forms each would allow both of us to work, stay home with the kids, goof off and sleep simultaneously. Of course, my wife pointed out that our dupes would probably argue over who got to do what...
  6. NoahBody


    Re: Wanted! I read 'Wanted' recently as well, and I liked it, then got to the last to pages and loved it. But then my favorite scene in any Hitchcock movie was the part in 'Rear Window' when Jimmy Stewart's girlfriend says "look at us, we're all heartbroken because nobody was killed," so YMMV. Anyway, my take on The Killer's powers were that not only was he supernaturally accurate, but that he could Suppress or Dispel his target's defenses. Except for Sh*thead, who obviously had some Power Defense paid for by his Susceptibility to household cleaners. If you ever read Stormwatch, there is a character named Rose Tatoo who is the spirit of murder - The Killer is her, but with a Y chromosome. And dialogue.
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