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Posts posted by ideasmith

  1. Re: Game Mechanics


    Well, memory is usually an INT roll, isn't it? How about


    Change Environment, -1 to INT rolls [1" radius], -25 to INT rolls [75] 80 points; 0 END [+1/2], Persistent [+1/2] AP 160, no range [-1/2], Always On [-1/2], Self Only [only affects rolls to remember character; -1/2], not while in character's presence [-1/2] Real Cost 64 points


    "self only" means the cobat effects only apply to the character himself.


    As this power is written, only characters right next to the character would have their INT rolls penalized. Also, memory often needs no roll whatsoever.

  2. Re: Game Mechanics


    My problem with the OP build is: How do you stop it?


    I won't have any construct in my game that has no counter or defense.




    With a Postcognitive Detect Memory which isn't part of the Memory Sense Group.

  3. Re: Multipowers


    This is actually by the book too ;) .5 always rounds in favor of the player.

    5ER page 7.


    SPD is the only thing I know of off the top of my head that doesn't obey this rounding rule (it always rounds down even if at .9).


    5ER page 38. One could argue whether SPD is actually rounded at all, since the fractional SPD does count towards buying your next point of SPD.

  4. Re: PRE Attacks


    I wouldn't change the mechanics. However, I recommend letting the player of a character targetted by a PRE attack choose the character's emotions. As in "Okay, something about Mechanons actions strike Supercool as funny and he is ROFL for the Full Phase.'

  5. Re: A Comeliness for Every Sense Group


    "She's really attractive to the mental sense group" sounds like gamerese for "She has a nice personality."


    Not really: someone with a nice personality wouldn't necessarily be attractive to the mental sense group, and vice versa. I'm not sure whether they would even correlate.

  6. Re: A Comeliness for Every Sense Group


    as if Comeliness wasnt cheap enough' date=' now you can limitize it:[/quote']


    In fact Comeliness does seem to be overpriced for its effect in most campaigns.


    COM 38' date=' but not to mystic senses (-1/2)[/quote']


    I'd put that at -1/4 myself, which is generous for how much it would actually limit. Someone paying points for Comeliness is due some generosity.

  7. Re: is having DNPC as follower legal


    Not everyone is going purchase a 40 point superhero-class Follower. It's pretty obvious the IP question was regarding a Pulp-style game (probably at the 150 point level) where even 10 points is a big deal. In lower point games it seems perfectly reasonable for the cost of Follower and DNPC to cancel (or nearly) each other out.


    Ultimately, the main difference between a Follower and a DNPC is that with a DNPC it's the GM's character and with a Follower it's the player's secondary character. If it's both the the GM can "take control" as he sees fit.


    Followers are NPCs (5ER page 82). Unlike DNPC's, they are automatically loyal to the PC, but that is not quite being 'the player's secondary character'.

  8. Re: A Comeliness for Every Sense Group


    I've never actually assumed COM was just sight based.


    Attractiveness is really the whole package. I'd kind of assumed a person acting at full COM doesn't smell bad, feel bad, look bad, etc . . .


    We had an AI in our Star Hero game comment on a characters heat signature a little while back, I kind of took it as part of her high COM.


    Er, and there is no "Unusual Sense Group" in the sense that it's a group. Unusual is just where any Sense that isn't in the other group fits. You can't take any Sensory Power vs "The Unusual Group" in total.


    All very true.


    My post was intended as a joke, which obviously fell flat.



  9. Everyone knows that Comeliness represents "the character's beauty or handsomeness". Or, to put it another way, how attractive the character is when detected by way of the Sight sense group.


    This brings up the question: Why just sight?


    Shouldn't there also be characteristics for:


    How attractive the character is when detected by way of the Hearing sense group?


    How attractive the character is when detected by way of the Smell/Taste sense group?


    How attractive the character is when detected by way of the Touch sense group?


    How attractive the character is when detected by way of the Mental sense group?


    How attractive the character is when detected by way of the Radio sense group?


    How attractive the character is when detected by way of the Unusual sense group?

  10. Re: is having DNPC as follower legal


    Personally no. Also, the book doesn't allow it either.




    Going by the book, a NPC is either a DNPC or a Follower, not both. But what are these "Sidekick Rules" you mention?


    It does say this (5ER page 332). Apparently, 5ER doesn't distinguish between 'less useful' and 'as useful but also causes problems'.

  11. Re: What advantages apply when calculating DCs?


    While calculating the damage classes per die for a power, I was going through the list of advantages on the sidebar of page 404 and wondered what exactly is the criteria for determining what advantages apply.


    What exactly does "directly affect how the victim takes damage" mean?


    Why is Armor Piercing listed on the "likely" list and Penetrating on the "in some instances" list, but the first paragraph says Indirect does not apply? I can understand Indirect as defined as coming from a different orgin, but shouldn't Indirect defined as bypassing an opponents defenses apply as much as AVLD or NND?


    Would Range advantages apply? After all, if the victim isn't in range, he's not going to take damage.


    Perhaps the question, "Which advantages most definitely do not apply?" would be easier to answer. I certainly agree with that first paragraph about Reduced Endurance.


    The side-bar on page 404 does not have an "in some instances" list. The only modifier indicated as "in some instances", Megascale, is in the middle of the list. (Alphabetical order and all that.) The reason Megascale is "in some instances" is that while Megascale Area counts (as Area Effect does), Megascale Range doesn't (as Range doesn't).

  12. Re: Never gets tired


    Let me start by saying, in general I agree completely with this analogy.


    On the flipside however..


    If the Perpetual Energy Drive is using 0END to model the fact that it uses a spinning-cyclotronic-doodad and getting more energy is simply a matter of spinning it faster I see no reason it couldn't be pushed beyond normal operating maximums.


    I think, like many things in Hero - whether or not a 0END Power can be Pushed should include a look at the SFX involved.


    There should be some penalty for spinning the cyclotronic-doodad faster. Without a penalty, pushing becomes normal usage. Since there is no END cost, presumably for good special effects reasons, it has to be something else. Possibly a Burnout Roll?

  13. Re: Never gets tired


    You can get around it like this:


    11/11 force field (0 END on 10/10) 32 points. Because you have 1/1 FF that costs END you can push the whole thing. Seems like a pointless waste of time though - surely it is far cleaner to just allow you to push a 0 END FF - you are still spending loads of END, it is not as if you are getting something for nothing.


    Alternatively, if it was important to have the definition available, you could buy 0 END on a power (or a power already at 0 END, like armor) and define it in one of two ways when the power is bought:


    1. Trickle END - the power does use END, albeit at a rate so low it does not affect your END pool. The power can be pushed BUT requires you to have some END available to use (so you can't use it if your END is reduced to 0) OR

    2. No END use - the power does not use END at all, and cannot be pushed, but is unaffected by the loss of your END - it continues to function even if your END is 0.


    The 11/11 Force Field you describe could only be pushed by 1 PD/1 ED. Since only the part that has END cost is being pushed, only the part that has END cost counts. To get a full 10 points of pushing, the power must have at least 10 points with an END cost.

  14. Re: Never gets tired


    ...and can anyone venture an explanation as to why we need that rule?


    I can sort of see it for powers that never cost END, say Armor, but it makes little sense for powers that have the cost reduced to 0 END.


    If you want to push a something with no END cost, just buy 10 more Active Points worth. Since the only penalty for pushing is extra END cost, and 0 END abilities have no END cost, allowing such a power to push is the same as having 10 extra Active Points of said power.

  15. Re: Armor Visibility (continued from 6th Edition Forum)


    OK now that this isn't off topic, I'd point out that the reason vehicles get a 1/5th cost break is because they aren't very useful in most adventure settings and are primarily a method of moving between adventures: in other words, they aren't worth a ton of points because they don't come up much.


    The primary, distinguishing characteristics of vehicles are that they are large and clumsy - even a motorcycle isn't exactly portable. Building a suit of armor as a vehicle would have to be Voltron sized for me to justify the cost break. Otherwise, you're just trying to get an 80% cost break.


    I might count Wonder Woman's armor as a vehicle in part because she normally (invariably?) starts an adventure with the armor on Paradise Island. (Back when she had access to Paradise Island, that is.)

  16. Continuing a discussion from the 6th Edition Rules Forum (Limitations Thread) which became inappropriate to that Forum.


    See http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=63245&page=13 for previous discussion.


    Let's not focus on the rules for a minute. Let's focus on common sense. Stop gaming the system and start playing the game.


    If you didn't want replies to your post to focus on rules, why did you post it to a forum which was specifically about rules?


    1) If Armor is invisible, what sense groups is it visible to? Read the rules carefully. It has to be visible to three.


    Only Visible powers are visible to sense groups. Invisible powers are not visible to any sense groups.


    2) This statement is inherently fallacious. The power "Armor" is persistent. That doesn't mean it's inherently invisible. Invisible Power effects are a power advantage. You have to pay for that. This is why a guy who has an invisible force field has to pay for Force Field. O End. Persistent, Invisible to all sense groups.


    See page 98 and page 309 of 5ER. Powers which don't cost END by default are Invisible by default. Per page 100, Persistent powers never cost END.


    3) This is not a sufficent enough limitation for a powered armor character, as when the armor is broken, he can't repair it right away. Everything you've talked about so far games the system instead of playing the game.


    This is true, but unrelated to your previous comments. Sounds like some form of 'Extra Time'. Only needing re-activation (repair) if broken would reduce the Limitation value some.

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