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Posts posted by WarpCrab1

  1. Abrams made very little effort to hid the fact that he had no interest in Star Trek prior to being offered the franchise. So, it did not surprise me that he would make some changes to the characters and their history. Which is probably one of the reasons he went with the time-travel story to reboot there backgrounds.

  2. That could have been the case in the original TV series. It sounds like something Roddenberry would write into their history. However, in the 2009 movie, the doctor mentioned that his ex-wife took everything but his bones. After that statement, Kirk immediately started calling him Bones.

  3. Thank you for responding, clsage. I appreciate your suggestion. :)


    Sadly, when I downloaded the files from that location, my computer reported that all of the PDF files that I tried were corrupted. :confused:


    Do you know of any other sources?

  4. I've spent days looking for a copy of TrekHero or something of that caliber. Sadly, all of the links in this thread are dead. Can someone help me out and tell where I can find Star Trek templates like it? I would be ultra grateful.

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