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Posts posted by Erkenfresh

  1. Re: Childhood Skill Packages


    In your situation, I'd just provide a list of occupations to my players, let them choose which one they want for their parents, and then come up with packages on the fly. Every package should probably have a related PS and a KS. Then, choose some related skills for the rest.


    For example, Joe picks for his parents to be farmers. You make up this package:

    PS: Farmer

    KS: Farming

    Trading (Fam)

    PS: Cooking

    KS: Flora and Fauna


    Good luck.

  2. Re: Realistic daily provisions


    Kerosene-soaked tampons? Hmmm, who figured that one out?


    Alright so here's what we got:


    Food - 2 pounds per normal person per day, 8 pounds for the half-giant

    Water - 8 pounds per normal person per day, 32 pounds for the half-giant

    Light - About 1 pound per day per oil lamp (negligible)


    For a party of four normal sized people and one half-giant, that comes out to 16 pounds of food and 64 pounds of water per day. I have a feeling the half-giant will get to carry most of this. ;)


    Oh, did I mention the half-giant is claustrophobic? Should be interesting.

  3. Re: Resurrection and Heals Limbs for Recovery


    Yes' date=' I understand how regeneration works. And I was able to build it for 14 points. I also made it very clear that I don't think regeneration is broken mechanically speaking, and that it works nicely for a lot of things. At the same time, I don't like wasting that much white space on it, and I want an alternative to a power because the game isn't power-centric. Its an issue of feel. I take it you have no objections to how the power I wrote up actually works?[/quote']


    I didn't like the original write-up actually. I think it's because of what others have said, you don't get recoveries when you're dead. For simplicity sake, you could strip out all the advantages that make healing become regeneration and then the Extra Time limitation gets tacked on afterwards. In that case, I'd write it up like this:


    Immortality: Regeneration 1 BODY (Extra Time, 1 Day -2 3/4), Heals Limbs, Resurrection


    That looks pretty clean to me. Good luck!

  4. Re: Realistic daily provisions


    Water should be available in the caverns, but it might notbe drinkable in some places. So they'd be wise to take their own. No, there is no Underdark ecology though they might come across a few monsters. It wouldn't be enough to sustain themselves with for very long though.

  5. Hello fellow HERO fans. I have a question I am certain you can all answer.


    I have reason to believe my party may be going on a little bit of a spelunking adventure. For this, I think I need to apply the encumberance rules to prevent them from going down for several months, when realistically they may only be able to survive a week or two.


    So, my question is, how much would the daily provision for an average person weigh? Also, how much would the torches weigh required to light the cavern for a full day?


    Thanks in advance!

  6. Re: Resurrection and Heals Limbs for Recovery


    I don't understand what's wrong with using Regeneration.


    I can never die: Healing 1 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Inherent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (114 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Day (-2 3/4), Self Only (-1/2) (27 Real Points)


    Whoever has this power will get back 1 BODY per day. If they were knocked to -10 BODY, they will revive in 10 days. Any limbs that were severed will grow back only after the person is alive again. Rule this as the first points regenerated going towards bringing the character back to life, then points afterwards regrow limbs. Piece o' cake.

  7. Re: Fighting talk


    This is in response to your first point Sean. In the example you gave, "Fast Strike" comes across as being a very nice deal. But, in order to get that deal, you have to buy 10 points worth of maneuvers. So, you can't just have "Fast Strike", you must also buy 6 points of other maneuvers. I think this helps to counterbalance the cheapness of the maneuvers.

  8. Re: Homeworld Hero


    At the time, I remember Homeworld having some of the best graphics. But, I don't remember anything very special about the game.


    If there's a particular ship you need help writing up, please post what it does here and maybe we can help out.

  9. Re: I need some help and suggestions


    I'm not sure if I understand your intent here. Are you wanting the mages to have to draw power on the turn which they plan to cast the spell? As written, the Aid would be a half-phase action which basically means all your END powered spells would require two half-phase actions, one to draw the power in and one to cast.


    In other words, you could simply put the Extra Time, Full Phase limitation on all the spells and end up with the same end effect.


    So, the question about advanced mages being able to store the energy for later? This is simply a way to buy off the Extra Time limitation. You could do this as a Naked Power Advantage, figuring out how many points are normally saved by the Extra Time limitation. So, if most spells are 60 AP and the limitation is -1/2 (I think it is), then you save 20 points which should then be the cost of your "advanced mage training to store energy for later".

  10. Re: A question of getting into Fantasy Hero GM(s) and Player(s)


    I'll confer a few things I think you might find useful.


    1. Start with low points. Perhaps 50+25 or 50+50. If you think this is underpowered for your world, just give out more XP each session early on. What this does is limit the amount of work the players have to do to create a new character since there are less points available.

    2. Create racial, professional, AND background packages. Make all the professional packages have the same cost. Make all the background packages the same cost. This worked very well with my players as the professional and background packages added up to about two-thirds the cost of the character. I think the background packages work well to give the characters an extra dimension, something that D&D sorely lacks. Skills like PS: Lumberjack, KS: Trees, etc make the characters truly unique.

    3. Create a list of talents. Try to make up talents that mimic D&D feats that you feel make sense in your campaign. When a fighter sees "flurry of blows", he probably knows what that'll do. Provide the point cost, a brief description, and then the techinical writeup.

    4. If you have a player with martial arts, create a table showing the OCV, DCV, and damage of each martial maneuver. For all players, write the OCV, DCV, and damage of each of their weapons including any constant CSLs with a note below of any variable CSLs (like the 3-pointers, some 5-pointers, and the 8-pointer). This lookup table will make things go MUCH quicker in battle.


    Good luck. I was faced with the same problems a few months ago, but I think my players are greatly enjoying the campaign (and the beer).

  11. Re: World. A lesson in delegation












    Name: Epsilon 37

    Race: Ampegian Robot

    Culture: Epsilon 37 came to (insert World name) on a scouting mission from the Ampegians, a ruthless race of warlords that use the galactic war to gain territory, fame, and riches.


    Epsilon's primary mission requires it to fit into the World's culture as best as it can, collecting data secretly. It's secondary mission is to find insurgents who are rebuilding weapons to fight against the Ampegian's and destroy them, but not with the possibility of it's position being revealed. It's tertiary mission is simply self-survival.


    Over time, Epsilon's primary mission has caused it to help people it finds most useful for information. This has caused most to believe the robot is actually benevolent, though they couldn't be further from the truth.


    Epsilon is well-equipped amongst a barren wasteland of a World. His jet boots allow him to travel easily and his batteries recharge from solar energy. Epsilon would work well as either a villian or an ally and know more about World than most, with a long list of contacts and possibly Favors to call in.

  12. Re: A general question? What about Shields?


    another option is perhaps that if the attack does less that half the shields defense in body then it won't remove a pip. thus a heavy battle cruiser with kill the cap ship's shields in a few hits' date=' and the light fighter won't scrath the ship, (or the cap ship has much more powerful shields, either one will work) but a group of heavy fighters can lower the shields with time.[/quote']


    That sounds nice but I'm still concerned about autofire. Fighters will have a huge bonus to OCV to hit capital ships due to size and thus have a high chance of getting multiple hits. If I were to use this disad, I'd rule that autofire can take the shields down a notch only once per attack.


    Furthermore, I'd make the shields lose 1 each of PD and ED per hit, just to make the bookkeeping simpler.

  13. Re: Homeworld Hero


    That was a fun game. But, no, no writeups. I don't remember anything specific about the ships though except they were all pretty straightforward. Bombers, fighters, carriers, miners, refuelers, and capital ships.


    Fleet commander: "What's this ship do?"

    Researcher: "It's got some big guns but it's slow."

    Fleet commander: "What about this one?"

    Researcher: "It's got some small guns but it's fast."

    Fleet commander: "So... no ground effects or spoilers?"

    Researcher: "Nope, nothing fancy, just standard stuff."

  14. Re: A general question? What about Shields?


    Forgot! It makes fighters with tiny autofire attacks useful too. ;) Imaging 10 fighters on one side of a capital ship. They will knock down the shields fairly effectively...allowing the big guns to blast in. Hehehe. :D


    Hmm, this is one side effect of the limitation I don't like. A pair of AF 5 attacks can render the shield nearly useless in no time. Does the damage have to exceed the defense in order for the defense to go down? Does an autofire attack knock it down once per hit or just once?

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