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Posts posted by Erkenfresh

  1. Re: Western Hero


    Hmm dynamite. I'd say it should be an Extra Time (Full Phase) and I'd also slap on Concentration (1/2 DCV). It's hard to keep track of the battle around you while lighting a bundle of dynamite I'd imagine. Oh and Range Based on Strength so they can't throw it like 100 meters.

  2. Re: Duck Flavored Killing Attack


    So does the attack also have to be undetectable by Sight and Hearing?


    Right, so I might build this as:


    Duck Nightmare: Mental Blast 6d6 (Human class of minds) (60 Active Points); Target must be asleep (-1), No Range (-1/2)

    The user of this power merely touches a sleeping person who then has a terrifying nightmare involving attacking ducks. The victim awakens with a strong taste of duck in his mouth and a terrible headache.

  3. Re: Creating a Character who can channel energy to boost his abilities.


    2-5 I agree with your power choices. However 1 can be done in so many different ways. If you're just looking for a guy who is stronger while in his Hero ID then just buy characteristics with the OIAID limitation. Keep in mind that if there's nothing really restricting him from entering his heroic identity and he can just boost his stats at will, the limitation isn't really worth anything anymore. In this case, it's just characteristics.


    Aid Boost will work if you want to pay END to keep the stats up. This would represent someone who can only sustain his superior abilities for a short time.


    If there is some transformation and it creates an appearance change, you don't necessarily need to buy a shape shift or multiform power for it. Determine if the ability to change the way you look provides and real in game benefits for the character. If not, then just handwave it. He changes into his heroic form when called for. Villains know him as his heroic identity and that's what's really important. Instead consider taking on the secret identity complication. If someone caught him going from Super Energy Man back to Bob Smith then he could be in trouble.

  4. Re: Aid as a way to get around Healing


    If you think healing costs too much CP, adjust the cost. This is done in several Fantasy Hero settings where you simply divide the real cost of spells by 3 to make things affordable for the wizard/cleric. If you think using Aid as healing is undesirable in your campaign then don't allow it. I don't think that would cause any game breaking issues. You're the GM, so you have the power to adjust the rules as you see fit.

  5. Re: So, just to eyeball a custom advantage


    I think drain is the way to go myself. When you extend the return rate out to "5 per month" that would be awfully close to "REC per month" so we'll just go with that. Here's a gun that will fry your enemies and leave them burned for a long time:


    Flamethrower: Drain BODY 2d6, Cumulative (+1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of REC per Month; +2 3/4) (85 Active Points); Attack Versus Alternate Defense (ED; -1/2)


    Yes, it's expensive, but it very well should be. However, you're looking to reduce someone's total BODY by about 3 with this thing for each shot. Normal Healing wouldn't work to fix this. You would need some type of Transform from burned person to healthy person which could be something quite rare or non-existent in your setting.

  6. Re: Am I doing it right?


    I don't think "Extra Time" quite covers the concept of having the bandaid ripped off before finishing it's task. Extra Time means you could not do much else other than apply the bandaid for the whole time. So, you have "extra time for one minute" if it takes that long to put the bandaid on. Then a simple custom limitation of "power does not work (or has reduced effect) if bandaid is removed within eight hours of application (-1/4)" would finish the job. I wouldn't bother with damage over time as that's included in the custom lim.


    Greymoss Bandaid: Healing Xd6 BODY, Extra Time (One Minute to apply), Bandaid Must Stay on, OAF Expendable, Requires Paramedics Roll

  7. Re: Fist!


    Let's see, if he wants to use "Catch and Return" to reflect a missile, how many rolls would the player make:


    1. Skill Roll

    2. Block Roll

    3. Attack Roll

    4. Damage Roll

    5. Knockback Roll


    That's impressive. ;) In all honesty, I would remove the skill roll from the multipower. That's really more of a Heroic campaign type of thing. Does the Hulk sometimes fail his "rage skill roll" when he tries to punch someone? Nawww.

  8. Re: Star Hero?


    Terran Empire is a pretty nice book if you're looking to run a Space Opera style game. There's also Alien Wars which I haven't read but I think it's something along the lines of Starship Troopers. One thing I found a little lacking with Star Hero was good spaceship combat but that was before I had the Ultimate Vehicle book which adds a lot to the vehicle rules. So, I'd highly recommend getting that too.


    Have fun with it, Star Hero is a great campaign to run!

  9. Re: Considering running a Champions campaign - what do I need to buy....


    You should probably get the "Champions" book. It describes the comic book genre and how the hero system can be applied to it. "Champions Universe" goes into detail about the setting across the world which is super cool too. I'd also highly recommend "Conquerers, Killers, and Crooks" for some good villains. If you're looking for a four color easy to run campaign then "Millenium City" is a great book as well which goes into great detail about rebuilt Detroit and a good place to run your campaign. I've heard good things about Champions Powers though never used it myself.

  10. Re: Flight based on self telekenesis


    Ahh, but I am the GM. ;) The player said he wants his character to have a day job as a pipe fitter. I came up with the idea that he could carry his pipe wrench with him and use his metalkenesis to "throw" the wrench at people. If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball!

  11. Re: Empathic Healing plus Damage Link


    I'd say Healing with no side effects is more "abusive" than Empathic Healing + Regen.


    Here's how you might set up a "damage link" that transfers damage from one player to another:

    Damage Link: Healing Simplified Healing 6d6, Trigger (Target takes damage, Trigger requires a Full Phase to reset; +1/4), Usable By Other (+1/4) (90 Active Points); Caster takes damage equal to amount healed (-1)


    Is that correct or do we have to add ranged to that too?

  12. Re: Flight based on self telekenesis


    Collie makes a good point though, there's not necessarily any need to use a focus limitation. The armor isn't the source of the power, nor is it some expendable component. So maybe it's just a quick and easy custom limitation. I think either -1/4 or -1/2 would be suitable in this situation, but I'll just lean towards -1/4.

  13. Re: Flight based on self telekenesis


    I could see this possibly being an OIF, focus of opportunity kind of thing but then it wouldn't be worth -1/2 either since metal is pretty much everywhere (this is in Millenium City). Thinking about the idea of trying to balance on a trash can lid you are TK'ing yourself sounds a bit shaky too. So I might make it where he can only fly while wearing metallic clothing and such. I think in this case a -1/2 focus limitation would be warranted. Take away his armor and he's grounded (though still powerful in other ways).

  14. I'm building a character that can use TK to move metals. (Yeah we've all heard this before). I feel like he should have the flight ability to represent him lifting the metals in his own armor around to fly. If he somehow lost this suit of armor or otherwise wouldn't be wearing it, he'd lose this ability. However, he might be able to substitute the armor with a nearby sheet of metal and stand on it and ride it through the air, kind of like Static Shock.


    I'm considering using a focus limitation to signify this. Since the power of flight doesn't really come from his own armor, it makes sense to use Inobvious. Then again, what if metal he moves glowed as he moved it? Hmmm... then it would be Obvious after all. In any case I think Inaccessible makes sense too. What does the collective Herodom think?

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