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Posts posted by Spidey88

  1. Re: Stretching + Autofire STR: how would you handle it?


    Thanks for the response, Dust Raven!


    To tell you the truth, that was my first assumption regarding the stretching, but I was a little apprehensive about it.


    Had I made a super-munchkin power, and if so, how could I avoid abusing it (but still use it) as much as possible now that I'd bought it and used it during a fight? I'm something of a powergamer - so I was a little concerned that what seemed fine to me might be a point of frustration with the other players. I'm the sort that likes to use every single point available at maximum efficiency, but I don't want to run roughshod over everyone else's fun in the process.


    By "consider it ranged", would that imply that all the standard penalties (eg. the aforementioned penalties for tracking attacks across hexes) for ranged autofire attacks would apply, or would I only have to deal with the penalties of multiple attackers (since my character's effective "reach" is sufficient to get to them)?




    Any other takers?

  2. Re: Original Artwork: Grindstone




    If these are typical examples of your superhero art, I think you could easily make a living as a comic book artist. If you've got more, I think I speak for everyone when I say "Please, sir - may I see some more?"


    (I'd Rep you for the last pic, but apparently I need to "spread some around" first...)

  3. I thought up a series of questions during our Saturday game I'd like some input on.


    Let's say you've been given the OK to create a character with autofire as an advantage for his STR attribute, justified as extra limbs and the ability to make multiple attacks with them.


    Said character has at least some stretching as well, in a build such as a Doctor Octopus-type, a giant amoeba-thing who can extrude multiple pseudopods, etc. - or in my case, an extremely thinly-veiled Spider-Man homage/ripoff with six arms and limited stretching defined as web/grapple lines.


    How would you handle attacks against foes within the range of the stretching, but said foes are neither adjacent to the character nor each other? Obviously the multiple target penalty would apply - but would the character have to worry about such things as tracking attacks across multiple hexes?


    For that matter, would you allow stretching to dovetail with the autofire STR? Stretching, IMHO, is the ability to exert one's STR at limited ranges, but would this be breaking the laws of good taste?


    In regards to the autofire STR in general (with or without the stretching involved): would there be any cogent reason as to why said character would be unable to apply the autofire ability to any particular maneuvers, martial or otherwise, assuming said maneuver didn't violate any particular special effects of the extra limbs/stretching? Would autofire need to be puchased individually for any maneuvers involved eg. "Martial Grab" or "Legsweep", and if so, how would one cover basic maneuvers that everyone can use for free, eg. your basic "grab"?



    I've only just recently picked up the Autofire ability: I'd love to pick all of your big, juicy brains over these things so I don't make any serious boo-boos that will haunt me later...

  4. Re: Phrasing a Psych Lim


    Hmmm... perhaps something to the tune of:


    "compelled to use his superior abilities/resources to help those less fortunate?"


    Is that along the lines of what you're looking for? For that matter, is it too wordy?

  5. Re: Review: Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth


    Gotcha. Thanks for the response!


    While I don't necessarily agree with everything you've got to say, you've certainly given me a lot of food for thought - and a lot of info I'll likely need to consider once I get to the point that I'm using KC and his inner circle.


    I'm not a huge fan of killing attacks in my campaign as is (silver/bronze-agey feel), so I was probably going to nerf Gorgon a bit anyway. She didn't strike me as too much of a problem, though - since we've got a) more than one character able to deal with her grapples just fine (one can desolid and is super-strong, my GMNPC has a stupidly high contortionist roll, martial escape + 45 STR, and another PC can die and get better soon after, not to mention teleport), and B) my house rules are such that only body damage that gets past defenses has ye olde stun lotto applied (coupled with the fact that I made sure everybody has at least some resistant defenses).


    I can definitely see the issues you do with Krait - I'll have to be very careful with him if I use him as-is. Very nasty, indeed! That whole BOECV thing makes things extra nasty - I may need to nerf him good (charges lim might be enough); though I'll probably still keep him, as I thought he'd be interesting to toss against a couple of our characters who are very DEX-reliant (corresponingly avoid the others with lower DEX to begin with). I also might say that someone with a reduced speed would just go on the next phase that he would normally with said reduced SPD, regardless of whether or not it crossed over with the old SPD or not - assuming it didn't mess things up too much. I'd rather that than gimp them for multiple turns for having a SPD just one lower!


    As for new villains? Oh well. I liked 'em well enough. I honestly don't think we've ever seen any members of KC's inner circle before, so it seemed like an appropriate time for new characters to me - but, hey! Different strokes for different folks, after all!


    As for the railroad-itude? I didn't feel it so much - it seemed a lot better than many other modules I've seen. The choices given to the PCs seemed to make sense to me, at least - and to be honest, I think Mind Scan wrecks a lot of adventures anyway!;)


    Thanks again for the input! Like I said, you've given me a lot to consider.

  6. Re: Review: Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth


    A few comments/questions for you, Balabanto (and rest assured, I mean this genuinely and innocently, without any intention to arouse your ire). I would simply like your opinion. Obviously, we fall on the opposite side of the tracks in regards to this book, and I'd like to hear more of what you have to say - your critique may improve how I use the book. As I freely admit my love of reptiles may have resulted in me seeing things with rose-colored glasses, and caused me to miss issues I might have had with the book otherwise.


    It would seem that the issues you have speak as much for your opinion of HERO books in general these days as much as issues specifically with this book. Am I somewhat correct in this assumption? If that is true (again, assuming I'm right), would you feel that the power levels of the villains, in general, is on par with the higher power levels my group uses? (as mentioned before, we're at 300 base points, up to 150 disads, and around 50 xp. Average high-end attacks cap around 15d6 or so, though I haven't enforced hard limits.) Eg. Gorgon IS very powerful, but I'm fairly sure my PCs could whoop her in a single turn (ie. within 12 phases), with focused attacks and sound tactics + teamwork, and end up badly bruised but still whole. I can't expect you to know the specifics of my players, but what things would you see as problems, even dealing with high-powered PCs?



    Again, an honest question as opposed to veiled criticism of your opinions: had any of the villains presented in this book, aside from King Cobra, appeared anywhere else before? I don't recall seeing them anywhere else - but I admit my experiences with books previous to 5th ed. are fairly limited.


    What exactly do you mean by "voodoo math"? I didn't quite follow you there. I assumed you meant "overly complicated power constructs", but I wasn't sure.


    Your opinion of the villains aside, how did you feel about the overall plot of the story? Interesting, compelling, or something considerably less positive?

  7. Re: Review: Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth




    It's intended for a conventional power-level game (200 base, 150 disads) with 6 players: you've got the option of using the Champions if you like (perhaps with say, Kinetic thrown in).


    I'm running it with four characters, all at around 500 points (300 base, 150 disads, + XP). I may beef up the villains in particular areas to cover some of the capabilities of the PCs, but I shouldn't need to do much to challenge the players.


    How do you define "street level" anyway? Crimefighting focus, or point totals?

    If you're dealing with lower point levels, then you might need to scale the villains down a bit - but tips are given on how to do so, and the plot is robust enough to cover a lot of mucking around.

  8. Re: WWYCD: Chibi Champions




    Those precautions wouldn't help you if you had another meeting with your telepathic female "parole officer", so I'd suggest getting a song stuck in your head and keeping it there!


    "So, Ashley - how are things go-"


    "And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson; Heaven holds a hmm hm-hm hm hmm.."


    "I said - how are things going w-"


    "WHAT'S THAT YOU SAY, MRS. ROBINSON? LA LA-LA LA LAA LA-LA LA LAAAA.." (single bead of sweat drips down Ashley's forehead)


    "Why are you singing with your eyes closed?"


    "I'm doing this so I don't see your - Aaaugh! I peeked! I didn't mean it, I mean I did, but - wait, let me rephrase that!"


    "You - you pig!" (as she says this, the borders of her mouth extend past the rest of her face, angry lines radiate out from her head, and she actually lifts off the ground)





    Of course, the Champions would probably be gunning for you anyway... I think Chibi Nighthawk would have already committed seppuku out of shame, though.

  9. Re: Review: Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth


    Count me among those who think this adventure kicks some serious butt.


    I've always considered the fact that my opinion about this book was very byassed, considering my love of (many would say obsession with) cold-blooded creatures of all sorts - it's nice to see that others hold this book in high esteem too.

  10. Re: Ideas for Dino Character


    A lot of this depends on whether the character comes from a classic "Lost World" setting, in which animals from all sorts of different eras are jumbled together, or from a more realistic setting, in which Allosauruses and Pteranodons did not exist at the same time (IIRC).


    True enough. You've definitely got a lot more options/wiggle room if you go for the lost world concept. If you limit yourself to, say, the late Cretaceous, that means no Allosaurus, no Stegosaurus, no Brachiosaurus, etc. If you go for the mid-Jurassic, that means no Tyrannosaurus, no Triceratops, no Pteranodon, etc.


    Going for the lost world concept also means there's been 65 million years for a race of sentient dinos to evolve - which would be plenty of time, considering the attributes of some Late Cretaceous coleurosaurs (which were certainly far more intellectually gifted than any mammal at the time, and had hands developed somewhat for grasping).

  11. Re: Ideas for Dino Character


    The huge, huge shark you're likely thinking of is Carcharodon megalodon, what was essentially a great white (same genus) that reched lengths of as much as 50 feet or so long, though it's difficult to be sure - cartilage doesn't fossilize well. The jaws are about all we've got physical evidence of, but they are so similar to great white jaws in everything but scale that scientists can be reasonably sure of the accuracy of their projections.


    Unfortunately, C. megalodon lived far more recently than the dinosaurs - from about 16 million years ago to about 1.6 million years ago (conclusively, anyway - some folks figure it may have gone extinct as recently as 10-20 thousand years ago!)



    Fear not, however! Sharks certainly existed at that time, and long before - so a dino nature shaman could still have a shark themed power (you just might not have a really impressive, well-known shark to base the power off of). The biggest Creatceous shark that comes to mind is Cretoxyrhina mantelli, sometimes called "the jaws of the Cretaceous", which tops out at about 18 feet. I presume you'd want a well known prehistoric template for the power, or it just wouldn't feel quite right (that's how I'd feel, anyway).


    For other aquatic creatures with gills, you've got Xiphactinus audax, a predaceous bony fish that got to be at least 20 feet long, and of course, ammonites! They'd be a good template for extra limbs, jet-propelled swimming, possibly an ink cloud (though it's unlikely they had ink sacs like modern cephalopod branches), or an armoured body (though perhaps not so iconic as an ankylosaur).


    If all else fails, you could still justify the gills thing relating to an ichthyosaur with the concept of channeling the "essence" of ancient sea creatures, as opposed to summoning the abilities of just one particular species; or assume your dino shaman can work with any type of extinct animal, regardless of whether or not they existed in the Mezozoic.


    Hope that's useful!

  12. Re: Ideas for Dino Character


    The "summon dino ghost" schtick doesn't have to necessarily be that expensive, I'f you're willing to just assume that the shaman has different powers with the special effect of "summon dino ghost". Not quite the same thing, of course, but you could do things like:


    TK, physical manifestation, limited manipulation (mindless ghost pterodactyl swooping about under the control of the shaman)


    attack with double knockback, limited range (ghost triceratops ramming, or ghost ankylosaur tail-clubbing the shaman's enemy)


    RKA, physical manifestation, limited range, only for targets within 5" of ground (Ghost T-Rex chomping enemies)




    I gave "Physical manifestation" on the assumption that there'd be some sort of visible dino spirit that could be physically attacked/dispelled. You could also give the continuous advantage, to represent the fact that the spirits keep on chomping/ramming/swooping around, even when the shaman is otherwise occupied. Gestures and Incantations could be appropriate too.


    Still not cheap, but you could cram them into a multipower with a base cost of 60 points or so (less, w. limitations), as opposed to one 160 point power, and have a wide range of effects. For that matter, a VPP could do the job nicely, too - with the limitation "only to reproduce abilities you could concievably achieve with the equivalent of a mind-controlled dinosaur" or some such thing.


    Incidentally - looking at your multipower (which is cool, btw) a few posts up, I feel compelled to mention that ichthyosaurs breathed air! They could hold their breath for long periods, however (I'd just scale back the LS: extended breathing by a point or two). If you're just going with the aquatic theme, then that's fine - I just couldn't help slipping into biologist mode.

  13. Re: Ideas for Dino Character


    Another good set of books for inspiration would be the "Far-Seer" trilogy by Robert J. Sawyer. The main characters are Nanotyrannus evolved to sentience, with a well-fleshed-out culture and ecosystem.



    My first instinct for a dinosaur shaman-type character would be to assume he's an animist-type worshipper too, calling upon the spirits of the earth, natural objects and creatures and asking them nicely to do things for him.


    Another thought: the shaman realizes his entire world is 65 million years gone. He's bitter as hell, but he can do something else as a result - since he can summon the spirits of long-dead creatures whose name he knows, he can produce an infinite variety of phantom dinos. With a few chants and gestures, voila! Ethereal brachiosaurus stampede.

  14. Re: Storn Art From Idea to Full Picture Year 4


    Hey, Korvar:


    Iron Horse was the name of an NPC I created for a WWII GURPS Supers game that never took off - he was a fairly typical brick in most respects (super-high STR, nigh-invulnerable, etc.), save one: he could run really, really fast. Not Flash fast, but waaay faster than you would expect from a 7'5'', 550 lb slab of muscle.


    In other words, he fit the definition of "freight train" from The Ultimate Brick perfectly. As a final touch, I gave him the advantage "Penetrating Call". Basically, a terrifying loud yell that could be heard for miles. I could imagine him chugging across the battlefield at 120 mph, screaming: "WOOO-WOOOOO!"


    So there ya go. A use for the name.


    Another option: a steamtech-styled set of power armour reminiscent of a locomotive engine?

  15. Re: WWYD: Taking it to the street




    Well, Phidippus's first question would be "why contact me?"


    Not that he's ill-suited to the job, mind you - with a high INT score, a skill list including Criminology, Biology, KS: Supervillains, KS: VIPER, Electronics, Mechanics, extremely keen vision, and a reputation as an honorable, upstanding superhero, he'd fit the bill pretty well.


    More specifically, the question would be: "Why would you contact me, Detective so-and-so? We've never met."


    More curiousity than anything else. His scientific and technical skills aren't obvious to the average person on the street, and aren't reflected in his Rep.


    Presumably it would be his super-keen vision (enhanced PER +4, telescopic +4, nightvision) that would pick up the faint "X" in the wall. If he hadn't done so already, he's ask Detective so-and-so if he could come back in a few minutes, after zipping back to base to grab some equipment, eg. forceps, camera, UV light, vials and plastic bags, and the all-important notepad.


    First things first, inspect the body. Again, the super-vision would be invaluable for picking out things like odd debris, loose hairs, clothing fibers, etc. Next would be a thorough search of the building interior, top to bottom (literally, with Clinging involved), paying particular attention to the "x" and any particulates lodged in it. Was it scratched in? Cut? Burnt? Pressed? At all points (until given cause for suspicion), he'd try to keep Detective so-and-so in the loop. No sense acting like an uppity jerk, especially when the Detective may be his superior in the skills at hand (or at least offer some good advice).


    After that, a comprehensive search of the building exterior, looking for things such as points of entry just to double-check (forced or otherwise, indicating potential relationship to the deceased, ie. friend that was let in or stranger that broke in), footprints (lack of which may possibly indicate certain superpowers, eg. flight or desolidification), and vehicle tracks.


    With Detective so-and-so's permission, he'd then start combing the neighborhood looking for witnesses. If necessary to keep a lower profile, he'd go in his normal ID and disguise himself.


    After as much evidence was collected as possible, he'd get back in touch with Detective so-and-so to see if he and his crew have uncovered anything, and also to report what he'd found.


    Then would be the hard part. Research, research, research! Tests would of course be run on the samples collected, but they'd be of little use without a lot of background info. Computer databases, libraries, interviews with witnesses and friends/family would all be potential sources.


    Important subjects to research would include:


    - Connections between the three victims

    - motives for all of their murders

    - Background info on all people involved (starting with the Detective. Phidippus, like myself, reads a lot of comics - and the guy in charge of the case is often the killer.) Particular emphasis would be placed on the background of the dead heroes in question: just what might they have gotten into that someone thought they should die for?

    - Are there any criminals (super or otherwise) who've recently escaped or been let free from jail, or been active in the area, who might fit the bill in terms of motive or M.O.? Any that would know his secret ID (if he had one)?

    - Did the hero have teammates that might bear him a grudge? Did any of them know his secret ID (if he had one)? The lack of forced entry probably means a) the victim knew the killer, or B) the killer has some esoteric superpowers.


    Cause of death would be totally subjective to the scenario in question of course - but would have a tremendous impact in the investigation (obviously).


    One possible wierd method of helping eliminate suspects? Actually accusing them, and seeing if the old Danger Sense gives any odd buzzes. Hardly foolproof, but something to consider - as would doing the same sort of thing with his teammate, Ashley, around (who can "detect minds" in a discriminatory fashion and get specific impressions of certain aspects of character and emotional states, but can't exactly read them. He'd be great at penetrating disguises, at the very least).


    Another important consideration: do the dead heroes have secret ID's, or public ones? This would definitely make a big difference in how Phidippus would go about solving the case. Secret ID? Effort would be made to uncover the deceased's true identity (as confidentially as possible - villains might still want revenge on family and friends) to inform his or her loved ones, and there's probably a higher chance of him conducting interviews with witnesses incognito.


    If he has the option, Phidippus would probably try to get his work double-checked with associates in the superhero/law enforcement community; though if need be, he wouldn't necessarily fill them in on the whole case, eg. "Hey, Doc Silverback? Would you be able to run a metallurgical analysis on this little sliver? What it is, where it might have originated, etc."


    Another thing to consider: even if Detective so-and-so doesn't want details of the case getting around, Phidippus would probably want to send out a warning to heroes he knew and trusted, at least: "watch your back and trust no one. Something screwy is going on." Figuring out who the next potential victim might be and protecting him/her is just as important as catching the killer! For that matter, Phidippus would make extra sure the base's security systems were fully functional - for all he know, he could be the next target!

  16. Re: WWYCD: Alternate Identities


    Phidippus thinks of himself (and is generally percieved as) a true-blue hero, but has issues with his origin (created by Hornet and trained by VIPER) that he feels compelled to atone for - so he'd be unlikely to try and ditch his identity permanently. In his mind, there's no sense trying to redeem yourself if you're pretending to be someone else - that's sort of cheating. You made you bed, now you have to lie in it!


    He does, however, sometimes patrol various dives and less-than-classy areas in his human form (in disguise) to try to catch the word on the street. In his non-hero ID, almost all his powers still work just fine (save for rPD/rED exoskeleton and extra arms), so that means Lipreading + concealed telescopic, 360 degree nightvision can concievably be used to considerable effect while nursing soda pop in the corner of the bar!


    I could certainly see him developing this vague alternate I.D. into an actual individual if he needed to go undercover, either as a henchman or a man on the street; but he'd have to be careful who he associated with and how - his CVK is ironclad.


    I could see him taking on a new super I.D. on a temporary basis, under circumstances such as:


    1) Public relations SNAFU or frame-up that requires him to clear his name - the extra I.D. would be used to a) get to the bottom of the problem and B) keep fighting the good fight and not get lynched in the process.


    2) Subtle mystery requiring guile that his regular I.D. would set off too many alarms on - things such as infiltrating an organized crime ring (one that isn't too brutal, anyway). Again, he wouldn't want to put himself in a situation where innocents would be threatened or he'd have to seriously hurt someone - he'd rather blow his cover than kill or allow an innocent to come to harm. The only thing that could even make him pause in a situation like that is the knowledge that the stakes are really high - eg. supervillain will blow up the entire city if his cover is blown - but even then he'd go to the ends of the earth to find another option.




    As for alternate I.D.'s? Well, he's demi-brick strong (45), extremely agile (39), and quick as hell (SPD 8), so that could cover a lot of ground. He's got a bevy of athletic skills and several martial arts maneuvers, so he could concievably imitate the range from low-grade brick to straight-up martial artist. He's got enough Running and Leaping to pass as a speedster to some degree - but while his combat movement is stellar, he's devoid of any extra noncombat multiples or megascale movement, so he might only pass as a "demi-speedster" under scrutiny. With enough prep time, he's got enough of the science and inventor skillset to pass as a gadgeteer as long as his "gadgets" are the supposed focus for some of his natural abilities, with a few little trinkets for variety. He could talk the talk, at least.


    In all cases, he's got to a) develop/buy/borrow some sort of armour, since he relies almost entirely on a high DCV for defense (his exoskeleton is really only very light armour, rPD/rED 10), or adopt an I.D. that does the same with a different schtick, B) avoid using his really distinctive abilities, such as his extra arms, swinging movement mode, and the aforementioned exoskeleton, c) probably find some way to subtly deal with both his vulnerability to visual flash attacks and susceptibility to certain pesticides (at least for the short-term), and d) make good use of his acting and disguise skills!


    The I.D. needing the least amount of work would be for Phidippus to pass himself off as a highly-skilled martial artist/athlete type. Aside from the above considerations, he'd probably try to downplay his clinging + overall movement abilities, SPD, and STR somewhat to appear at least a little closer to the "highly-trained human" range - at least while he's under observation. To complete the "martial artist" illusion, he might pick up a weapon familiarity or two, or the weapon element for his homebrew/instinctive martial arts style (he'd be more likely to use less lethal weapons, like nunchuku, escrima sticks, or a staff over things like swords, knives, or spears - at least directly against human opponents).


    Personality-wise, he's never going to budge on his CVK and "good-guy" outlook, but he'd definitely try to be less boisterous. The best bet would be to say as little as possible to cement the "brooding stalker of the shadows" motif so common amongst the martial artist powerset, and he's stealthy enough to cover that angle quite well. Surreptitious use of his speed, clinging, etc. could simulate the whole ninja-esque "stealth-teleport out of nowhere in curious, inaccessible places" thing. As long as he didn't overdo it (and have too many questions asked), I could see this boosting his new I.D.'s Rep fairly quickly. The new costume could provide limited PRE (only for intimidation-type PRE attacks, OIHID) for fairly cheap to assist this too.)



    "Holy crap! Did you hear about that Silver Shadow guy? Came out of nowhere and took out Jimmy's crew in less than a minute. Jimmy ran down the alley, and he was standing there in front of him! All he said was: 'Tell your boss I'm coming for him.' "

    "Jimmy hasn't slept in three days."


    In a nutshell:


    +10 to 12 PRE (OIF, OIHID, only for intimidation style PRE attacks) - (say, around 4 real points)


    I could make his base PD and ED (10 ea.) resistant via costume (OIF), but I'd assume since he's paid for it as part of his exoskeleton (which can be naturally subsumed under his skin, and not considered a focus), he wouldn't have to pay for it twice (just a different special effect, but that's just my opinion). At any rate, I'd want to ensure that he'd have some sort of resistant defenses, so something like an average super attack wouldn't completely cripple him (but still hurt like crazy).


    Weapon element: staff or nunchuku - (1 point: I'd use it as a special effect only. 45 STR plus Offensive Strike is plenty of damage to imitate a M.A. already! Maybe we could assume the staff/nunchucks aren't tough enough to be able to stand up to superhuman STR and dish out extra dmg.)


    Flash defense goggles/helmet: say, 5 Def for sight group (OIHID, IIF) - (3pts. Hopefully this wouldn't violate the "Only disads that inconveniece the character give you points" edict for his Vulnerability, or more likely have to reduce the frequency of the disad.)


    Total cost? Possibly 8 points (and presumably a lot of roleplaying) for a new life!


    (For all those who've made it this far - this thread has really got me thinking about the possibilities. Any feedback would be super!)


    As a final note, after picking up the Ultimate Skill, I couldn't help but buy a musical skill for Phidippus and retcon it as part of his background. With a pittance of points expended for him to be a guitarist to match Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen, or Joe Satriani (would 19- be sufficient for that?); Phidippus could get a new look in his human form and go on tour as a rock star. A shame he couldn't use the extra arms without blowing his cover...;)



    Sorry - I'm long-winded (type-ed?). This thread really got me thinking. Thank you for your patience...

  17. Re: My first Champions character in fourteen years.


    Nice job! Sureshot seems well-constructed, effective without being game-breaking, and you've got some interesting and unique slots in his multipower (hard to do, IMHO - considering the number of archers i've seen written up).


    His background, IMHO, is very well-written: a nice homage to Speedy/Robin without being a ripoff of either. Familiar and unique at the same time.



  18. Re: Best Mystic comic/character ever?


    Hey, Hermit - that Blue devil fan page you linked to not only made a good point that more comic book writers these days should pay attention to, but it's also written by a man from the future!


    (Last updated: July 2007)


    Seriously, though - the guy made a good point. Not every character has to become increasingly darker and more damaged to be interesting!


    That is all.

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