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Posts posted by Spidey88

  1. Re: Funny game voices


    (sorry it took me so long - I couldn't get on my computer yesterday)


    Anyhoo, I suppose the best way for you to learn more would be for you to check the website:




    The podcast is called "Orphans", so that's what you'll need to look for.


    Interesting fact: apparently, this whole script was based on a Champions game that the writer was in (or possibly ran, I'm not sure)!

  2. Re: Funny game voices


    As a guy who's had work as a professional voice actor and loves to do a pretty huge variety of impressions constantly, I like to think that I do a bang-up job of doing different voices and accents as a GM or player. If you don't mind me tooting my horn a little bit, here are some notable ones:


    A fairly wacky PA game I'm running right now, where one of the primary NPC's is a 35 lb, sentient, super-fast amphibious mutant octopus with a speech impediment. The best way to describe it would be to imagine Daffy Duck with his mouth full, and hopped up on caffiene.


    A superhero game I played in where my character was a reptilian alien who crash-landed on Earth in the rubble of an old gas station. Since he didn't actually know English (or any other Terran language), he fashioned a translator device out of an old Speak-and-Spell. As a result, every in-character sentence I said was my impression of said device. Coupled with his extreme naivete about Earth culture and his tendency to interpret colloquialisms literally, this led to very little gameplay (as we were all usually laughing too hard to get anything done).


    "Hey, you got him, Biffiz!"

    "Wrrongg. Wrrongg. Still-we-are-victorious. Cat-food-for-everyone."


    A high-tech/old west game I played in as a grizzled gunslinger. I wanted him to sound kind of cheesy, but very intimidating at the same time - so I went with a voice similar to Clint Eastwood (if he were a chronic chain-smoker). Coupled with some good one liners, I sent most antagonistic NPC's running without having to use the guns.



    My two cents: No matter how good or bad at it you think you may be, at least making the attempt at giving your characters unique voices and speech patterns always adds to the experience.



    On a related note, I just got a big part on a podcast (to be done something like a radio show) in production that's basically about real-life people getting superpowers and having to deal with it. Would it be too pretentious to ask if anyone is interested in hearing more about it?

  3. Re: Help: Elephant Man?


    The cover of Palladium Games' "After the Bomb" rpg has a few mutant animals, including a humanoid mutant elephant heaving a suit of power armour into the air. Good artwork, but there's a lot of other things on the cover at the same time, so it may not be of any use to you.

  4. Re: Gurps Space 4th edition


    There's already starship construction rules in GURPS Vehicles - do they intend to reprint them under the Traveller brand, or have you heard if they will use the modular system?


    Just curious - personally, I love GURPS Vehicles and Robots. I love that sort of super-finicky fine-tuning, though. Great from a PC standpoint, nightmarishly time-comsuming for a GM. The beefs I do have with them are certain inherent prejudices and assumptions that the author carries over through both books, eg. "multilegged robots are always less maneuverable than 2-legged ones." It'd be nice to be able to muck with some of those assumptions, like with certain other universal systems we all know and love.

  5. Re: Homages you would like to see officially


    Michael Hopcroft and MitchellS:


    Can you guess which of your ideas I'd like to jabber about?


    Anyhoo, the VPP sounds like a pretty decent idea for a resourceful, Spidey-like guy. To keep it like Spider-man, you'd have to apply a mess of limitations (takes time to study enemy, work on a solution in a lab, etc.) if you were going to deal with gadgetry - but otherwise, as long as you defined that it couldn't create new powers (just add to current abilities and characteristics), I think that it could work extremely well, representing the well of determination and experience the hero posesses. Maybe with the limitation "Can only be used when DNPC's or innocents are threatened". Not a necessity - and it might work better for temporary boosts to some characteristics.


    Trapped under tons of debris, with your elderly DNPC dying in the hospital, awaiting the cure lying 4 feet in fron of you? Throw your VPP into strength.


    Mind being taken over by an alien being bent on destoying your home city, starting with the child in its talons? Put it into Ego.


    Have to fight through 117 well-armed agents to save the world? Put it into END and Stun.



    A decent Find Weakness ability, with the limitation "requires extra time to study opponent" could be a pretty simple fix for modelling some of the same resourcefulness too, IMHO.



    I could go on for quite some time about Spider-Man homages (as I've made plenty) - I won't. Elements they all have in common, though, are high DEX and DCV (an important part of Spider-Man thematically, IMHO - as the little guy who may not be able to mount a huge offense against a cosmic foe, but darned if he isn't irritatingly hard to swat!), high movement and SPD (for much of the same, hard to pin down), good INT (for better background skills that can be used to take advantage of foes and the environment), and a decent EGO (being a solitary hero against impossible odds means you need a will of iron).


    I'll say this much - building a truly accurate Spider-Man is really quite expensive! Homages are much cheaper.

  6. I was just wondering where a fellow might find a full description of the martial arts maneuver "Passing Strike". I've seen the capsule description in a couple of places (eg. Ultimate Martial Artist), but I've never caught a real explanation of what it is - or more specifically, how it differs from a "Move By" attack. Did I miss something in a book I've got/already read through?


    I've got my own ideas as to how it's supposed to work - but having the official answer is always superior, in my opinion!


    (There's a couple other obscure maneuvers of a similar nature that I'd had similar questions about, but their names escape me for the time being. hopefully this will point me in the right direction when I remember what they were.)


    Thanks in advance for your help!



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