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Roter Baron

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Posts posted by Roter Baron

  1. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


    I have to express qualified disagreement here. If your encounters consistently happen in particular way ... for instance' date=' always at single-move charge range ... then certain archetypes (e.g., mentalists) are at clear disadvantage. I recognize this is a GM/campaign thing, but fixed, recurring patterns in how encounters happen can very definitely invalidate some archetypes.[/quote']


    Yes. But that says something about bad campaign-management. I remember my first Champions campaign which was just one big detective mystery. Every brick, Energy Projector adn whatnot felt ABSOLUTELY useless. Only the hero who had lots of stealth and could turn invisible was (semi-)useful.


    It reached a point where even the EP was saving XP to buy Invisibility!

  2. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


    I should also point out that, despite what Roter Baron would have people belive, that a well built martial artist can beat a power armour character assuming they're built on the same points. Particularly if the dice rolls go the martial artist's way.


    No archetype is inherently better then any other!


    Goes basically without saying. And even Champions is not just about blasting things and punching stuff - and As you said - let's get on with it.


    I stop my wisecracking about the powerdude - martial artist stuff. Did not realize that I was annoying people.

  3. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


    Yeah, sheeright! Now he's hiding in the sewers and getting help from other heroes,UNTIL, PRIMUS and monkeys to save his day!


    Thus I claim victory over the Snapkicker and his orangutan (astral or otherwise) and pronounce it to all the world to see that THE POWERARMOR-DUDE reigns supreme over THE GRUNTING JUMPER!

  4. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


    By Golden Age:

    Oh, you should work on your tactic Tin Can! Didn't you realize that I did that with a held action from 2 on 3 (and I brought your armor down to 50% and still had a 1/2 action left so I do it again on 3 to reduce your Armor to 25% strength)?


    When you go on 4 I'm already holding my 4 action... You just pounded a car into where I USED to be standing because I aborted my 4 to Dive for Cover (between your legs, for style) into the hex directly behind you and Breakfall to my feet.


    Now it's phase 6 and I Multiple-Power Attack you from behind (Your DCV at 1/2 - Not that I need it) with an (8D6) Eagle Claw Grab on your ham & eggs (vitals) and a Praying Mantis snap-strike to the poor boys (8d6) = (DEF-STUNx1.5/BODYx2)... Oh the imagery!)... Assuming you start with 30PD (which is now 8), on average you'll take 60 STUN by that attack (30 from each): 28STN-8Armor=20(1.5)=30x2=60… Ouch!


    Of course, this won’t put you down or even CON STUN you so we proceed to phase 7…. Okay, on phase 8 rinse and repeat for another 60 STN… Or go on the defensive holding 8 for dive/block/dodge and then coming at you on 10 and 12…


    All I have is a few MA Maneuvers, Find Weakness, a 6 SPEED, a 30 DEX and a few 3-point MA skill lvls. > Potentially I could deliver 180 STUN (after defenses) to you in one Turn while avoiding everything you can throw.


    Obviously, this example is entirely one-sided… But it does display the power even a modest Martial Artist can wield. :)


    Oops, I just realized that you have lack of weakness.... guess I'll have to Martial Throw you to the street and ground and pound your head with my 4d6 HKA, Multiple-Attacking with a grab (and control)... the HKA to the head will deliver an average of 70 STN/hit before you apply defenses... And you're prone.;) You're still not impervious to my measley powers... And you better hope I don't have any Chi abilities!:ugly:


    Okayeee, Karate-Kid. Nice tale.

    One fault though: I am not just standing there and taking punches.

    Actually, the nice thing about a shiny red power-suit is that it can fly. So you can't reach me in the fisrt place.

    And the other nice thing about it is that Blasters can shoot EBs that can be spread. Even AE EB can be spread - there's no rule that forbids it. And even it there is - then I just rapid-fire my arm-blaster and cover half of Millenium City's downtown with area effect plasma energy.




    Gee, better work on that dive-for-cover next time. Those Dex-Roll penalties are real killers, ain't they ...?


    Who's next?

  5. Re: What I learned playing a cleric


    God is a McDonald's drive-thru:


    GOD: "What can I do for you, son?"

    Cleric:" Yeah, well .. I'll take two Heal Light Wounds, one Holy Word, a Blessing, two Hold Person and ... (whispering) ... what? ... Yeah, right, guys: And a Total Healng spell!"

    GOD: " You wanna Turn Undead with that?"

    Cleric: " Yes. Well, make that two, supersize. To-go."

    GOD: "So be it!"

  6. Re: Complicate the Person Above


    Enforcer84 moonlights in a circus as the Clown of Terror Sideburns Willy.

    He isn't funny.

    He isn't witty.

    He does not answer if you call him "Willy".


    How much fun is that? Not much. Bu Enforcer84 knows some dark secret about the owner of the circus - something connecting the director and a certain blonde to the Affair of the Jade Monkey!

  7. Re: The things I've learned playing a Speedster...


    Once used a villain with SPD 12 and Dex 50 in my campaign (usual limits of Dex 33, SPD 7). I think he made it till segment 4 - then someone just area-attaked the hex he was in with some Big Thing and punched him out.


    So, dear Speed-Monsters: HOLD YOUR ACTIONS once in a while!

  8. Re: Complicate the Person Above


    We haer and see WAY TOO MUCH from L. Marcus. The reason for that is that he has Duplication. Actually every Swede is L. MArcus - they just have adifferent hairdo.

    Yes, EVEN them blonde bikini volleyball teams - all HIM! And those with really, really huge ... ehm ... talents are TWO OF HIM!


    Scary, ain't it ...? (shudder)

  9. Re: One-Trick Pony Campaigns


    Of them all Warren and The Beast were the most simple... But an ultra-rich aerial Martial Artist and a genius semi-Brick/Martial Artist are pretty potent characters.


    As much as I love character concepts that don't simple stick to one concept - what's your experinece with these semi-brick/ martial artist, half a mage/ half a blaster, quarter-unicorn/ half were-tiger/ full-time nymphomaniac (okay, I am digressing here ...) characters?


    I sometimes found them to promise much, but were slow to deliver anything:


    All the bricks are stronger, all the martial artists have more secret kung fu powers, the real mages laugh about your puny list of spells, the speedster all leave you behind eating their dust, the blasters blast you away, everyone is more mental than you, the weapons master keeps telling you "THAT'S a sword!" and Mr. Master Detective always mutters "Well, Watson ..."


    That's my personal experience from playing them too often and getting laughed at too often.

  10. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


    Hey, hey hey, KaosMan - stay in your concept and withhin established campaign parameters - If you dish out maximum campiagn damage with max OCV and max DCV, then I got me a nice SPD-booster and a Dex-enhancing gadget, 1 use cont. use 1 turn, getting me a Dex of 33 and SPD 7. And a mechanical Wookie follower.


    Who's laughing now, Spinkicker?

  11. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


    Well' date=' I will as long as you don't cry foul when your mighty blow misses by a mile, I analyze your "shiny red power-armor", discover an intrinsic weakness in it's constriction, attack you with my Eagle Claw right through your super suit and, essentially, turn you into my own personal finger puppet. :rolleyes:[/quote']


    Lack of Weakness costs 5 points to make any, ANY martial artist sweat - and burn enough time so that I can plaster him with an Area-Attack Big Thing (car etc.) when he already did his Hai-Kai kicking-shouting-analysing on the segment he declared as his phase.


    And then I phaze him! How high was your CON you say ...?

  12. Re: Rivalry Disadvantage in Star Hero


    Actually, I generally HATE inter-pc-rivalries. It's a way of getting more points for ussually disruptive play. It takes a lot of talent to really play such a rivalry that it is not a mayor hinderance in the adventure (bad) or just a cheap way of getting more points that never come into play.


    But I generally think that HERO characters have a tendency to get loaded with many disads (not necessarily bad) that don't come into play (badbadbad!), especially in Champions. But even in heroic campaigns that is a problem if really played by the book:

    So you have 6 pcs and every one of them has - let's say - a Hunted and a DNPC, each at 8-. So technically you have a chance too deal with 2 extra Hunteds and 2 DNPS that are in the story, and the only reason is because they hate the pc or are in trouble of their own. A gms nightmare, if you asked me.

    Or you give out group hunteds. Cool. Now I get points for the baddies that are coming our way anyway because they belong to the story ("VIPER? Yeah. One of my 14- Hunteds. But we are fighting them anyway every second day of the week and twice on Sundays...").


    I think it is better to start with more base points so that you could even build a decently powerful character if you don't take the max number of disads - I hate DF: Blond and handsome (5); Hunted. (Unknown) 8- [= no idea, but need points], and Psy Limit: Fearless (com/ mod) for wooping 10 points ("Yeah, I don't feel no fear, so I am looking cool in front of the ladies. But I am NOT stupidly overconfindet, so I don't run around with half DCV and rapid fire with an OCV of 4 - I'm just cool and 10 points richer").


    Just my 2 €-cents.

  13. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


    If you puny snap-kick doesn't even penetrate my nice, shiny red power-armor PULEEZE at least spare me the surprised look on your face when I kick your sorry ninja-butt from Millenium City to Kansas and your STUN turns tripple digits - in minus.


    I've always been of the oppinion that martial artist are tough, powerful and cool in heroic campaigns and the low-powered vigilante streetlevel more-or-less-normal genre - but I was never impressed by Secret King Fu Powers when somebody next to me could fly, blast laser out of her eye or bench-press a tank.

  14. Re: Complicate the Person Above


    The Mighty Bearded One isn't really from Egypt, but from the mysterious and now sunken and lost Continent of Mu.


    Actually Egyptoid is the one who lost ist - and sunk it when he searched for it!

    And now he is too embarassed to go by his real name - MUOID!

  15. Re: Anywhere but your own country


    Actually all of my campiagns (suprhero or not - except Fantasy of course) where set in the USA. I guess because the superhero and pulp genre are basically ver yAmerican genres and becuase I can more easily suspend my and my gamers disbelieve in a country different and familiar.


    In Germany a superhero feels silly in my point of view. And the Pulp Hero does not work if you do not want to play Aryan Schmidt and his Bunch of Blue-Eyed Blonds.


  16. Re: Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


    1) Die Kampfmaschine is the way to go I think


    2) Feuertänzerin sounds good to me


    3)White Witch is not "Weissenhexen" in german, I would use The White Witch which would be "Die weiße Hexe" (the character is a female, right?)


    Schould be spoken like "die" = deep without the p, "weiße" = why + the as one word, Hexe is easy I think, like hex but with an e at the end that sounds like the e in ex.


    Just for the pronunciation. If you have questions I would be happy to help


    btw, weissenhexen sounds just silly


    4) Magni, I think this is cool


    5) Nachtjäger... mhm... I think you could use this without sounding silly but I don't have something else ecept the longer version "Der Jäger der Nacht" and this is definitly not a good and usable name, more of a title.


    6)Der Bogenschütze, or for everyone without our special letters it would be "Der Bogenschuetze"


    I think you have a good cellection of names that do not sound that silly as real names for german supers.


    Oh, there is one thing... Uberschutztruppe.. mhm... is there a collective word for supers in your world likle metas? Mhm maybe this sounds a little bit long but "Einsatzkommando für Sonderfälle" (Task force for special cases) would be better. We don't use the word uber that much and especialy ubermenschen is a word you will not see in use that much here. Superhelden (Superheroes) yes, but Ubermenschen (which would be Overhumans btw)... no... at least not in any official writings.


    Agree with Hisho (though I still thing that RUNENHAMMER is better than MAGNI - but that is just personnal taste and depends on how far you want to get into the mythical background).


    The "Ãœberschutztruppe" really sound silly in this German's ears:


    Maybe you want to consider:


    "Sondereinsatzkommando S" (Special Task Force S - like in S for Super), if the group is like police. or just "Kommando S" for short.


    And Hisho is right about the "über".


    And another "real life problem": I'd guess that most German superheroes would adopt an English name - because that is soooooooo hip ...


    BTW, Hisho, are you German, too?

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