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Everything posted by Lectryk

  1. From this article - http://www.cnbc.com/2016/12/23/trump-regulatory-advisor-icahn-may-have-conflict-ethics-lawyer.html he seems to fit right in with your description of Trump's picks. To be fair, there have been questions raised for a long time about mandating and subsidizing use of ethanol as an extender for fuel, so there may be an actual set business reasoning behind his effort, beyond his personal profit.
  2. You won't have to worry about that pesky Obamacare stuff, now, though. Just how you'll be spending all that money that was going to preventative health care. That's what hospitals are for, right? Catastrophic medical care for free? On to non sarcastic matters - Along with Sociotard's post up thread: http://www.gallup.com/poll/199352/trump-transition-approval-lower-predecessors.aspx
  3. I'm getting a visit from the ghost of Abraham Lincoln. I guess to attempt to explain to him why ....
  4. So, in other words, everyone is going to get what they expect?
  5. This says a complaint was filed against Comey (by a guy who worked for W and supported Jeb). http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/30/opinion/on-clinton-emails-did-the-fbi-director-abuse-his-power.html?_r=0 The KOS' take (some rehashing): http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/10/30/1588609/-Former-Bush-Ethics-Head-Files-Complaint-Against-Comey-Alleging-Potential-Violations-Of-Hatch-Act
  6. I'm having a discussion with a friend who played 4th Edition and is return to 6th, about the use/application of NA. I'd like to ask you some questions to help frame my thinking, in replying to him. The description says: "There are two types of naked Advantages: naked Advantages bought to apply to any one of a group of powers (like the Autofire example above); and a naked Advantage bought to apply to a specific power (like the STR example above)." My contention is that this leads to a limit on the number of powers - all drains, all blasts, etc, whatever a player defines (but it limits the selection) - and his that this means the NA could apply to whatever power you have - offensive, defensive, movement, etc, if the group is defined as 'all powers a character has'. If, as GM, he chooses to allow it to apply to all powers, it's his call. My feeling is that 'all powers a character has' was/is not the intent of 'group'. Is there anything that states any limitations, or helps to conceptualize any scope on what a group may contain? How big is the bucket? I can't find any threads discussing this, but since NA came into 5th Edition we're talking a 12-13 year deep dive, and I don't think the site's archives go back that far (if it came up and was settled before. The only relevant post I found in 2009). Edit: I did a search using google and the term+sitename. Maybe I didn't construct the terminology correctly, but no on topic hits that way, either.
  7. http://lawnewz.com/uncategorized/u-s-supreme-court-will-get-a-look-at-case-about-ted-cruzs-eligibility-to-be-president/ And, from the article: http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles%5C15-1243.htm
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