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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. I haven't decided if I'll watch or not. I see 2 likely paths: a) Cowboys play well and steamroll, a la the Vikes game. b) Cowboys play down to the opposition, in which case it'll be a 60 minute exercise in futility. Either one will be hard to watch. And yeah, I hope they both lose. So I'll root for the Bucs...cuz I love seeing the Cowboys lose, and cuz they might actually do something next round. The faster we can get both teams out, the better.
  2. Maybe, but the counter argument is he wanted to burn clock to Burrow didn't have much time. The holding call was a KILLER. Right before it, I was contemplating...if they get the TD, would I go for 1 or 2? I was thinking, go for 2. A do-or-die series. The clock management feels like it was in line for that. Then that holding call. *crash* *thud* 64 cent question will be whether Harbaugh starts feeling some heat. Regular season successes, yes, but not playoffs since the SB run. Brandon Staley's likely under more heat next season, tho.
  3. Oh my.... One of the WORST mistakes out there...reaching the ball *up* to try to break the plane of the goal line. Huntley never gets close, the ball gets knocked loose, and utter disaster...98 yard fumble return.
  4. And playing the same team back to back is HARD. Plus, Lamar's been out for weeks now. They've had time to adjust. Ravens-Bengals line was only -3.5 Bengals. Giants-Vikes was only -3 Vikes. That wasn't because the Giants were great, but that the Vikes were shaky all year. And then there was Florio's comment..."some QBs have a history of coming through in the playoffs...some don't. *cough* Kirk Cousins. *cough*"
  5. People have been questioning the Vikes much of the season. The clock struck midnight today.
  6. Wonder where that would rank among longest, non-OT playoff games. Almost 4 hours. Always a question if the total lack of flow and emotional teeter-totters from the overturned calls, from all the timeouts due to the turnovers...contributed to the choppy play. Also have to wonder if this is gonna vault the Bills to their first SB win. They played *badly* but still escaped, and that's been the impetus behind a strong run before....
  7. I have the feeling that if I had a buck for every swear word or obscenity from the Bills locker room during halftime, that I wouldn't need to win the lottery.
  8. Nah. Conceivable. It's, what, the 50th time this year a team's blown a huge lead?
  9. Well. I think we have just seen a perfect summation of the 2022 NFL season. I won't say whether that's an insult or a compliment because I'm not sure myself....
  10. Did Urban Meyer suddenly show up on the Jacksonville sideline?
  11. (I thought the only York chocolate was the peppermint patty....)
  12. I get it, but exercising judgement is something the NFL does even worse than it does most things. Some props should be considered out of bounds...therefore, given their inability to judge "reasonable"...ALL props must be out of bounds.
  13. Plus, that particular minority has been given the means to create chaos and potentially upend normal House business. So, sure, Congress has been kinda used to whipping around these corners and pulling in at the last second, but they haven't had to face a blown tire when they're deep in the hairpin.
  14. Q. Why does Denny's serve breakfast around the clock? A. She'll do 30 knots, easy, man....
  15. "Mainstream" might have been a bad word choice. Voting to overturn the election was a move in the political sphere. Those who voted for it, are simply trying to ride that wave. I'm more inclined to go with LL, tho, with many of them, especially the pre-Trump members. They're perfectly happy to work to suborn the election process, but they'll be much more cautious WRT a move that will upend the economy.
  16. Oh...my...gosh.... I hadn't seen this. One of the all time best. Ever.
  17. You're both right. Old Man is specifically naming the extreme faction; you're talking about the mainstream. I don't think the extemists generally *have* the same kind of wealthy backers...Boebert? Could be wrong there. And they won't care, because it'll be easy to blame Biden. Also, LL, understand: demanding spending cuts when raising the debt ceiling was a CORNERSTONE demand of their little club. So I suspect they'll consider this an early test of THEIR conviction. Reining in government spending is a near-religious tenet with them, and Here's Their Big Chance To Start!!! As I say, I think it'll ultimately pass, because enough Republicans will vote for it...but they may try to compel spending cuts to be considered ASAP after things stabilize a bit.
  18. Make that, as I understand, MOST countries, and pretty much almost anything relatively recent. You don't want them re-sold to your enemies...so they understand what you're operating. BAD idea. In other news, well...the catastrophe may be imminent. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned Congress earlier today that the US may hit the debt ceiling next week. One can imagine how certain individuals will take that. I wouldn't be surprised if there's enough Republicans who'll vote for raising the celing, this time...but even if so, we'll probably see how they act to delay and impede as much as they can. Including a motion to vacate if it looks like it'll pass.
  19. The Athletic's comments about this round, by day: Saturday: compelling. Sunday: BORING!!! (Ravens and Dolphins have obvious, huge problems; the Giants have been unconvincing recently, in their opinion) Monday: groaner...the Cowboys do play down to their competition a fair bit. Gonna be another chili weekend for me anyway. Gets all the prep work done well in advance, just scoop out another bowl when I want, as I watch...remember, Sunday's the standard 3 slots, but Saturday is late slot and night game.
  20. Had no problem reading it. The gist: Spain is trying to sell arms they obtained from Switzerland. They're on a list of export-restricted items by Swiss law...why, wasn't stated, but one plausible case would be "only to NATO countries." Ukraine isn't a NATO country. IIRC, it wasn't so much "blocking" in an active sense, it was passive...they haven't said "yes." So, yes, I get your concern, and it could be fake news, but I'm more inclined to treat it as an overly terse --> misleading headline.
  21. Oh man. NYT got his resume. The work history feels like a red flag, as he changed jobs a LOT, in positions where the kind of performance he claimed would suggest serious promotion potential. He claims MBA from NYU, and not only graduating from Baruch (a CUNY branch)...but summa cum laude and in the top 1%. But there's not a lot anyone can do about it. The House can't refuse to seat him...that goes back to the Adam Clayton Powell case. He can't be recalled; it's not allowed by the Constitution to start with, and NY doesn't have recalls for government positions generally. There seems a good chance he's gonna get burned on some fraud charges, but I don't think even a conviction would compel his removal.
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