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Everything posted by korovan

  1. Hey, I was thinking that a creative and mostly non-violent way to disable someone with TK would be to... tickle them! But, how to build it? My initial thoughts are that the power should incorporate Drains for DEX (for the uncontrollable twitiching, wriggling, and thrashing), INT (for the mental distraction as one is "tickled out of their minds"), and maybe PRE (no one looks impressive and imposing while they are laughing and squirming). Perhaps there should be some NND stun damage as well, as the victim might eventually lose consciousness due to inadequate breathing and all... Thoughts?
  2. Hey all, I am interested in running a campaign in which the UNITY team and GATEWAY space-station will feature prominently: kindof a JLU-inspired game with the UNITY team mentoring a bunch of newer/"lesser" heroes, dispatching teams across the globe to fight villainy and help with disasters, etc... I don't own/haven't read every single sourcebook out there (too poor, and not enough time): can anyone point me to where there might be any official writeups of the UNITY heroes or the station? Or any good unofficial ones? Thanks.
  3. Re: Supernatural Special Forces This is a fun thread. A few thoughts: Shotgun shells and other munitions could also be loaded with wooden beads (available at any hobby/craft store)... If some of the monsters are "contagious", are there cures/antidotes available (for the medics to use)? Because if the PCs are fighting werewolves, you KNOW one or more are going to get bit.... Some demons and faeries are said to be repelled/afraid of the sound of church bells. Perhaps an MP3 player with some loud speakers would be useful. ONe fun variation of this whole thread might be if the soldiers and their superiors don't "know" what all really works and what is just folklore or "well, it sounds logical" theories. If the "monster problem" has only recently become apparent then some experimentation with different methods would be necessary... and guess who gets to do the "field testing": the PCs of course! "OK, Private Pyle: here is a pouch of our new garlic-gas-grenades. Use them when your team assaults the vampire-lair in Spokane, and evaluate their effectiveness in your after-action-report. Dismissed!" heheheh
  4. Re: How to use the President Taking on the POTUS and his accomplices would make for an interesting DC campaign, I think.... but it would probably be best if the initial set-up and PCs were purpose built for that kinda thing. A group of heroes that wanted to specialize in bringing justice to those that abuse their political power and take advantage of the public trust (one crooked Congressman could do a lot more damage than any Mafia Don). could eventually wind up taking on the POTUS.... either nailing him for some kind of Watergate scam, or finding proof that the whole "WMDs in Iraq" was a crock and the Prez knew, or blowing the lid off of the Roswell cover-up, or whatever....
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