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Posts posted by batguy

  1. 58 minutes ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

    If DC were to put out a new RPG (which, I have heard they are), they would be well served to make it a very simplified, streamlined version of their setting instead of trying to dump everything all at once on people.

    whoa,where did you hear they are putting out a new RPG?

  2. 3 hours ago, assault said:

    I did a bit of stuff with the Golden Age about 15-20 years ago.


    Golden Age superheroes were very cookie cutter. After noticing this, I created a template that included the common features of most Golden Age heroes, allowing me to really churn out the write-ups.

    If I get around to it, I will post it here. It's on my old computer, so I can't just grab it. In any case, it was based on 250 point 5e characters, and would take a bit of modification for 6e and another point total.

    Briefly though, I went with 20 Str, 20 Dex, 20 Con and 5 Spd as the baseline. About 100 points of characteristics, 125 of powers and 25 points of skills. Modify from there. Fairly low powered, but everyone was more or less the same. Naturally, these were starting versions of the characters.

    cool,man,let's see it!


    wow,that is so cool,let's see it

  3. 4 hours ago, Doc Democracy said:

    Go have a look at the Hero System Character archive.  There are hundreds of adaptations of DC and Marvel heroes, all modelled for HERO.  These might be useful straight up or they might need tweaking to work in your campaign.

    Cool,man,I Should Use the DC HEROES:The world at war sourcebook to model the golden age marvel comics characters off of the golden age dc comics characters who appear in the book!


  4. 48 minutes ago, Cloppy Clip said:

    One important question is, do you have any dreams of publishing the system, or is this for your own personal use, maybe to be shared with friends and online? Because if you're not planning on a wild commercial success, you have much more freedom to put whatever you like in your game. As long as you and your players are happy with it, the sky's the limit and there's not really a wrong way to go about things.

    This is for my own personal use only

  5. On 4/28/2023 at 12:29 PM, Scott Ruggels said:


     1.) define your goals.
    2.) Select your preferred method of determining probabilities.

    3.) Play test it.
    4.) Return to Step  one.

    5.)When Play and goals  closely match, Write things out, like you are explaining it to a five year old.

    6.) Send it to a friend for proof reading, and ask them to create a character in the system.

    7.) If your friends like it, time to ;ay out the book and hire artists, graphic artists, and pick  fonts.

    8,( Decide to Kickstart, or find a publisher to finance printing and distribution.

    That all being said You7 can put things together in CHampions, to see if things will work. 



    Cool,man,how can i do all these things?

  6. 8 hours ago, Pattern Ghost said:

    The phrase you're looking for is "public domain superheroes." There are sites dedicated to these. Many golden age characters may still be under copyright.

    Yeah,you make a good point.,by the way,which golden age characters are still under copyright?

  7. On 3/14/2023 at 8:09 PM, unclevlad said:

    The simplest solution would be to get a color printer that can handle card stock and create it yourself.  If you want something in volume?  You'll have to front the cost of a print run, which is, I suspect, at least in the 5 digits...and probably 6 digits, counting setup work.  You'll need everything in formats they expect;  I don't think these are standard home graphics formats, either.  You'll have additional issues if you're considering using commercial properties.


    If you just want a few sets, then card stock and a good printer...the better your printer, the better they'll look.  

    yeah,i see what you mean.,i should use golden age characters.thanks

  8. 1 hour ago, Sketchpad said:


    At this point, it'd be a smarter move for them to update and release such an item themselves. They've already reproduced the two Watchmen books as you mentioned, plus some info from the Doom Patrol Moonshot module in one of the Doom Patrol omnis. I could only imagine that they own enough of the rights to either reprint, or create a new edition in-house. 


    Honestly, my personal wishlist has some licensed superhero games released powered by the Hero System. I know it's unlikely to happen, but I'd still like to see it.

    Yeah,I Agree With You 100%!,DC Comics Should Update And Release the DC Heroes Role-Playing Game.DC Comics Should Also Create A New Edition In-House.Who Should I Write To At DC Comics To Tell Them I Want To See That Happen?

  9. 14 hours ago, Sketchpad said:


    In many ways, DC Adventures, which uses Mutants & Masterminds 3e, is kind of a successor to DC Heroes. The jump to 3e brought familiar terms that DCH fans would recognize, as well as bringing in Ray Winninger, who was a co-designer for DCH. Personally, I think this is the closest we'll get for now unless the Marvel 616 game explodes on the scene.  

    You make a good point.I hope dc comics pairs with a small game publisher and does a deluxe hard cover anniversary edition updating the characters and such.

  10. 3 hours ago, Certified said:

    After losing the IP License there was Blood of Heroes from Pulsar games. This was an update to the rules with Blood of Heroes: Special Edition in 2000. However, I think Pulsar is effectively dead, so I'm not sure you're going to see an update to the ruleset. This may also be how DC was able to do the reprint. 

    Yeah,i see your point,i hope to see reprints of the other dc heroes rpg stuff at some point.

  11. Since DC Comics reprinted both dc heroes 1st edition rpg watchmen adventure modules,and the dc heroes 2nd edition wacthmen sourcebook in the watchmen compainion collected edition,

    Will dc comics ever do a fourth edition of the DC Heroes role-playing game?

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