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Posts posted by nlubofsky

  1. Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


    I am curious about one thing n a new Dark champions' date=' would it actually be called that? Believe it or not, one of my biggest issues in 6th was the name (I know it is stupid, but it was)[/quote']




    I've long thought that a Hero System book encompassing "the modern-day action-adventure genre" (from the back cover of the Fifth Edition Dark Champions) would sell a lot better if the book's title better reflected the contents. Hero Games's flagship product is a superheroes genre book called "Champions", and thus, to a casual observer, a book called "Dark Champions" would be limited to the dark vigilante sub-genre of superheroes. (In fact, that's what the first release of Dark Champions really focused on, IIRC.)


    Somebody wandering into a game store looking for an RPG to use for a campaign based on espionage or solving murder mysteries, etc., would likely walk right by Dark Champions, not at all suspecting it would be appropriate (much less awesome).


    Maybe the Sixth Edition version should be called Danger International! :)

  2. Re: The HERO System 6th Edition


    The books have not yet made it to the US. As I understand it the ship with the first batch of books will be leaving China (and the printers) on September 10th. It'll probably to about three weeks after that before the actual books start making it to the various distributors...


    Three weeks? Doesn't it take about six weeks for a cargo ship to go from Hong Kong to Los Angeles?

  3. Re: What kind of campaigns will you all be running?


    Dang dude' date=' why didn't you start a new thread? :)[/quote']


    I revived this old thread instead of starting a new one to increase the odds that interested parties would see my message.


    Personally, I avoid investigation adventures. There's too many snags that could happen:

    1. The players glaze over an important clue.

    2. The players miss an important clue altogether.

    3. The players don't deduce the solution from the clues.

    4. The players go overboard on something meaningless you mention.


    One solution is just railroad them through it. But, in that case, I would think the players might want something more fun like fighting pirates or overthrowing a corrupt government.


    Yes, these are the bugaboos of mysteries in RPG's. There's some really good advice for mitigating these in Pulp Hero (the "Deduction" subsection on page 357).


    Also, often a detective case doesn't turn out to be much of a mystery at all -- rather, the foul play is very apparent to anyone that makes the effort to investigate. The real problem is the antagonist that doesn't want anybody to find out what's going on and tries to stop the detective from snooping around!


    Anyway' date=' good luck.[/quote']





  4. Re: What kind of campaigns will you all be running?


    I always wanted to run a Private Investigative firm, that wasn't the pulp version of the lone P.I.... but rather a group of specialists underneath a corporate PI umbrella. A freelance Pinkerton outfit.


    Why? Because I can run mysteries, spy, surveillance of wayward spouses, smuggling investigation, organized crime investigation, corporate security and a whole range of adventures that should keep the game fresh. Each week could be really different, yet a very solid framework for the characters to exist in.


    I see the firm be about 100 people, and have 3 teams of elite investigators (the PCs) working on various cases. The other 80 folk are admin, support and researchers. So it is a decent size company.


    The adventures would happen mostly in "civilized" space and would probably only visit 3 or 4 planets for mose of the adventures, so we get a real sense of these places. Occasionally, the "hunt the missing freighter" might take a team out to the boondoocks.


    PCs would have to justify expenses and maybe the company only has one spaceship, which all three teams might need at the same time... so there would be "public" travel at times.


    That is the sci-fi game I've always wanted to run. Terran Empires would handle that just fine, as would Star Frontiers. This idea could really be dropped into almost any sci-fi game.


    I'm starting a campaign almost like this, with the exception that the PC's are partners in their own private eye firm, i.e. they are the only ones in the company.


    In the first or second adventure, a wealthy customer gives the PC's an advance big enough for them to purchase a starship (the customer wants to find out what happened to his daughter).


    I'd be interested to hear if anybody has any ideas or recommendations for this type of campaign.




  5. Re: [Release Schedule] Dark Champions Battlegrounds?


    I wonder if the Battlegrounds books would sell better if they were a bit easier to use. Don't get me wrong, I love the material to bits, but if I wasn't lucky to have one of my players spend the appreciable time to create the battle mats for the adventures in CB (Thanks, Kyle!), I don't know what I'd do. That's the great thing about Shades of Black -- it's a PDF, so it was fairly easy to expand the maps to the proper scale and print them out.


    But what do I know? I'm not a good customer market-research-wise, because I buy every Hero product that comes out! So don't listen to me! :-)

  6. Originally posted by Tasha

    Nope, I use minis in my games. I even make sure that everyone has their own figure. I haven't found software that is easy to use for making maps. So I end up drawing things out on a Mega-mat.


    Tasha :)


    I use AutoRealm for some maps, but for others I draw things out on a mat with the wet-erase pens. But I always wipe off the lines at the end of the day, as per the instructions for the mat. Problem is, if we're in the middle of a combat when we have to break, then it's a pain in the foxbat to have to re-draw it. And, in general, any time the players return to a location, how do you remember where everything belongs?


    AutoRealm is very nice, but, unfortunately, it doesn't run on Mac. (sniff)(sniff) :(

  7. You might want to highlight the fact that it is a 5th Edition product in its description at the online store, because it shows up in the E-Books section of the online store along with 4th Edition products, and less frequent web-site visitors might overlook it when seeking new products.



  8. Thanks for the suggestions Redmenace. I will probably end up doing one or the other.


    Frankly, though, it seems like a significant pain in the foxbat for all the GM's who bought this book to have to do individually. If Hero were to offer PDF's we could print out, the scaling would only have to be done once. Even if they charged a few dollars for it, it would be worth avoiding the hassle of doing it ourselves!

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