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About cndblank

  • Birthday 06/02/1963

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  1. Re: Nobles, Knights, And Necromancers Review I guess you prove my point here because it is a Fantasy Hero NPC book and not an organization book. It would have been great if it was and had twice the page count, but its not. Also after you have the leaders and specialist and their MOs, any more information is going to be getting more and more setting specific which the GM is going to have to change any way. We already have stock fantasy thieves and thugs from MMM so no low level members are really needed to be included. I guess I just feel that you are not judging the book by what the intended audience is going to value. But that is just my opinion and I do appreciate you taking the time to do your reviews. By the way are you running a Fantasy Hero campaign currently?
  2. Re: Nobles, Knights, And Necromancers Review You earned it. Now for bonus points, when will the Hero Designer pack come out and how much will it cost? Keep up the good work!
  3. Re: Nobles, Knights, And Necromancers Review Then give it a 3.5 because this book is way better than a 3. I would have liked to have seen more on the groups too, but I think they left it out more so the GM can make his own group to fit the needs of the campaign. You also have the SOP and tactics for several members of each group. All the GM has to do is fill in between the lines, he is going to do so in a way that best fits his campaign. Any thing more would be more TA background information than NPC info.
  4. Re: Nobles, Knights, And Necromancers Review A good review and I agree with most of your points. The Substance however is at least a 4 (Meaty). This is exactly what I was looking for a Fantasy Hero GM. I expect to get years of play out of these NPCs. Plenty of tactics and behaviors to make sure your player will have no trouble remembering their encounter with the NPC. Good magic items and clear suggestions on how the NPC will use them magic items and any spells they have. Plenty of suggestions on plot seeds to use them in your campaign. Also plenty of suggestions on variations of the NPC and how to make them a little weaker or more powerful. The Style is plain but dense and easy to use. A minor quible on the art work, I did notice that two of the non humans NPCs where shown as human on their character sketch. I can't wait for the hero design files to come out for this book. These NPCs can be used again and again with just a few changes. Just as long as they don't charge 25 or 30 dollars for it. After all the NPC "Character Sheet" only make up about 1/3 of the information on each NPC.
  5. Re: "Beware the generosity of Kings" - A warning I have to agree that if the King is no fool then with as much bad karma that has come down on this kingdom, he wouldn't want them too far away or feeling ill treated. I do agree that he and his advisors would be giving the matter serious thought. If he was a fool, had something to hide, or had some reason to consider them a threat then all of the above would work. Depending on how powerful the Nobles Houses (or the Temples/Church) were most Kings would like to have powerful honorable Heroes with a proven track record of saving the kingdom that were not aligned with the Old Nobility or Temples/Church and were properly grateful to the Crown. After all Nobles House have to come from some where. They proved themselves to some Lord or King and swore Fealty and service in return for lands and titles or they earn it through conquest. He would reward them with enough titles, honors, and lands (only needing a little work and lot of Gold) that they would be too busy and too poor to be a serious threat to him and then play them off the Old Nobility. He might blame the Old Nobility for not being able to reward them as they deserve. Marriage to his own allies and extended family would only serve to bind the New Nobility to him further. Of course that wouldn't prevent some of the Old Nobility from trying to bring them in to their faction. Many of the Old Nobility will turn up their noses at them but others will be looking for something and more than willing to hold their nose. Everything from support for a legal battle to a place for some noble born priest. Even compromising situations requiring a fast marriage between a very old (but poor) Noble house and a Newly titled and rich Kings Favorite. So the King plays the New Nobles off the Old Nobles and he remains the King. He would also want to make sure his heir takes the throne after him. You really want to give your Players a run take a look at the War of Roses. It was so bloody to the nobility you had merchants and knights inheriting baronies because no one else remained of the bloodline. Have the King make them Knight Companions to the heir. Then once they were emotionally invested the King falls sick, has an accident, or even has to go on a pilgrimage or Crusade, and they become Lord Protectors. Then lets see how long they can keep the prince alive.
  6. Re: The Last Dominion Campaign Setting Talk about a quick turn around time. Thanks! This will be a real help! I'm already trying to figure out how to merge TLD with the Shadow World Fantasy Hero campaign I'm currently running.
  7. Re: The Last Dominion Campaign Setting Been there already. Hearing about those was what tipped me over the edge to buy the TLD, EOG PDF. I was hoping to have access to the Hero Designer Character Files (*.HDC) for all the Character PDFs you put up in the Pencil Pusher Download section and in TLD, EOG PDF. Thanks
  8. Re: The Last Dominion Campaign Setting Just bought the Last Domain. Very sharp piece of work. Are there Hero Designers files on the NPCS? Keep up the good work.
  9. Re: Does wearing armor need a skill ? It already does. Considering any Skilled heavy fighter (or any Knight) would have at least 5 points in +2 DCV Only Against Armor Penalties and might have +2 Dex Skills Only Against Armor Penalties for a total of 5 to 10 points. So a trained heavy fighter is going to pay 5 points to be fully trained in using his armor. More if he wants to really be able to move around. I would certainly expect any NPC Knight to have the first plus the PSL for OCV while riding. I’m surprised to not see it on more than just PCs and Major NPCs. The Romans used extra heavy shields and weapons while training in full armor. Full time warriors are often described as being able to move in armor like it wasn't even there. I expect there is some embellishment, but when all you do all day is wear the armor…
  10. Re: Haalkitaine Hackers in Shadow World I would like to see that.
  11. Re: [Would-Be Hero-GM]Lethality Hero actually does a good job simulating battle (other than it is too easy to knock someone out). People have been stabbed with a knife 48 times and lived. In a battle you don't want to instantly kill someone as much as you want to put him down and out of the battle. A bad blow to the sword arm or a crippling leg wound works just fine. Bleeding to death works great too. A gut wound was a death sentence. If you have the time then you finish him otherwise you get ready for the next and try not to trip on the fallen. Running away is also good because that is where most of the killing happens. And it happens almost exclusively to the side running away. A person that bleeds to death is just as dead as a person that got their head taken off. It just takes a little longer. If you read some descriptions of battlefields, the cries of the wounded were every where. Those that could got up and got off the battlefield but many couldn't. I think Hollywood and fantasy novels sanitized that aspect of the battlefield. As a side note, I also expect that if there was healing magic then holding the battlefield become very important because you can heal your wounded and keep your enemy from healing his. Even a little healing magic could stop bleeding, prevent death by infection, allow some surgeries, and keep a gut wound from being a death sentence. I also expect veteran troops will be much more common and very very determine to not break and run. Honor demands you hold your line so that you can bring the wounded to a healer. After all the wounded would be your brothers, cousins, and comrades, and the next time it could be you.
  12. Re: Stun Problem in Fantasy Hero (Double it)
  13. Re: Stun Problem in Fantasy Hero (Double it) Your experiences support what I've thought all along. In Heroic level Hero, people get knocked out way too much. I have no problem using the Hero rules for Super Hero play, but it needs tweaks to fit Heroic level play. Hero even offers some very good rules options to help a GM get the right fit. But if you just double the Stun stat, most of the problems are gone. There is nothing extra to keep track of and there is no math after you double the stat. And if a player gets hit for four or five 16-20 plus stun attacks after defences in a short space of time, he knows he is going to go down. But there is a big difference between that and being a two shot knockout. Any way my players are having fun.
  14. Re: Stun Problem in Fantasy Hero (Double it) Well with being stunned a second attack is going to have a good chance of hitting. A PC with 18 Str, 18 Con, and 15 Body is going to have 33 stun. Two hits like that and he has 1 stun left. I still find that without using hit location everyone goes down way too soon. Admittedly much of my experience was Dark Champions (automatic weapons are nasty even with good armor), but Heroic characters have way lower PD/ED and Def than Super Heroes. Plus they have lower stats so they are easier to stun and have less stun to begin with.
  15. Re: Stun Problem in Fantasy Hero (Double it) For Spider Man, he has at least two levels of Combat Luck (or is at least 6 Def).
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