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  1. we won't stop till we hit the chewy, nuegetty center These are characters from non-Hero campaigns, but they could easily be converted. (And ain't that the beauty of Hero?) Train: A big, strong and dumb norse warrior type with a magical sword that's smarter than he is. Basically, the sword is an AI with mental powers, maybe an EB (can you buy that with a computer?) and plenty of senses and a high Int, and he's always yelling at the warrior. "No, not that way you oaf! Turn around! You're heading straight towards the enemy!" Cat: Your typical black-cat type unluck powers. (Supress linked to Danger Sense? ) She could also change into a house cat and a panther. What really made her fun was her attitude--think Vertigo's Death. Lucky: A Hindu mystic that managed to leave his body right before he was decapitated by a pissed-off monarch. That was over 900 years ago. Since then he's been bouncing from receptacle to receptacle, mostly lower-order stuff like flies and house plants. He doesn't really have control over his out-of-body travel. (It's not even a Desolid with No Conscious Control, it's just a plot device that leaves the character open for Radiation Accident events.) But over time he's been able to shift to more advanced forms. (Like moving up on the Karmic reincarnation scale.) Right now he's a dog. Not a pure-bred or anything, just a mutt. Strange thing is, the dog's spirit/mind/whatever is still in the body with him, and every once in a while he'll get distracted by a cat or have the urge to "mark" a lamp post. Stat-wise it's a dog form with all the associated disads, but with some mystic-type powers like healing, levitation, resistance to weather/the elements, danger sense, maybe telekinesis. Talents like tracking scent. Concealment and Stealth skills. Plus, good speed and running. and combat levels of some sort. It's amazing what having four legs on the ground does for your manueverability.
  2. Don't pee on the electric fence. I had someone playing a Leprechaun (teleporter with minor magic...don't ask) decide to pee on the exposed mechanism of a space station air lock door to short-circuit it. He convinced me that since he was Irish, he could pee on command. I decided that the resulting Energy RKA automatically targeted a cerain hit location.
  3. Warning: Newbie Question Okay, so, if you have 5 point H-to-H CSL's, could you sweep with a Martial Arts manuever?
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