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Everything posted by Rkane_1

  1. Re: Elemental Control Variant Crap....back to the drawing board. You could also, I suppose have EC's stand as is but offer limitation of Elemental Link (-1/2) on powers that don't fit in the EC according to standard rules. The actual limitation is even though they don't get the price break of the EC, they get some points off because if the EC is drained, so are those powers with this Limitation. I am very partial to this description and wish it was part of the official definition. Has anyone gotten the GURPS Powers book. All in all I thought it was pricey for what little it provided BUT it did offer an interesting section on the difference between a Power Source (Where the power comes from:Magicks, Spirit, Psionic, Device, etc) and Power Focus (In GURPS terminology, Special Effect:Fire, Electricity, Water, etc). I thought it had some interesting concepts that should be adapted to HERO.
  2. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? Or when in those realistic games, apply more levels of realism that make things like sinking into the ground when picking up something heavy or not being able to pick up something large and unbalanced when those "reality levels" are turned up. I think its the genre the GM is trying to represent and the "reality" they are trying to represent. That is why I think the Block variant should be for more realistic campaigns. For four color, the "Block" here will do. Let me put my thinking cap on and I will come up with something to post. You guys can give it a run for its money and see if it stands up to test.
  3. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? Actually, after a little research, I was wrong in saying the shield is an Adamantium/Vibranium mix. It is a Vibranium/Steel mixture (Thanks, Wikipedia!) but it also is indestructible and absorbs energy. Back in the day, there was a Fantastic Four comic where Gladiator was attacking New York and the FF. Reed got a bright idea after a theory about how Gladiator's power worked and convinced Cap to stand there and TAKE blow after blow disquised by a hologram of Reed Richards. There was a comment then about how Cap's shield absorbed energy which was why Cap could stand up to Gladiator's blows (Gladiator is the quivalent of Superman in the Marvel Universe). It was explained then that the Vibranium/Steel mix allowed this. In a lot the write-ups of Cap, the shield has been built with KB resistance on top of the PD and ED to make it so as well. In my defense, the vibranium/adamantium mistake was because of an error in the "Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe " entry for cap and many writers used it as source material propogating the error....but I digress.
  4. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? You could put that limitation on the Strength, I suppose but that would be like for any Limitation. Only to Counter Blocking, I suppose. Wow! Good question. I would have to say yes, otherwise the power of the added would not match the defense proposed. Keep these questions comin'! This is true, but the mechanic for Dodge is already in place. Perhaps there could well be an Improved Dodge that offers the +2 bonus of the block as it stands in HERO now but might cost more.
  5. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system?
  6. Re: Elemental Control Variant I don't know. Something in me doesn't like the arbitrary halfing of the cost and what. I prefer the -1 Limitation but I am also understanding the point made earlier about it making characters avoid limitations because of the reduced amount of points gotten from them....but then, they are getting a HUGE discount already just by having the powers in the EC anyway, all other points they get discounted are just gravy. For me, I think I am going to go with my original EC alternative with the changes of the following: -A character may not take more powers that have under half the active points of the main EC Core Cost than those over half the Active Point cost of the Core Cost. -No more Disads linked to EC, but man...that just seems so right for some reason, but doing so is problematic. I suppose the easiest thing would be to define sharply the EC's but then that goes against the "openness" of the system...the freedom of choice and the creativity behind choosing your special effect.
  7. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? Excellent.....frozen enchilada? *RKane_1 offers nexus the golden enchilada or happiness and peace as a gesture of goodwill*
  8. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? And you felt attacked on the thread about your block feedback. Hell, I thought it was a well-written response? I put out my ideas and then recieved feedback. Couldn't be happier with the outcome. Also thought Stevezilla's points on the block were good, which is why I basically acquiesced with the point that possibly a genre specific variant would be better,, but then that would not be a fundamental rule change, as someone pointed out. Still curious why you feel this way but I'll let it drop. I'd prefer just to get on with the point of the thread. And to you and thanks for your participation.
  9. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? And for you, thank you for imparting your ancient words of wisdom, but let's get things straight. If challenged, I will not back down automatically in deference to your time on these boards. I don't know anymore than you, but I figure I don't know any less either. I treat you with respect until you begin to treat me with a lack of one which I figure you and others did by ignoring a simple, polite request to post certain things elsewhere and keep the thread pointed in the direction it was originally meant to be. Because of this, half the posts here are ones between you and I and others posting here saying "WE FEAR CHANGE!!" or "KEEP THE SYSTEM THE WAY IT IS!" and me asking them politely to go elsewhere or trying to ignore them. I failed my "Put up with rudeness" roll. I actually had the gaul to say something. So sue me. Then I called someone on it and promptly got sent a message by the site admin because someone thought I knew them well enough to offer a personal attack by offering to draw them a picture to the "New Thread" button was which, to me is just ridiculous. But then, it isn't my board and will abide by their decisions. Why? Because I know the play ground and if teacher says so, you do or you go to detention. Now, would it be too much to ask a simple request? I understand that you guys DON'T want the rules changed. Really....I do. I have made a thread for what people think HERO did RIGHT! If you want to support HERO as is, please go there and state why you think HERO is good! I am not saying HERO is BAD! I am asking for input on what fundamental changes you would make if you were to make any. If not, just read and perhaps challenge some of the specific ideas. If you wish to offer a logical reason as to why each specific variant should NOT be changed, then please do. I like having ideas tested. But the endless parade of snide and bullying remarks is SO old and unwanted frankly, that it got on my nerves. Sorry for the "hostility' but I figure it was hostile people being rude enough to do EXACTLY what the original post asked them to do. Someone wise once told me :Give hostile, you get hostile in return. I suppose the same goes for rudeness. Then forgive my rudeness and let us all start again in a spirit of overwhelming unity and brotherhood of HERO players. Hallelujah... Amen.
  10. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? Need in a game system is non-existant. Since it is a form of entertainment, it all amounts to what you PREFER in the game system as nothing is NEEDED in system thats meant for a pastime, not for survival. Some people PREFER the game system as is.....great.....have fun. Some people prefer talking about new ideas and contemplating game mechanics and theory. Why shouldn't we?
  11. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system?
  12. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? I have a problem with this line of thinking. (Not with you, please. This is not a personal attack against you in any way, shape, or form. Just wanted to preface this statement as apparently there are some who can't take a joke.).....(Not that I am saying you are one of those people.....which I don't really know you so I could not surmise as to the general sense of humor or level of intelligence of you as a person though I am sure it is quite high......Not that I am insinuating that I know you on a personal level, as I don't.....there....is that enough cushion for everybody.....not that I think you need cushioning.....Its just...er.....just nevermind) I have a problem with this line of thinking. What if I want to make a street level game where the strength levels DO change drastically. Hero should be able to adapt to both. Hero, God bless it, is MORE than JUST a super-hero game. It is a game that can adapt to multiple genres. While the system has GREAT systems for realistic and for comic-book physics, I think that (In my humble opinion. Hope no one is offended by it) the system needs to be able to acid test itself both to a "realistic" physics with unusual circumstances and "super-hero" physics as well. It does it NEAR FLAWLESSLY in several circumstances, but this is one thing that bothers me a bit in the system. Thats all. I think a Rules variant for Block for those who prefer it would be a good move. I don't think a Variant would ruin it for anyone. (Please don't report me, If I offended anyone.....not that I want to offend you by asking you not to be offended.......)
  13. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system?
  14. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system?
  15. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system?
  16. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? For those of us who would like to share what we think HERO did right and well, or have something positive to say about HERO, I have started this thread too. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1075422#post1075422 Enjoy. Now, on with this thread. I don't believe this thread is negative and threatening to the HERO system as some have insinuated. This is a thread to explore new ideas and ways to make things better. If free thinking scares you, go elsewhere.
  17. We have a thread for what fundamental changes to the HERO system do you change. Now lets go the other direction. What fundamental things do you think they "got right"? I think the point allaocation system with Skill based rather than Class/Level based is the way to go. There are some drawbacks (min-maxers) but overall I don't believe that people can be hammered into "classes". What are your thoughts?
  18. Re: Elemental Control Variant Do you honestly *NEED* EC's at this level to save a few points. But I see your point. I suppose it should be based on the base points the character started with. Hmmmm....ideas?
  19. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? I believe I was promised punch and pie.
  20. Re: Elemental Control Variant Nothing falls apart with enough duct tape, David....NOTHING! *smile* Can you give me an example?
  21. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? Why not merely read the thread and start your own thread? That way those of us who want to talk about the thread can without interuption from those of you who like the system as is. Your posting does nothing but put an element of discussion that is frankly not needed or called for. As a matter of fact, it was specifically requested NOT to be gone over. WE ALL KNOW YOU LIKE HERO. WE ALL LIKE HERO TOO> WE GET IT. REEEEEALLY.
  22. Re: Elemental Control Variant It has a purpose. The purpose is to request of the player a well thought out series of disadvantages that characters who they come up against can deduce thetere weakness or presence of certain powers from. Some EC Disads make it harder to hide your powers ("He's cold to the touch and looks bluish...whats up with that kid?", others tie directly to the element that they "support" and thus are easyier to figure out the counter for ("He wants to give me the cold shoulder? I will be more than happy to TURN UP THE HEAT! *FLAME ON!*) and other merely add effects that GM would endorse for the character tied to such a theme such as the Weather Manipulator who has mood swings with the weather. They all tie a character more strongly to the Elelemnet they are supposed to control. I can see the GM treating this as an Optional Requirement as I think it is obviously a matter of taste but I, for one, have been using it as a house Rule with much success. The players yunderstand thay they get a nice price discount for making their powers either obvious from Distinctive Feature or more Vulnerable to attack or susceptible in keeping with the theme. Anyone that the GM approves is okay. But, YMMV.
  23. Re: Elemental Control Variant i kind of like this. Its like taking my idea to the next level with more thought. Your experience shows....where is that damn rep button? I will need to analyze this but I understand what you are saying about a bunch of little powers and the Limitation discouragement. I need to run it through an acid test or two.
  24. Re: Elemental Control Variant But then that can be one of the "cool" rather than "themed" characters. If the player wants to avoid having the themed disads for the full cost of the power, then that is his choice. If he wishes to buy into the theme, then they are required to take some sensible disads in keeping with the theme of his character. Thats all. The reason I choose Real Cost is it is actually quite a small amount when compared to the total amount of CP garnered by disads. It requests of the player some commitment to a them if they are going to coose a character with an EC.
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