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Everything posted by Oneway

  1. Re: Cops, what would it take to run?
  2. Re: Cops, what would it take to run?
  3. The setup; You're an average work-a-day joe beat cop, half way thru your shift (around 1am) you've been sent out on a strange call to a low-budget motel in an "ok" part of town. When you (and your partner, plus 4 others as back up) arrive, you find an 8' tall robot laying in a heap on top of 3 sport bikes. A new local hero is waiting for you to give his statement about what happened. While wrapping up the details, you start to "feel" fear seep into your spine. At first it seems to have no source, but then you can almost "sense" it pulsate from behind a door left a jar to a near by motel room. Every fiber of your being is telling you to run. Any moment whatever it is will come thru that door... presuming no psych lims, or other factors (i.e. people, other than yourself, in danger) would you need an effect of +20 or +30 to run? ...and, what do you think fits this best? a Presence Attack (one command "run", Invisible Power Effects) or a Mind Control (one command "run", No Range, Exp)
  4. Re: Code vs Killing, in your group? i think what i am really aiming at here is the "numbers" behind the attack. as i would have a hard time being believing that someone w/ a CvK would whip out a 4DC pistol (9mm) and shoot someone w/ no armour "because they know they can only do up to 7 body, so their target wont die from it" in the same tone, using a 10DC attack against a normal would seem to be even more serious. maybe it is enough to say "you would not use an attack which could kill with max damage (even if very unlikely, ie a normal 10D6 doing 20 body), w/o fighting your Psych Lim"
  5. sooooo... say someone (we'll call him Slipstream) hits Bob for a 12D6 AP Move Through (for 42 stun 12 body, 8" KB) and does KB. should Slipstream take 21/6 AP or 21/6 w/o the advantage? i could see it both ways, depending on f/x. thoughts/knowledge?
  6. how does this disad play out in your games? my take on CvK has always been along the lines of avoiding making an attack that looks likely to do body to my target. i.e. i would not use a 10D6 normal attack vs a "normal" sure i'm only likely to do 8 body to him, so i "know" i wont kill him with a single blast, but i feel this would go against the spirit of the Code. i am curious to hear other's PoV on this one. a note to my players, while you are sparking this post, you are not the cause of it.
  7. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? with ya on the "make Killing an advantage", think i might bring it up in tonights gathering. i like wanting to roll low sometimes and high other times, is a nice change of pace then always "needing" 6s
  8. what sort of limitation would you give to a power that only goes off if the first power misses? i.e. a big hammer that would do a small AoE (1hex) concussion (NND), but only if it missed it's target(i.e hits the ground)
  9. Re: weapon weights?
  10. from before time (ie Fred) i seem to recall there being a formula along the lines of DC to kgs for weapon weights. i've had no luck in finding tho, any thoughts? a page number (i've only Re-Fred with me) or a quick formula would help.
  11. where is the best place to look for rules covering riding (horse or horse like) while in combat? last time i looked i was less then thrilled with what Hero had to offer in this area. not a shot at Hero, after all there shall be no game system before Hero. just that the last time i read a Fantasy Hero book cover to cover it was sitting next to my new copy of DI. (okay, maybe not that long ago. but, close)
  12. Re: Jedi Mind Tricks unless the target will be suceptable to anyone's suggestion, (not sure if Jedi Mind Trick would work this way, but my guess would be no) you will want a limitation that the drain effect is only vs attacks from the caster. also, as i don't recall ever hearing Bob (in this case Stromtrooper #2) saying "You idoit, you're just repeating what the old guy is saying". i would make the attack an area effect.
  13. Re: Prepaid Wireless (aka Tracfones) As Ghost said (or at least eluded to) use it once. After all, $50-100 per call, is a small price to pay for security. Remember, contrary to popular belief, Life is expensive. Death, on the other hand, can be hand for next to nothing.
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