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Posts posted by Querysphinx

  1. Re: CHAMPIONS 6E -- What Do *You* Want To See?


    As much as I HATE to say this, what I'd like to see is suggestions for kitting out characters as a TEAM rather than as individuals. I.e. this is how you build characters for an ensemble cast with, for example, specific templates commanders, strikers, tanks, and controllers. Note: I don't want to see any of these as forced roles but it would be good to see some templates so that GM's who want to run team oriented games have some place to look for guidance. I would like to see well researched and play tested frameworks for team tactics. I would like to see power examples that emphasize teamwork.

  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    During a V:tR campaign.


    A bit of backstory... One of the players was drugged and was trying to get an NPC to help us fight the uber baddie... She's stumbling over everything.


    Me (as Cam): "We're starting a fightclub."

    Renee (as Shannon): "But the first rule is to not talk about it, so I'm gonna hang up now!"


    One of the PLAYERS was drugged?

  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    And the adventure climaxes with Colonel Lancaster standing on top of a truck blazing away at the encroaching horde of zombies' date=' and singing the [i']Battle Hymn of the Republic[/i]

    Col. Lancaster
    : Mine eyes have seen the BLAM glory of the coming of the Lord:

    He is trampling out the vintage BLAM BLAM where the grapes of wrath are BLAM stored;

    He hath loosed the fateful BLAM lightning of His BLAM terrible swift BLAM sword:

    His truth is marching on BLAM BLAM



    I would pay money to see this on film.

  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    The best part of that was when I removed the ochre jelly miniature (a large blob of modelling clay) from the board. Everyone cheered. Then I pulled it in half and put both halves back on the board. All the players were like, :eek:!


    And another quote from that game...


    The gnome wizard is by himself, protecting the entire right flank...

    Berrian: Guys! I need some help here! I'm not a defender!

    Alix: Didn't you read the fine print on your contract? It says "...And other duties as necessary."

    Berrian: @#&%!!!


    They really like to pick on that poor gnome. :rofl:


    To be fair, the only reason Berrian was on that side of the board, by himself, was that he had fled the mass combat in the middle. :ugly:

  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    D&D 4th:


    The party is attacked by a giant spider that jumps around nearly landing on our gnome wizard NPC:


    Berrian (NPC)(OOC): Suddenly the gnome smells like urine.


    The party encounter's a madman who speaks in rhyme and spouts prophecy:


    Alix: (ooc) I'm going to have to figure out how to work "orange" into this conversation.


    Nutter: Don't be late, hear your fate.

    Stoneshanks: On a plate

    Rody: On a first date

    Alix: With your mate

    Clio: Gaaaaah. It's catchy


    Members of the party discuss prophecies that have been placed on them.

    Alix (Catwoman Shifter Druid): How can you tell your prophecy is coming true?

    Clio (Teifling Paladin): I'm the ninth daughter of a ninth daughter, that's pretty rare.

    Alix: Not if you're from a species that has litters.

  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From my gaming group, but not from a game. It was at a BBQ


    Teh Bunneh: When you're doing CPR you're supposed to do chest compressions at one-hundred beats per minute; that's the same tempo as "Another One Bites the Dust."

    Lonewalker: Just don't sing along.

    Everybody (mimics trying to revive an unconscious body) Singing: "Dud duh duh, and another one bites the dust..."

  7. Re: Building a Motorcycle Mecha!


    Though it does bring to mind another possibility: a Multiform. One form is the character in the humanoid mecha, the other is the character in a lesser armored suit with the Vehicle.


    This is how I would do it.

  8. Re: How to encourage RP?


    Start with younger players, preferably in their teens, who are not afraid to act out alternate personalities and who still think make believe is part of the fun. Generally adults are not interested in or invested in make-believe and as such make lousy soft-skills/ character development role players.

  9. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    One problem I'm having on one of my servers (the one I've played on most) during the demo) is that the mission site for my current arc is VERY far away from City Hall and the Medical Center. I have yet to even get close to it. Right now I have to turn around and go back to Atlas park to get trained up to Level 4' date=' then go right back out and try to get to the mission site. I don't even know what it looks like. I sure wish I had a movement power to make things easier, but I have no idea how movement powers work.[/quote']


    You don't start getting movement powers until level six. Then you can take hover, which is combat flight. Then you can pretty much ignore the ground.


    What server are you on?


    I have characters on Justice, Protector, and Liberty right now.

  10. Re: System Requiremnts?


    So... I just ordered a new toy. Will this work?


    XPS 630, Intel Core2 processorQ9550 (2.83GHz,1333FSB) w/Quad Core Technology and 12MB cache


    6GB DDR2 SDRAM at 800MHz


    AMD Radeon 4850 Dual - P117a

  11. Re: City of Heroes/Villains Mission ARCs


    Every so often the arc server has a problem. I exit the thingy and try again.


    Thanks. I got it sorted out. It was user error as usual. I will be designing some arcs just as soon as possible, and running through some of the ones I have seen on this board.


    So far the only one I've been through turned out to be unfinishable. Grrrrr. Perfect waste of a couple of hours.

  12. Re: June 2nd


    Okay' date=' now I really need to get serious about saving my pennies. Not only would I have to buy the game, but I would need a new PC, since I can't even get the beta to run on my system. :([/quote']


    I am in exactly the same boat. "Fortunately." I have to save my pannies anyway because I need a new computer for school.

  13. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    Question for all you CoH players. I just downloaded and installed the game, but whenever I try to run it, one of two things happen. Either it tells me the server is down (I went and checked; it wasn't at the time) or the updater runs and tries to re download the whole (expletive deleted) 2 GB program.


    The only non-standerd thing I did when I d/l'ed it was to install it on my D drive.


    Has anyone else had a similar experience.

  14. Re: Power Build: Super Archery


    And remember. It's your game. If you find something that you like, and it's not strictly legal, do it anyway. Steve Long will not come over to your house and take away your dice.


    Then go and rip all the tags off your mattresses.

  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From Lonewalker's 7th Sea Game:


    On telling the other party members about spotting a rabbit carrying a gemstone between it's ears.


    Nikkita: I think I will go crazy on my own this time.


    On Petra, the youthful shapeshifter, becoming a bird:


    Pia (OOC): "So... does she fly like a teenager."


    On a little black dog doing the last point of damage to a firbolg giant:


    Nikkita (OOC): XP thief!

    Pia (OOC): The scottie levels up.

    GM (Flexex muscles): Look, I'm a doberman!

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