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Everything posted by Certified

  1. Re: Ctrl+V Thato Titles: The Consuming,The Eternal Hunger Alignment: Chaotic Evil Portfolio: Feasts, Food, Devouring, Gluttony, The End of Things Worshipers: Blight Druids, Carousers, Hedonists, Restaurateurs Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE Holy Symbol: The Knife Impaled Hand Domains: Chaos, Community, Death, Earth, Evil,Repose Favored Weapon: Battleaxe Lore: The origins of Thato are a mystery. Followers of the Consuming God say that he is a true God, a Progenitor that has slipped the eye of Edo. Of course the High Church offers a different theory in that Thato is a manifestation of gluttony and starvation that plagues the world. The Eternal Hunger sits at the lowest point of the Infernal planes on the edge of the Void. The realm itself is a living set of mandibles and jaws tearing at anything living thing that should enter as food for the God. The plane of Hunger strips away the detritus of the other Infernal planes in its never ending consumption. In the center few by billions of mouths is Thato ever watchful and waiting for the next grand meal. Relationships: Only Kalibol has dared venture into Thato’s realm. Some priests of Kalibol say that they are infact twins and that only the Eternal Spring can sate the appetite of his brother Thato. As Thato makes no claims to power Hydred does not interfere with Thato. In truth Thato serves an almost symbiotic relationship with the Infernal Planes as chitinous mouths slip out of the Hunger to feed on the carrion above. Appearance: A short undernourished child with distended belly from hunger, his hair falls out in clumps due to malnutrition. His smile reveals thousands of gleaming razors for teth. Worship: Priests of Thato offer starved creatures in tribute to the Eternal Hunger. Some sects go so far as to ritually starve themselves drawing nourishment from divine connection alone. Some cults of Hunger hunt worshipers of Kalibol torturing them as sacrifices to consumption. Tribute: Tier 1: Deathwatch Tier 2: Death Knell Tier 3: Stone Shape
  2. Re: Ctrl+V Glalistralith Titles: The Jeweled Lady Alignment: Lawful Evil Portfolio: Acquisition, Gems, Greed, Gold, Jealousy, Jewellery, Monopoly, Platinum, Showmanship, Silver Worshipers: Bankers, Jewelers, Merchants Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE Holy Symbol: The jeweled Ring Domains: Artifice, Charm, Evil, Law, Luck Favored Weapon: Two-Bladed Sword Lore: In the first days of Athal yi Helon, when the Shimmering City was young. There was a woman revered above all for her charm, and craft as she wove garments of jewels and gold and silver. It was Gran-Ai Dier that truly noticed. This was a woman that practiced her craft for love, and was a master beyond reproach. She shaped fashion, and adorned knights with magical wards crafted from her jewels. Over the following decades the Merchant God whispered secrets of trade and deception, teaching her the value of trade. Ever so slowly purity turned to prosperity and kindness to cruelty. Lessons she learned only too well. Before her death she was worshiped as a living god. After her death she forged a pact with Hydred crafting for him the Robe of Damnation from the hearts of dead stars and the flesh of the greatest sinners to ever live. So it was that the Jeweled Lady Glalistralith was born. Relationships: For her service Glalasrtilith was granted dominion over the grey plan. Here she strips the finery from the wealthy. Legions of Erinyes harvesting the bodies for blood and bone to be used in Infernal craft. While she follows the word of Hydred Glalistralith has but a single goal in mind the usurping of Dyz power and dominance over the Soli and Dimvera. Her soul so corrupted by Gran-Ai Dier she sees nothing less as an insult. As for Gran-Ai Dier, the Jeweled Lady seeks to crush him personally. Retribution for the pain she suffered before the completion of the Robe of Damnation. Appearance: The Jeweled Lady appears as a roughly Elven shaped collection of gems, gold and silver. Worship: Followers of the Jeweled Lady offer sacrifices of cloth and silk under the half moon. Tribute: Glalasrtilith offers no unique Gifts for Tribute.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/81207290/
  4. Re: Ctrl+V Bailurst Titles: The Tireless, The Fallen Smith, Man of Embers Alignment: Neutral Evil Portfolio: Arms & Armor, The Forge, Metal Work Worshipers: Blacksmiths, Craftsmen, Miners, Weapons Dealers Cleric Alignments: NE, TN, CE Holy Symbol: The Shattering Hammer Domains: Chaos, Earth, Fire, Strength Favored Weapon: Warhammer Lore: Born of the primal rock Bailust is the bearer of fire. Bailurst drew his first breath as life was blown into the world by Zerlim. It is he who learned to craft and to forge. When the world was still young it was Bailurst that trapped the fires of creation and built the Master Forge to contain it. It is he who suffered at the hands of Wy as she stole the secret of steel for mortals. It is perhaps this act that fractured the mind of the God. The forge was no longer a tool for creation, but for power, power which had been stolen and must be regained at any cost. The Forge Wars pitted the children of the earth against one another, dwarf against dwarf, giant against giant. The mortal world shook and quaked under the hammers of the Forge Gods. The Tireless God took from Dalokhris his fire and split the domain of Shanj crafting the Venomous Maw. A ring of volcanoes that spat fire and ash and threatened to snuff the life from the world. It was then Hanlys and Knene intervened casting Bailurst from the world of his birth and into the burning pits of the Infernal planes. Relationships: Since the betrayal of the Soli and their defense of the usurper Wy Bailust has shunned the divine courts. He sees Hanlys as a lust filled pawn and Malcove as a petulant commoner that used the knowledge stolen from him to ascend. The Fallen Smith willingly follows Hydred not from any loyalty but as a way to strike back at the Soli and reclaim the Master Forge. For this Bailurst rules over the Burning Pits where souls are burned away to be forged into weapons for Hydred’s legions of Devils. Appearance: A short broadshorldered man, his body cut as if from hewn stone and blackened with soot. Worship: There are no formal churches of Bailurst, or at least none to be spoken of in polite company. Rumors tell that that those loyal to the Fallen Smith forge weapons from steel smelted from Wy’s smiths. More so, many followers carry symbols of Wy with scarred backs to show their true allegance. Tribute: Bailurst offers no unique Gifts for Tribute.
  5. Re: Ctrl+V The Islander by Nightwish on Dark Passion Play -1:59 3:07
  6. Re: Ctrl+V Meet Your Master (The Faint Remix) by Nine Inch Nails on Y34rz3r0r3mix3d
  7. Re: Ctrl+V [TABLE=width: 421] [TR] [TH]Zombie Hill Giant[/TH] [TH=align: right]CR 6 51[/TH] [/TR] [/TABLE] XP 2,400 1,6001 Male zombie hill giant NE Large undead Init –2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 [h=4]DEFENSE[/h]AC 10, touch 7, flat-footed 10 (–2 Dex, +3 natural, –1 size) hp 71 (13d8+13) 66 (12d8+12)1 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +9 DR 5/slashing; Immune undead traits [h=4]OFFENSE[/h]Speed 30 40 ft.2 Melee slam +17 (1d8+13 +123) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. [h=4]STATISTICS[/h]Str 27, Dex 6, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10 Base Atk +9; CMB +18; CMD 26 Feats Toughness SQ staggered
  8. Re: Ctrl+V [ATTACH=CONFIG]45321[/ATTACH]
  9. Re: Ctrl+V Elder Tree Amber: Another marvel of Teole’s Elder Trees sometimes called Keene’s Tears Elder Tree Amber is far more durable than it’s baser cousin. Nearly as strong as steel, long coveted by Elves, Druids, and any number of devotes of nature Elder Tree Amber can be shaped and crafted like glass. This has made it a prize to Groves across Arcadia. Each Elder Tree’s Amber is of a slightly hue. For this reason any object crafted can be traced to a single Elder Tree or series of trees. Often Elder Tree Amber is used to craft elaborate and decorative objects to pay tribute to the Elder Trees. This is true of weapons and armours made from Elder Tree Amber as well. Considered objects of great purity Elder Tree Amber is said to be protection from the unnatural or harm. In the Savage times legend spoke of the druid protector Elisedd. A wild man that grew to stand next to giants and hold back the madness of the fallen protecting the Elder Trees. Clad in Amber he held a spear forged from Keene’s Tears and drove the fallen of Cove back into their impure lands. Reduce the weight of Weapons and Armor crafted from Elder Tree Amber by 50%. Nature’s Light: When worn or wielded by a druid or other servant of nature Elder Tree Amber glows with a faint light illuminating a 5’ radius around the character. Characters with any spell caster levels can negate or restore this effect as a Move Action. Armors are treated as one category lighter for purposes of movement. (Light armor is unchanged.) Reduce Armor Check Penalties by 2. Maximum Dexterity bonus is increased by 1 Nature’s Tears: Armour with the Determination property treat the Caster Level as 5 higher for the purposes of determining the amount of HP healed. Silver Shards: Weapons made of Elder Tree Amber act as if made from Alchemical Silver. Bane of the Unnatural: Weapons made from Elder Tree Amber with the Bane property gain an additional D6 of damage on a Critical Hit against their chosen type. This can only be applied to Aberrations, Constructs, Outsiders, or Undead. HP/inch 20 Hardness 8 [TABLE] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #999999] Type of Elder Tree Amber Item [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #999999] Item Cost Modifier [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Ammunition [/TD] [TD] +40 gp per missile [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Light armor [/TD] [TD] +3,000 gp [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Medium armor [/TD] [TD] +7,000 gp [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Heavy armor [/TD] [TD] +12,000 gp [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Shield [/TD] [TD] +2,500 gp [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Other items [/TD] [TD] +3,000 gp/lb. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Weapons [/TD] [TD] +2,000 gp [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Some Dark Knight Rises Videos NSFW Language, spoilers for those that haven't seen the movies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTDTi-ccx9Q
  11. Re: Ctrl+V [ATTACH=CONFIG]45223[/ATTACH]
  12. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/housedok/fractured-kingdom-a-game-of-mysticism-and-conspira/posts/352600
  13. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.fk.housedok.com/2012/11/nothing-wasted-5-consequences-and-repercussions/
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