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Everything posted by Certified

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y5sAtwczcE&list=UU1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ
  2. Fighting Style Years Of Experience 14 - Wisdom/Support Secondary Role: Offense Secondary Role: Defense Through his years as a crime fighter Vigilant has studied various martial arts from Boxing, Karate, and Judo, to Thai Kickboxing and Madagascan Moraingy. While age weighs on his physical abilities his mind is as sharp as ever. (There was probably a time when Vigilant would have had three different Fighting Styles one for Support, Offense and Defense, but with his advanced years he’s blended what he knows together to create his own fighting style.)
  3. http://www.dailyfailcenter.com/126840
  4. Area: 10 miles/level radius circle, centered on you
  5. http://www.dailyfailcenter.com/151303
  6. Contested Rolls Like Basic Rolls Contested Rolls represent Pass/Fail scenarios, except that there are two active participants. So the player is not measuring their ability against a static Value but to another character’s Values. When making Contested Rolls different characters may be rolling different Characteristics depending on the circumstance. An example of both a Basic Roll and a Contested Roll is making an attack in Combat. Normally, the character making an attack Rolls against a static Value, the Target’s Defense. However, if the Target spends an Action to take an Active Defense this becomes a Contested Roll as the Target now gets to Roll their Defense Dice adding it to their base Defense Value. Example: Let's return to Crypto and the MCDP Data Virus. We know that Crypto’s Roll is (Intelligence 10, Computers 5, Digital Mind 9) 24 + 4d6, but what if she were facing off against the Hacker himself, or the Virus had some type of protection to hide itself? In this situation the GM may call for a Contested Roll Crypto using her already established Computers, against the Hacker’s Virus which he decides the Hacker is a computer genius his Roll is Intelligence 8 + Computers 10 + Specialty Virus Writing 8, which Dave defines as how well the Virus hides itself using the databases own fire structure, a Base Value of 26 + 4d6. While the Hacker doesn’t have the raw brain power as Crypto, he knows how computers work almost better than anyone else out there. Worse he’s had time to work on crafting some nasty malicious software. Now both the Player and GM would Roll comparing their Final Values to see if Crypto can stop the virus in time. While the Contested Roll brings the tension up, it still may not be the right solution for this scene as there are multiple parts to the virus.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GP21GTf-tEc&list=UU1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ
  8. http://www.dailyfailcenter.com/150187
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOiN5TQhP2Q
  10. “Make as hard and direct a move as you like” means just that. As hard and direct as you like. It doesn’t mean “make the worst move you can think of.” Apocalypse World is already out to get the players’ characters. So are the game’s rules. If you, the MC, are out to get them too, they’re plain fucked.
  11. “Make as hard and direct a move as you like” means just that. As hard and direct as you like. It doesn’t mean “make the worst move you can think of.” Apocalypse World is already out to get the players’ characters. So are the game’s rules. If you, the MC, are out to get them too, they’re plain fucked.
  12. Climatic Scenes Climactic Scenes bring everything together. The apex of the action, and when central plot elements are resolved. Climatic Scenes almost always involve some form of conflict resolution, this may be entirely social, or a classic comic book showdown. Generally the GM frames the Climax. However, depending on the direction of the story, players may initiate the Climax before the GM. GMs should not be afraid to let stories end sooner than expected. If a master villain falls too soon, don’t worry, make sure they get Advancement awards too, and a new Drive just for whoever took them down. Climax Example: With the pieces in place Michael Fhage begins his ritual as Backlash and Penny stand guard, not knowing the danger. At the destroyed bookstore Moore casts an incantation to trace the source sending the Pride to a local park, which also happens to sit on a nexus of three Dragon Lines, vains of natural energy that flow through the earth. The GM has established the following guidelines for this climax. The tap into the Source will work as a Size 2 Ferocity 4 Disaster lashing out at everyone in the park, including innocent civilians that will need to be saved. Each Turn Fhage is allowed to continue his ritual it gains 2 Successes and cannot drop below 1 Success. However, if Fhage is interrupted the Source Tear will lose 2 Successes every Turn. Each Turn Fhage must Devote 1 Action to maintaining the Ritual. However, he also has a Villainous Twist: Taping The Source with a Value of 30. With that Fhage is able to add a Bonus of 30 to any Roll he makes. If he wanted to, Fhage is able to defend and counter strike against a single target, a Combat Maneuver that normally inflicts a -20 penalty to the Roll, with his Taping The Source Talent though he would still be operating with a +10 over his normal Values. If Fhage needs to he could instead strike 2 opponents at his normal values, or attack all four heroes at a -20 to his base Values. Loyalties: During this event Backlash, and Penny Dreadful are at the ready to defend Fhage. However, neither villain know the extent of his plan, or the possible consequences. Backlash is a mercenary though, he’s not looking to prove anything and presented with the evidence a Typical (14) Intimidation Roll with prompt him to flee, or he can be turned against Fhage with a Advanced (25) Expression Roll (See: Making Rolls). Penny is a different story though. Since her powers manifested she has been in constant pain. Fhage was able to take that away from her with his magic. She knows if he’s stopped the pain will return. While she’s not a nihilist seeking the end of the world, she would also rather face death than have the pain return. It is going to take serious effort to turn her against Fhage. The GM decides this will be a Competitive Roll with Penny’s Acid Bath counting as an Advantage. With the stage set, it’s now up to the heroes to determine how the events will play out.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ_6aRjYR0w
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiTVRABIPts&list=UU1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ
  15. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/8298-Beyond-Two-Souls
  16. Through the Team Origin the GM should note the events of the story and add any possible team Elements to the Campaign Tracker. Rewards History and Origin: At the conclusion of the Team Origin the characters Advance as follows: Increase History and Origin by 1 New Drive: Select a player you shared a scene, that player gives your character a new Drive with a Value of 1. Advance A Talent: Select a different player you did not share a scene with, that player selects one Talent that your Character used in the Team Origin, or Issue 0. Increase this Talent by 1. This cannot be a power or Fighting Style. Experience: All characters gain 3 Experience
  17. Part 7: Scope Revisited - Issue 0 & Team Origin
  18. http://www.dailyfailcenter.com/140138
  19. Metahumans Rising is a ready made setting fitting for Pulp, Golden, Bronze, and Dark Age Campaigns. To describe it in comic book terms Metahumans Rising takes many elements of the Gold, Retro Gold, and Bronze age and refines them removing a the more heavy handed restrictions imposed by the Comic Code in the Silver Age. However, this may not mean much to non-Comic Book people. To break down these elements we can create a short list of important factors. Common Elements of the core Metahumans Rising setting include: Super Science and Magic exist Heroes are heroes, larger than life and willing to wear costumes The world is not black and white, there is corruption, but generally good and bad is clear Superheroes are generally accepted. Although, there are exceptions. Death is meaningful, and heroes are not typically killers Actions have consequences
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG_mhvVuy8Y&list=UU1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ
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