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  1. https://twitter.com/CataleyaVi/status/1451523357774651392/photo/1
  2. Steel Aces Intrude 7 This week Frankie takes a deeper dive into the Chimera Drifters, looking at how the drift between subtypes impacts their appearances. https://housedok.com/comic/steel-aces-interlude-7/ Also, the setting poll is still open if you haven't already voted, help decide the direction of our shared setting! https://housedok.com/ummac-poll-1/ Enjoying our content? Want to support independent RPGs and Comics? Join our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/Metahumans ($2 a month unlocks all bonus content, including content polls, expanded monthly adventures, and Steel Aces making of videos.) Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro Website: http://housedok.com Print: https://studio2publishing.com/products/metahumans-rising?_pos=2&_sid=145b3fa95&_ss=r PDF: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/277614/Metahumans-Rising #Metahumans #Superheroes #RPG #TTRPG #Comic #SteelAces
  3. https://twitter.com/ellle_em/status/1448338523715772416/photo/1
  4. We’ve done articles on martial artists and we’ve done articles on mutant animals, clearly there is only one place to go next. Over the coming weeks we will be hosting a series of public polls to decide the various campaign elements. After we have collectively decided on everything going into our stew pot, we’ll put everything together for our shared setting along with some interesting NPCs and locations along the way. The first poll is now live. Time Period and Broad Setting https://housedok.com/ummac-poll-1/ If you want to contribute to the polls before they go live: Patrons get to see polls early, and contribute to the options. https://www.patreon.com/Metahumans
  5. UMMAC Poll 1: Time Period and Broad Setting It's time for our first poll as you help us create a Mutant Martial Arts Campaign Setting. Click the link to vote for 5 different time periods. Join our Patreon to get your ideas added to all the upcoming polls in the UMMAC series. Now, let's find out our when! https://housedok.com/ummac-poll-1/ Enjoying our content? Want to support independent RPGs and Comics? Join our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/Metahumans ($2 a month unlocks all bonus content, including content polls, expanded monthly adventures, and Steel Aces making of videos.) Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro Website: http://housedok.com Print: https://studio2publishing.com/products/metahumans-rising?_pos=2&_sid=145b3fa95&_ss=r PDF: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/277614/Metahumans-Rising #Metahumans #Superheroes #RPG #TTRPG #Comic #MartialArts #Mutants #UMMAC
  6. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1695843/?ref_=nm_flmg_wr_2
  7. 243.8 meters in length, 164.6 meters wide and 72.5 meter
  8. Responses on the interest tend to escalate, that's for sure. However, I see how they. - - - Don't worry, Hellboy shows up for a cameo...
  9. Sorry no comic this week. Frankie was caught up working on another project, keep an eye on his IMDB entry if you're curious there. However, we should be back on track.
  10. My thought is that depends on where you live. When my grandmother passed away, in 2001-2, she had been living in rural Alabama. That was a community that only locked their doors at night, and gave me funny looks for locking my car door. That is to say, they left the doors unlocked during the day. When I would spend summers there in the 80s the back door was left unlocked. Conversely, I had spent some time there in 1999 and ended up working as a bouncer at a roadside bar. It was a look into the amazing level of racism in rural America. Edit: I grew up predominantly in New York and later Las Vegas and those doors were never unlocked. In New York we had a chain. deadbolt and an automatic lock. I remember getting locked out more than once because I forgot my key. Las Vegas was just a single lock. - - - https://shef.com/
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