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Everything posted by Certified

  1. May I please get 2 followers to copy and re-post this tweet? I'm trying to demonstrate that someone is always listening. #SuicidePrevention 1-800-273-8255 Just two. Any two. Copy, not retweet. #EndTheStigma @JaspersGameDay
  2. Reading through this post, my mind first goes to The Shrimp on the Barbie, then it got real sad. Here's the movie, that I now feel I have to watch to forget it's nor nearly as fun in the real world.
  3. Okay, two Tweets for this month's Adventure seed: Plain https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro/status/1462532995017891842 & Brined (AKA Salty) https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro/status/1462536481445089280 Okay, two Tweets for this month's Adventure seed: Plain https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro/status/1462532995017891842 & Brined (AKA Salty) https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro/status/1462536481445089280
  4. Adventure Seed: Gobbler IV: Gallopavo Park It's been five years since Gobbler first emerged and a year since the Foulest Kaiju confrontation. Now a team of scientists are venturing into Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest home of the titanic turkey, or as it has come to be known Gallopavo Park. https://housedok.com/gobbler-iv/
  5. Adventure Seed: Gobbler IV: Gallopavo Park It's been five years since Gobbler first emerged and a year since the Foulest Kaiju confrontation. Now a team of scientists are venturing into Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest home of the titanic turkey, or as it has come to be known Gallopavo Park. https://housedok.com/gobbler-iv/ Enjoying our content? Want to support independent RPGs and Comics? Join our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/Metahumans ($2 a month unlocks all bonus content, including content polls, expanded monthly adventures, and Steel Aces making of videos.) Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro Website: http://housedok.com Print: https://studio2publishing.com/products/metahumans-rising?_pos=2&_sid=145b3fa95&_ss=r PDF: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/277614/Metahumans-Rising #Metahumans #MetahumansRising #Superheroes #RPG #TTRPG #Adventure #Thanksgiving #Turkey #TurkeyDay #Kaiju
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Simonson
  7. Probably worth a Google Jolly Blackburn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jolly_Blackburn Louise Simonson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Simonson
  8. Alright people, if you haven't voted yet let me see if I can influence your vote: Here is a short history of underground comics and while not the focus, Crumb's Zap Comics helping to drive the movement forward. Next year we will go for Trina Robbins.
  9. https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/ephemeral
  10. Steel Aces Intrude 8 In this week's update Frankie adds detail and new design elements to the Chimera troops. We also see a more detailed Dr. Green. https://housedok.com/comic/steel-aces-interlude-8/ Also, the setting poll is still open if you haven’t already voted, help decide the direction of our shared setting! https://housedok.com/ummac-poll-2-the-run-off/ Enjoying our content? Want to support independent RPGs and Comics? Join our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/Metahumans ($2 a month unlocks all bonus content, including content polls, expanded monthly adventures, and Steel Aces making of videos.) Twitter: https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro Website: http://housedok.com Print: https://studio2publishing.com/products/metahumans-rising?_pos=2&_sid=145b3fa95&_ss=r PDF: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/277614/Metahumans-Rising #Metahumans #Superheroes #RPG #TTRPG #Comic #SteelAces
  11. https://careers.google.com/locations/
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