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Mr. R

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Posts posted by Mr. R

  1. Re: Maelstrom


    Neutral on the writeup.


    Yeah well I never was much of a writer. Or typer I should say. I can talk a great origin, and hand write a decent one. But place me in front of a typewriter and well, my one finger method makes it slow going.


    That being said, any suggestions on how to improve it. Seriously, I do not mind constructive criticism. So, what would you like to see in the write-up?:help:

  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    OK made a picture. Saved it to paint using print screen. Erased all the superfluous pieces. And saved it in sample pictures in my c drive. (note can this be done with photos from Adobe Photoshop Starter Ed.?). So now it is 1600 x 1000 bitmap image. How do I crop this so it can be uploaded?

  3. Re: My first character (Speedster)


    I'll third that. I run a Champions character with DEX 43 and SPD 9 and she gets hit about one out of three sessions. Her defenses are 12PD and 12 ED; 6 of each are provided by Combat Luck. With a 4 PD or ED like you've got she'd have been dead several times over by now.


    The extra BODY was a good idea.


    Welcome to Hero. :celebrate


    I will also chime in on the get some defense, even if just a level or two of Combat Luck. As a GM I had player with a speedster, Quickling, who had a dex of 18 AND 3 levels shrinking. Total DCV was 15 at point blank. Explosions, AE's, Mental Powers and generally lucky rolls (yes I rolled 3's and 4's multiple time) were all his big buggaboo. Fortunately he had about 15 pd (8 resist).


    In your case loose some of the Dex and a point of SPD. Goint to 35 dex nets 9 pts, Spd 7 another 7 pts. Total 16 pts. One level CL is 6 pts and it gives 3 PD and 3 ED. So at minimum you can get two levels or 6 PD/ED. Tacked on to the regen can allow to survive for a bit.


    PS don't rely on the Desolid to save you. Abuse the power and next thing you know Explosive Affect Desolid attacks. Just has to tag you once real bad and back to making a new PC

  4. This is my first question regarding The Algernon Files which I recently got on vacation. It regards the use of the talent Deadly Blow from Fantasy Hero. Now as written this adds 1d6 Killing damage to the regular weapon damage that a PC can do. So a 1d6 dagger is now 2d6 and now you get to add Str. But most of the characters it was given to do not have KA, but regular EB or punches. So does this add 1d6 killing to a 10d6 EB, or 3d6 regular? (note I am leaning toward the latter).

  5. Re: High STR + HKAs, thoughts


    Also look at the OP. Nowhere in the description is there a mention of 1 charge or any charge. He's playing a lotto with the Side Effect. But just as he can get lucky with damage rolls, so he can get lucky and roll low for SE, resulting in at least three shots, maybe more.


    Also remember the SE only goes off if he hits. So he can push every shot till he hits, then he takes to SE. I would totally do this, and I am far from a munchkin/power-gamer. So 21 DC regular or 27 killing.


    Oh also after some exp. pts we can get: +5 with Energy Transfer Punch.

  6. Re: High STR + HKAs, thoughts


    All the character has to do is go unscathed or delay his action on the DEX count until last, fire his boom stick and then scoot into post-12 Land. RECover END, Lockout gone, BODY only down to non-ridiculous levels.


    Even if this is a poorly designed Voltron's Sword, it's still a Voltron's Sword. Letting this into your game will mean highly non-dramatic stories where Captain Razorfist one-shots your megavillain or you will have to buff your megavillain to the point where the other players can't scuff him.


    Seen it, played with it, didn't enjoy it (even though the person with it was on my team!)


    I have to agree with this statement as it also happened to me. Let a power slide cause I was assure "It's a last ditch power!! Look it only has 3 charges and costs a ton of end and takes a full phase!!!" Next thing I know as soon as the big baddie shows out comes the Arrow of Nuke Power. Lucky role on the stun lotto and villain goes down. I finally had to tell the player we change it or all the baddies get nastier to survive your attack, and I am sure the other players don't want me ramping up defenses just for you. Seriously for your piece of mind now and later (expect an argument if you let this in, possibly a bad one) tell him tone it down or no go. Pick a damage class level, yours seems around 14, and stick to it. That means 2d6+1 max that is 4.5d6 w/str. The game you save may be yours.:coach:

  7. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


    Recently finished Fortune's Fool by Mercedes Lackey. I wasn't expecting utterly mind blowing, but it was a nice book that kept my attention for the next few hours until I finished it. I liked her take on the tradition of stories. Here it is a very powerful magical force called The Tradition. It's the reason that the stories go the way they do. The trick is how to make the tradition work for you. That and the hero and heroine are likable.


    For me a kiss of death for a novel is if at any time in the first 1/4 of the book I say the following "I do not care what happens to any of these people." It's one of the reasons I couldn't stand Robin Hobb's Live Ship novels. I lost interest in the people. R. Scott Baker has very few likable people but you are interested in them.

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