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Mr. R

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Posts posted by Mr. R

  1. Re: Willow


    Ok things that set oof my GM flag:


    Con 15 Little low. With her defences she wll be con stunned a LOT. Make it 18 or 20.


    Body 20 WOW! Lower it to 15 (this is a super heroic game I assume). Use the points to up the Con.


    Ego 35 and no mental powers. Even if she was a mentalist I'd say lower it. This gives her an MOCV/MDCV if 13. 20 or 23. She has mental defence, affecting her with mental powers will be difficult as is.


    SPD 6 Bring it down to 5. To me 6+ is Speedster/Martial Artist


    Her multi power. You state her prefered tactic is to go invis and use TK. But her TK is visible. So I suggest the following.


    1) An EC for the fly, for. fld. and the invis.

    2) A MP (75 pts)with various TK options ex Normal TK (50 str), TK with FM, TK at 1/2 end, TK with invis.


    Skills 28 pts of which 16 are combat. +1 ranged and a +1 any single. Get the extras with Exp.



    Finally 13 pts vehicles and bases? Better explain this one to me!


    I love the concept and idea. And the plot hooks are galore.


    PS Hunted at 11 or less means you expect her to show up every other session (11 or less is 50%). Just think about that.

  2. Re: Mastermind. One Step at a Time


    No one mentioned Body stat and since it is tied to Stun, I'll do both.


    Body 20 He's survived it all and can tell the tale.


    Stun 90 He can take a licking and keep on ticking (This assumes that other defences like Force Field are forthcoming)

  3. Re: Pics of my COH toons


    Being Canadian I had to make a Patriotic Themed hero. And the Sheild set was too good for parading my Canadianess. So my Sheild/Mart Art/Devices (proposed as he was only level 32) Scrapper-------------MAJOR MAPLELEAF. (any references to hot dogs will get you a sheild smash).

  4. Re: Pics of my COH toons


    Mindee Star developped her telepathic powers at a young age, but in a gradual progression, and so was spared much of the angst that mutant Telepaths get when their powers come on them suddenly. As a result she is much more emotionally stable and adjusted. After her final training with Sister Psyche, she donned a costume to help, as well as becoming a Public Relations Expert working for (insert beneficial Super Human focus group). She still goes by the name Mindee, but is better known to the public as Mindstarr. (Psychic/Energy Blaster retired at 35. I was planning for the Flame Elite set).

  5. Re: Pics of my COH toons


    The great Super Coolant (Yeah lame, but anything better was taken). A Ice/Electric/Electric Blaster. Idea was nanites lowered his body temperature as well as allowing him to more efficiently store and release electricity. He was a Secondary controller in a way, Freeze Ray, Bitter Freeze Ray, Shocking Grasp (from the Secondary set), Electric Cage (From the Elite set). In one run with a group the controller and I locked down so many mobs it was insane.

  6. Re: Pics of my COH toons





    Kid Eternal. Martial artist who is so good at the age of 16 because of genetic kinetic memory - his body retains any physical training his ancestors have done.


    Very cool.

  7. Re: Pics of my COH toons


    Stunner a Super Strength/Willpower/Physical tank. Actually would say that all she used was leverage and proper application of force at the right place to affect large changes, anyone can do it if they put their mind to it.

  8. Re: Pics of my COH toons


    Willow Thorton was a biologist/botanist working on hybrid plants for farming purposes. Then The Council decided that her reseach needed to be liberated by them (stolen). Thrown into a vat of chemicals and some of her cuttings, she was in a coma for weeks. When she awoke it was as a plant/animal hybrid now called Thornwillow. A Spines/Invuln/Physical scrapper. The three images are her with spines on, spines off, and dressed up for an event.

  9. Re: Do random power SFX games work?


    Heroes Unlimited also has random tables but experienced guys never use them from what I have seen.




    I was in a HU game where the GMinsisted we roll for everything. On one end we had a Hunter/Vigilante who used mostly modern tech. Good point,he was a skill monkey. Bad point, GM never let him use those skills. The real rediculous though was the alien from a high gravity water world who rolled APS Ice and Water Powers. When all was calculated, he swam at mach 3. Too bad most of the game took place in Detroit, fairly far inland too.



    As far as V&V well that was even worse. One member rolled Heightened str, agil and end, Invulnerability, Natural Weaponry and Flight (he ditched a power to get ridof the disadvantage). Then I rolled Heightened int, Illusion and for my disadvantage ..........Lowered int. And he said 'We don't always get what we want" By the third session he saw that the character was pathetic and allowed me to roll a new character (but I started with 0 exp).


    So my experience with random power generation is ....... Yeah that is what we read in the comics, but you can bet Marvel was not rolling on some tables when they were making the Fantastic Four.


    Sorry this pushes a button, this and the arguement that Thor and Red Falcon are on the same team, so different power levels are in genre. Grrrrr I hate that chestnut.

  10. Re: Pics of my COH toons


    Loa Chun. An mystery, inside a riddle, wrapped in an enigma. A Dark Melee/Super Refl/Dark Scrapper. Definetely a late blooming setup, he really didn't become nasty until mid 30's. Then all the synergies started to stack together.

  11. Re: Pics of my COH toons


    Next up Inginacious Findly Jones otherwise known as Infinity Jones. A former military man who lost his limbs, they were replaced by cybernetics.

    An Archery/Devices/Force (Force field belt anyone) with jet boots for flying.

  12. Re: Pics of my COH toons


    My one Villian I licked to play. I present the only daughter of the ninja master called Lord Night,...... Night's Butterfly. Ninja/darkness/soul MM. Was actually a challenge because the ninja are glass canons. They hurt, but fold easily.

  13. Re: Pics of my COH toons


    Now Corona's Star, a legacy toon. I made a Energy/Energy blaster called Star Corona. But I disliked the main set. So I redid her and picked the name Corona's Star (Mother daughter). Fire/Energy/Force.

  14. Re: Character Class Mottos


    Rogue - "If it isn't nailed down, it's mine. And I carry a crowbar."


    Warrior - "I deal in steel, up close and personal."


    Shaman - "The spirits are favourable to your petition."


    Scout/Ranger - "I heard you coming up the rise 10 minutes ago, and smelled your position from 200 meters."


    Oracle - "I knew you were going to say that."

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