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death tribble

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Everything posted by death tribble

  1. Silly Villain: Mr Punch Part of the dynamic duo, Dr Jackal and Mr Punch, the latter was a simple and simple minded brick. In England there was a tradition known as Punch and Judy shows where Mr Punch usully used a truncheon to beat up Judy, the Crocodile, the Policeman and the Doctor. He also talked in a high pitched voice. Typical dialogue:- Mr Punch: Can I hit them Dr Jackal ? Dr Jackal: No, Punch Mr Punch: Oh, what a pity. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  2. Silly Villain: Dr Jackal He talked like Noel Coward (see the original Italian Job with Michael Caine and a 40s film called In Which We Serve), dressed elegantly but was the result of Genetic experimentation down on Willow Farm carried out by Marion Willow. This is Dr Jackal. He was smooth, suave sophisticated and kept his erstwhile partner, Mr Punch in check. A great fun villain created and drawn by Paul Geelan EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  3. Vincento 'No Nose' Urko The attached is an example of aul's warped creativity on occasion. He wanted a Demon a little bit different for a witch to summon and this is what he came up with. Mysteria looked like an ordinary paranormal but was a witch. And what she summoned up was Vincento. First time he appeared he did not say much. Until someone actually stunned Mysteria. he then pulled out a humungous handgun and opened fire on the offending hero uttering the line 'You hurta the bossa lady, you make a my day !' Vincento was hunted by Elvis the Centaur. (Yup, Presley crossed with a centaur). Created and drawn by Paul Geelan. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  4. Warlock 3 Here we see the Warlock in typical gloating mode. Near the end of his terrestial life he will soon die at the hands of the Protectors only to come back as a powerful Demon. Some villains. You maim them, you kill them. And then they turn up on your doorstep for revenge. What did we ever do to them ? Created and drawn by Paul Geelan. My favourite of the Warlock drawings. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  5. Warlock 2 And as we are talking about the Pentacle, what about the man who made it all possible ? Ladies and Gentlemen let's hear it for the Warlock ! Shown here at the start of the Pentacle's formation. Created and drawn by Paul Geelan. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  6. Master Spite Those who have been following the thread will have seen me mention Arsenic and what he became Master Spite. This indeed is Master Spite, a thoroughly horrible villain. If you killed him, he regenerated. He has a couple of nasty transformation and killing attacks. Spite joined the Pentacle and had his revenge on the Great Alfonso killing him in combat despite stringent efforts to save his life. Spite became one of the villains that got pounded in order to stop him doing something nasty. because his nasty was nasty indeed. Created and drawn by Paul Geelan EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  7. The Swamp Witch Sometimes your mistakes come back to haunt you. Other times something you were supposed to find inert like say a Skull turns into the real thing. So the whole group of us are in our first multi-part adventure which pits the Archon and his champions, The Protectors against the forces of the Destroyer. We had to collect pieces of something like the key to time. So having collected the first bit, the Magician (Yup my character) hit the wrong button in the time sphere and we ended up in the 13th Century. Up against the Swamp Witch. She was functionally blind but made do with sonar. And used Telekinesis in the form of a huge purple demon. Created and drawn by Paul Geelan this was the first villain in the campaign to have reflection. She became another recurring foe joining the Warlock in the Pentacle. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  8. The Flame Mk 3 This is the third rendition of the Flame character sheet. I am not putting up Mk 2 as it really does not give much to people. However Mk 3 does. As you see the Flame is in flight and about to open fire. There is a little water damage which is why the right hand side is blue. At this point in his career the Flame has clashed with several of his team mates for their lax attitude to law enforcement ie looking cool is more important than enforcing the law and the penchent for some of them to let the villains go. He was also liaising with the government over the running of the team. No easy thing when Thatcher is in charge. The drawing is by my brother Paul. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  9. Dr Apocalypse 2 mk 2 This is the Dr Apocalypse 2 armour after it has been in for an upgrade. To recap, Dr Apocalypse 2 is the son of Dr Apocalypse and is out for revenge after the Protectors aided in the death of his father. At this juncture Doc Apoc 2 is a member of the group VILE. Villains International League of Evil. Created and drawn by Paul Geelan EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  10. This is the original costume for Demon, the armour wearing leader of the Chaos Corps. The Infamous Mahoney Snark. He was not as good in his armour as he was a business man. At this he gave us much more to worry about. Created and drawn by Paul Geelan EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  11. Wolfclaw This one is he contentious one and I will happily remove if it is too IP. If a moderator also removes it before hand for this reason, so be it. However having seen the Epoch design which was adapted from a DC comics villain, I felt that it should be ok to post this one. Wolfclaw was a Wolverine rip off as you can see. The costume is when he was a member of the group MAIM, Mutants Against Ignorant Mankind. Created by the main GM of the campaign. And often badly played. 5d6 HKA before Str and trying to figure in martial arts and that ws used in preference to most anything else. Sadly. Drawn by Angie. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  12. Silver Dreadnought This is for a hero I did not get the chance to play. The armour and design is based on Big Barda of the Female Furies. In the campaign, the armour is designed by the Magician. Drawn by my brother Paul. As always any criticisms welcome. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  13. I think that Blonde Bombshell had a write up in the Champions comic. Gargoyle from the cover of the early editions of Champions. We'll never see him but.
  14. Epoch based on DC character Epoch's design is based on a DC character who time travelled. I have the Secret Origins comic with the pic in it.
  15. Poison This is Paul Geelan's adaptation of a villain I believe in Enemies: The International File called Pretty Poison. The idea was ok but needed work so Paul did this drawing and reworked the stats and origin. Voila Poison. Thaw almost ended up as her husband on a couple of occasions. And she almost got elected as head of state in the country's elections after Communism fell. Another member of the Chaos Corps. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  16. Thorn Deputy leader of the Chaos Corps and lover of its leader, Mahoney Snark, Thorn was an egoist. Secret ID was a barmaid created and drawn by Paul Geelan EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  17. Elasto This is the stretching villain, Elasto. Another member of the Chaos Corps. Created and drawn by Paul Geelan EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  18. Carnage Now some of you might recognise this little lady. This is Herculan's daughter, Carnage. Well not 5th edition obviously. Carnage is half alien and a brick. She is also a regular member of the Chaos Corps, banes in the life of the North East Protectors especially around Halloween Night. Created and drawn by Paul Geelan EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  19. Dr Apocalypse 2 The original Dr Apocalypse was a recurring villain but at this stage was thought dead after the Bravarian Illuminati sent an assassin out who sliced and diced the good doctor's brain. So his son became Dr Apocalypse 2 and came after the Protectors. Later his daughter would take on the heroes but that's another story. Created and drawn by Paul Geelan. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  20. Stiletto Like Nightmare a member of ANGST, Stiletto was again created and drawn by Paul Geelan. Stiletto's origin was that she assassinated the Queen of England in a divergent reality where the sun never set on the British Empire. Unable to cope with the ensuing hue and cry she fled to this dimension. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  21. Nightmare One of the early villains again, Nightmare managed to get away with what she was planning to do in her first appearance. Area effect presence drain will do that to you. The first people she caused to flee were The Flame and Mindshock. she became a mainstay in the campaign. Nightmare sold her soul to the devil for power. And hated the Warlock who made a better deal. Nightmare's bargain did make her immune to the Demoness's soul touch power though. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  22. Spectre Mk 2 After spending a few XPs, voila the new character sheet Again drawn and created by Paul Geelan. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  23. The Spectre Mk 1 The Spectre was the campaign's first killer vigilante. Originally a police inspector he began hunting villains to kill them. The Protectors had several run ins with him usually while solo operating. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  24. This is the Psitan, archfoe of Spirit. Spirit was played by the girlfriend of Paul Geelan and was an egoist with some brick powers I believe (don't ask). Bit munchkinny. However the Psitan was always able to hit her first with his ego-powers and leave her mentally paralysed before running away. EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
  25. Monitor After Dr Apocalypse managed to destroy most of Genocide's resources in one fell swoop (draining all the mutant energy in the world into yourself making you THE biggest mutant on the planet will do that), the organization fell apart. Whilst the agents despaired, the surviving Minutemen built the next Generation of Minutemen without the flaws of the previous versions. The prime unit of this was Monitor. Monitor eventually became the Coffee Machine in the Protectors base. Ignominious isn't it ? Drawn and created by Paul Geelan EDIT: Attachment removed. Available on request
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