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Posts posted by LordGhee

  1. Re: Luftwaffe Secret Weapons: Winged Missiles


    I read a few years ago in a book about secret programs of WWII the the pilots of the German bombers complained that the frits was not working right.


    this went on for months finally the engineer of the project took one of the system down all the way, what did you know! the wiring from the guidance in the bombers nose to the transmitter in the middle of the bomber had been split and woven back to gather! under static load testing it worked fine. but under the operational load (engines running) the vibration of the plane would generate false signals which would ruin the flight path. the engineer then took all of the systems apart and found almost half where that way!

    It seems that the systems where installed with forced labor, and some bright slave sabotage the systems (half)


    the fritz had a hit rate of 50% until Ecm was installed then it went down to 25% for the majority of the attacks. at the end of the war the 2nd generation ecm was introduced and the rate went below 12% (with the repaired systems)


    With out the unknown hero of the force laborer twice as many sucesses might have happen. If the system had profromed better the German might have relized they had a war winner and invested more into it.


    Lord Ghee

  2. Re: Star Wars:the Gathering Storm Breaks


    Results of game one,

    Complete success, the firefighting druids where a great menace and allow the new players to try out their lightsabres and powers (the new players are the padawans.)


    Surprise, The Tribune confers with the Jedi and wants to go to the miners at miners rest in order to buy back the Senator. The Jedi inform the tribune that the pursuit will have to wait until after the meeting, which is why so many Jedi are on planet, I think that this miffed the Tribune, but I am not sure of this.


    The Tribune with the authority of the senator got the fastest republic ship (think Leia ship in IV) and offers the authority to the Jedi for the second fastest who decline as they are Jedi and have all the authority they need.


    The party splits. (Gm sweats but is a cleaver one who trusts the dice.)

    The Tribune is off to the sector capital at crater city.

    Now I know the Miners have kidnapped the Senator so in this genre it follows as

    · The miners are clearly wronged driven to desperation.

    · The commerce guild must be involved. (They wish to control all mining)

    · The banking guild must be involved (you have to move the money)

    · So what on such a grand scale is being sold, and why?


    This lead to the thought train: The Senator is in charge of infrastructure, what would miners want? What problem would the senator need to solve?

    Then one of the players and I had lunch and we discussed Dune and the spice must flow.

    Flow . . . ok if you have 1,000,000,000,000 trillion people on Coursacant and no environment (The planet is all city) to bio degrade the waste they produce and you are in charge of infrastructure then your biggest problem is bio waste.

    So along come some miners willing to pay for the waste. You ship it off and from the contract you can siphon off say one tenth f a cent a day per person.

    That is a billion dollars (credits) a day that is wealth baby.


    We got a plot. Now who is the movers and what do the miners want with all that poo.


    Note: the canon I am using comes from the Wikipedia


    Hope this thread is not boring you all,

    coming next thoughts on the pirate life.


    Lord Ghee

  3. Re: The Future of Small Arms


    Sorry sundog the plate (8lb) that go into the vest will stop rifle rounds.


    during desert storm a marine I talk to was bunker clearing and took two shots to the chest at point blank (he turned around and the enemy came out of a closet). point blank as in inches


    he made the point that the Iraqi did not have body armour.


    Lord Ghee

  4. Re: Star Wars:the Gathering Storm Breaks


    Episode one : Goal to get the players involved quickly in the plot and the new players must get to try out the game system.


    How to get the players involved? Thus I look to the source material. One of the major themes that run throughout the series is kidnapping. Nothing like a kidnapping to get people involved.


    Who to kidnap? This became apparent when Michelle came up with the Tribune character. The Tribune had his dad the senator as a major background of the character.

    With the phy lims coming into play it would be a motivator in the game.


    I now have how to get the player into the game I need now to come up with the overall plot of the games.


    So I started to work on the actual kidnapping and who did it and why.


    Lord Ghee

  5. Re: Balancing Magic Use


    what balance, Gandalf could fight a balrog.


    Generally we let the players build the magic they want, in the three 150 pt games none of the mu overly powered the game (everything form a few powers to vpps)


    Lord Ghee

  6. Re: Nightman and Nightgirl


    Killer you know I love you but that hurt.


    It dose not help that it is late and I have a cold and am dope up with meds.


    but huh?


    what did you just answer, why so complex and what was the point and when can you simplefi for my simple mind and how dose this help.


    (I am working on the where :))


    Love and Kisses


    Lord Ghee

  7. Re: Nightman and Nightgirl


    Well Pocket Universes can be a lot of fun. . . . until


    the batteries fail,

    the exit jams,

    the off switch breaks,

    the others show up,


    " if you cannot at least maintain (let alone build) a universe then you should not own a universe." Zamadon (Immortal trans dimensional traveler and superhero), On the defeat of Dark Empath's OZ Flying Monkey army (OFMA-think Nazis like) and the fact the rest of the hero team left her "imprison" there (in the OZ pocket Dimension) in first place.




    Lord Ghee.

  8. Re: Please look over this character


    As a character in one of My games I would question the high stats.

    I understand the stats are explain by the Orc part but

    15 presence is she that strange looking or that striking

    The abmount of body?

    The con and dex seem very high

    I would also question


    how she picked up paramedics?


    the brawling angle I would suggest to expand a little


    the hunted should be a watch, as in my game hunted means HUNTED


    What are the major institutions?


    some thoughts


    Lord ghee

  9. Re: "Beware the generosity of Kings" - A warning


    If I was a Prince who was the subject of unknown Assassinations then I would hire one of the players (hero) to look into it and stop them.


    If I was a Foreign power hiring these guys to lead an army or do a deed for me would be on the list.


    I have this Dragon that is a problem.


    Lord Ghee

  10. Re: A new Player here


    Welcome Back!


    We will all be happy to mentor you.


    please post your charaters as many of us would be happy to comment.


    I like the CV method or the dex method both are what you are trying to accomplish. Rapier nail the limitaions.


    I do not think that selective is nessacary as you could define the power as negative to attack you so the fear effects woould not matter on the armour own team. (all fear me, not all attack me.)


    Lord Ghee

  11. Re: Star Wars:the Gathering Storm Breaks


    Hey way to go JediGerald


    JediGerald is new to our group and New to Champions.


    Miners rest was where the miners that kiddnapped the Senator were from.


    What was the Name of that planet, humm note where are my notes?


    More now that I got a post.

    Thanks Jedi, rep for the post newbie.

    Lord Ghee

  12. Re: block use




    the rule is clear (once I got around to rereading it ;) )


    wither it is call area effect, unblockable effect, can't block this. The rule has a cost and effect. not allow it to work as written is always a choice but there is no rational for it, a fx is always a good thing but should not override a rule. I may not like the effect and as a GM I can house rule it but my thoughts are let the rule stand. The game has worked for 20+ years and it is seems to be blance. (indirect on a HTH can be block as the advantage dose not modify blockablity at all.) it changes the perception of it origin.


    Your house rule NuSoardGrapite is a major change.


    Lord Ghee


    Lord Ghee

  13. Re: Steam Power in Fantasy


    the first working steam engines where used to pump water out of mines,


    then to provide a way to hall up ore in carts which lead to railways


    then came steam looms (and cotton is king)

    (mid 1700's)


    The Roman's could cast sheets of Iron 3 by 5' which was used on siege towers example the one at Masada (1/2 inch thick or more)


    having no need for large pours you do not develop large pours.


    Lord Ghee

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