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  1. Re: EC's cannot have non-END powers!!!! My two cents. The only change I would make to an EC is to make it function somewhat like multiform, in that you pay a base cost based on half of the most expensive power in the EC, yet still charge the other half of each power. So if you have a 30 AP power with a 40 AP power in the same EC, you pay 20 points base cost, 15 points AP for the weak power, and 20 AP for the strong power. An EC may have some "tipsies" based on unequality, or worse, a future rule change that changes the AP cost of a component of an EC that is currently compliant with rules. As far as EC's are concerened, I view them as a cohesive unit that is bound together in a unit. Take Spyro for instance. His many breaths are good, but I find it plain silly to require them to all have the same AP cost just because an EC says so. THe player may legitimately wish to have a weaker secondary weapon, such as water breath (which is relatively harmless and doesn't cause damage) versus a lighting bomb (seeker missile). Themes like this almost require AP differences. The base cost seems to cover the EC-ness of the group of powers, and binds them together. As far as I'm concerned, an EC is a single power that just happens to have more than one possible effect. Which is why the cost savings and neat packaging are probably offset by the "one for all and all for one" nature of drains affecting the entire EC rather than just a single slot in said EC. I've never GM'ed in practice, but I find flexibility in my interpretation of "GM prerogative". As far as END costs, you are allowed to use a power that costs END, even if it has the "No END" advantage. Perhaps native (aka, base) powers that don't cost END are also inappropriate for inclusion into an EC to begin with, advantages and limitatiosn that affect END usage to the contrary not withstanding.
  2. Re: allergy disadvantage? More like an allergy that well, disables you in the sense that you can't focus. I figured it would involve penalties to CV and/or END/STUN damage. Physical limitation sounds like a good general fit, in the sense that it's greatly impairing to be stunned everytime you have to take a sneeze. Duration might lower it a bit.
  3. In my last campaign (as a player) I tried to have my "Spyro" character have a disadvantage, in the form of a perfume allergy. Now, what I wanted was for sneezing to cause inconvienience of some sort, but the GM (and allt he other players) had trouble classifying this oddball. How do you do this? I was thinking of some sort of STUN ONLY damage, or maybe loss of END from sneezing or something.
  4. I was totally clueless about this until a fellow member clued me in on the basics. Now, I have the following information: * Attacker minimum of 4 size categories larger than Victim * Make a Grab (at -2 OCV) against Victim * Victim takes Attacker's STR damage on Phase that Attacker swallows Victim * Digestion damage ranging from 1/2d6 K to 3d6 K on each of the Attacker's Phases (on inventory as well) takes place thereafter. * Escape with cutting weapon by dealing 1/2 Attacker's BODY to the stomach, which has 1/2 DEF and is at OCV 0 I'm still missing the following pieces of information: 1. What is the maximum capacity for victims that an Attacker can have swallowed at once? 2. How much does it cost a monster to have this power? (as in, how do you calculate the Base, Active, and Real Cost's for this maneuver) I should mention that, for financial reasons beyond my control, I am unable to procure the Bestiary that would answer all these.
  5. Re: Discourse on Fantasy Hero Um, yeah thanks y'all So I guess that Fantasy hero is just a label for a kind of play enabled by the HERO system, as opposed to a specific division thereof.
  6. What's it all about? What makes it special, and different from generic HERO? Basically, I'd like a blurb about it. I'm utter newbie at fantasy but was in a few sessions under a GM as Defender in Champions. So, all I'm familiar with is the nuts and bolts of playing. Please be both verbose and simple.
  7. How does having negative STUN interact with drowning/etc where you burn END, STUN, and then BODY to stay alive? It seems that your ultimate fate depends on what happens first, being brought down to negative stun before or after entering a STUN/BODY burner. How does this work out?
  8. Re: The cranky thread One thing that bothers me? Being so stinkin broke I can't afford to buy Fantasy Hero :'( It's a good thing I'm part of a champions campaign, or I'd be bored silly.
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