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Posts posted by Jagged

  1. Re: What if: Ironman vs. Bruce Lee


    Yes silly discussion.




    But fun!



    Movie Bruce Lee is obviously a super hero level martial artist and so could take on Iron Man. Real Life Bruce Lee wouldn't be able to get through the armour. But then "Real Life" Iron Man wouldn't be able to stand up either so is that a draw? :D



    As always "Who wins" ultimately depends on one question: who's comic is it?

  2. Re: I ruined my campaign


    TAKE A BREAK. You don't necessarily have to "kill" your campaign, just put it 'on hold' for a little while. After recharging your batteries, doing a rethink, and so on; you may be keen to return to GMing it. If not, hang onto your campaign notes and material, because lightning can always strike again in several months or a year or so. Seen that happen plenty of times.





    I have felt like your players at the end of a campaign. Not because there was any problem with the game just that it was all a bit "intense". A change in pace may be all your players (and you need).


    Perhaps you could run some sessions with other characters from your game world? Perhaps agents?


    Perhaps (if you are feeling brave) let someone else Ref in your world? Its always interesting to see what other people do with your toys :D


    Or maybe a couple of comedy/jokey sessions to clean the pallet? Toon Heroes?

  3. Re: Negatory


    Of course, just because it isn't RAW, doesn't mean it can't be used. But that bugs some people.


    Not "bugs" so much as wanting to understand why?


    Since we are told to count below zero for recovery using 0 as the floor is a new rule to remember. I would like to think that there was a reason for the change. No one has raised any problems caused by negatives so at the moment it seems like it was done for preference.


    Fair enough, but there are negatives to the loss of negatives ( ;) ) and no positives.

  4. Re: Captain Undrainable!!!!!!


    Other dimensions. You get the energy from other dimensions. Converted by evolved cell organelles (or analogues) that have replaced mitochondria in SPBs they can chanel energy from the universal and usually undetectable, to our limited senses Orgone Energy. That explains why the universe actually works (we call it 'dark matter': it is an observed but unexplainable discrepancy in reality). The evolved organelles 'power' the apparently miraculous feats and provide the energy for awesome manifestations of Orgone Energy, which subsequently bleeds back through the dimensional circuit to increase the flow of energy through the whole system. The manifestation of SPBs is actually increasing the rate of omniversal evolution to an alarming rate.




    Does that mean we could use the measure of dark matter and energy as an indicator of how many super heroes there are in the universe?

  5. Re: Disappointment


    I would be interested in knowing what they write on their game packaging. Assuming they sell the product other than just online.


    They used to say in their "About Champions Online" section that it was "based on the popular pen-and-paper Champions role-playing game" which I considered to be deliberately misleading. It would be better to say "based upon the Champions Universe and its characters"


    They still say in response to the question "where did the idea come from?" that the game is "based on the popular pen-and-paper Champions role-playing game" which is also misleading. That sentence makes you think they built something with Champions in mind and not that they built something with Marvel in mind and then tried to make it like Champions.

  6. Re: Negatory


    To some, perhaps. At least a few of us liked the rules. I personally thought they were great. The added detail there was one of the few changes from 4E to 5E that I actually felt was a truly positive and noteworthy addition.


    And given how I--and most likely the original poster--felt about the rules, calling this discussion, "much ado about nothing," is frankly a bit rude. Feel free not to contribute to a thread that's worth nothing; that's a somewhat more positive contribution than that kind of inflamatory slur.




    The use of negative characteristics was consistant and logical. I like "consistant and logical", especially in my rule systems.


    Has anyone come up with a reason why negative characteristics cause such a problem that they needed removing?

  7. Re: Disappointment


    We all know that CO isn't based on the PnP rules but if you were not an aficionado of on-line forums and you saw Champions Online for sale in your local computer store it would be some while before you realised it had nothing to do with the Hero System.


    I also scoff at the idea that they have "taken plenty of inspiration from the HERO system" and think a more truthful description would be "confusingly borrows some Hero System terminology".



  8. Re: Limited Deflection


    The one power does potentially gain another weakness. Let's say that the original power was EB and now we're going to replace it with a MP with the EB and an RKA. Now an opponent with either Drain EB or Drain RKA would be able to target the EB (both' date=' but comparing it to the original build...). Likewise a SFX-based negative Adjustment power may have a larger set of potentially matching SFX to target.[/quote']


    I see a MP as a way to represent abilities that pull from a single "ability well". Therefore I find it hard to justify why a drain that effects part of the ability well should not effect it all.


    Obviously its just me and Sean on this one but I think were I the ref I would overrule the book on this one ;)

  9. Re: Disappointment


    It's amazingly simple to make an advantage stick. If you have quests that require a person fight the fire mobs, then how can he avoid anything?


    By dropping them, getting other missions, waiting till they out level them, get other people to complete them, avoiding contacts that give those missions, not taking missions that sound like it might involve them. The ways go on.


    The only way to make a disadvantage stick would be to stop them playing the rest of the game until they completed the "Disadvantage" mission. Somehow I don't see that as a great selling point for any game ;)


    Geeze' date=' have these people ever played pen and paper before? [/quote']


    Unfortunately the MMO is a very different animal. In the pnp world you can always find other ways to complete the mission. In MMOs you get your xp by killing things. :(

  10. Re: Do you play CO as an MMO?


    Not everyone plays the game for the same reasons. Demanding that others play the game your way is pure selfishness. Sorry' date=' but it's the truth.[/quote']


    Its also a path Cryptic have tried to take before. I seriously doubt they will try again.

  11. Re: How do you build Drives?


    I think that highlights the most important part of FTL a referee needs to consider and thats the speed of communication compared to the speed of travel.


    One of the main effects of your choice are the outcomes for law inforcement and trade. If communication is noT faster than travel then it becomes much easier to be a criminal in one place and law abiding citizen in another. It also makes it harder for central government and creates a more fudal environment.


    Sometimes as a referee/story teller you want communications to be both fast and slow. You can justify such a situation if you assume that interstella communication requires the establishment of some kind of tunnel or warp just like travelling does, but once established it can be held open to allow instantaneous chatter.


    This allows your star ship to be out of communication for large amounts of time but can arrange face to face discussions with important ambassadors when the plot demands :D

  12. Re: Do you play CO as an MMO?


    While I agree that most heroes do well on their own (or else would they really be "heroes"?) ' date=' BUT you will note that they can fight bigger and badder threats when they do team-up. I can think of a lot of comic book teams (JLA, Avengers, Defenders, Teen Titans, X-Men, etc, etc...) that have taken on all kinds of massive monsters, inter-galactic terrors, villian teams, demons, aliens, giant robots, mad gods.... there is no end. [/quote']


    Some team-oriented content is good. CoH had its Task Forces and Trials for instance. But the mission that a hero/heroine picks up should not IMO force a player to have to team.

  13. Re: Limited Deflection


    I suspect that, although HD allows it as a limitation, you can not unify the slots of a MP. That would lead to enormous silliness:


    48 60 point pool (unified power)

    5 12d6 Blast

    5 6d6 Entangle


    So for 58 points you get a power that can entangle or blast for less than either costs on their own.


    Agreed. I would expect MP that don't work in a unified way to be an advantage.

  14. Re: Do you play CO as an MMO?


    I can't understand wanting a game to make sure that everyone else has to as well.




    It doesn't seem to fit with the genre either. After all in the comics even the team characters do very well on their own. Super heroes are, by and large, all-rounders. Dare I say "tank-mages" *sniggers*


    New MMOs need to dynamically tailor the content they throw at a team based upon the make up of the team. You know, much like a human referee would ;)



    [edit] Which kind of reminds me that when I first saw there was a "Champions MMO" thread in the Genres section I instantly thought "MMO is not a genre" :D

  15. Re: Disappointment


    Probably this article:

    Gamescom 2009: DC Universe Online Impressions[updates]


    In the original article they said "Wes confirmed that not only will there be no subscription fee for DC Universe Online" but they have since updated that as below:


    In his response we were given a very strong impression that they are leaning towards the expansion-pack business model, as opposed to the traditional subscription fee although such matters hadn’t been solidified at that point over at Sony Online Entertainment.
  16. Re: WWII Spinoff Sort-of. Need help!




    A good place to start is to do a little research on something called the "Ahnenerbe". This was an "Archaelogical" society that you had to join if you were a member of Hitler's SS.


    I guarantee you that virtually any research you do on these guys will start campaign ideas springing left right and centre. Virtually everything they undertook was utterly mad. But then they were founded by Heinrich Himmler who thought himself to be the reincarnation of the tenth-century Saxon King Heinrich the first! And thats some of the sanest things you will find!


    The Thule Society ... Tibet ... ancient races ... secret histories ... mysterious expeditions. Its all there and more!


    You can't fail to read this stuff and come up with a mad conspiracy. Have fun!

  17. Re: Unworkable Premises for a Campaign


    What do you mean that's unworkable?! That's AWESOME!!! :D


    Quoted for truth



    I would also add that I have played Agent games where all the characters had basically identical powers and were all female. Worked fine. In fact it encourages role playing and characterisation.

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