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Posts posted by redner

  1. Feels like you're creating a zombie version of Call of Cthulhu where players slowly loose sanity and hope. Sounds interesting. CoC is basically about a small group of people slowly going insane trying to save the world.  While zombie apocalypse, IMO anyway, is about a group of people trying to save themselves from the world. One of the strong aspects of zombie apocalypse is selfishness.


    Hmm...The opposite of selfishness is sacrifice.  Sacrifice could generate Hope points to the players.

  2. Well, that's the simple solution.

    True. And, IMO, fun.  But if you're looking for crunch, then go ahead and write an AI documention. I could see the fun of this, too. Learn from FATE Core, decide on what aspects are meaningful to the unit.  Then HERO-fy the aspects by assign values to them.  Optionally, you can assign degrees of success/failure that would trigger an attitude.

  3. You can just take each side and not use the GM at all, have one guy run the bad guys and one run the PCs, or the other group of minis.  O was a bit underwhelmed by how it plays out, but the rules work.

    Let me add.

    If it's the monster's turn, do a morale check. Base on the success or failure of the check, roleplay the monster's reaction. Hmm...or you could do morale checks only on the Post-Segment phase and decide what the monster's attitude will be on the next turn.

  4. Attached is my way of allocating CPs to Characteristics. I borrowed the concept from Savage Worlds and World of Darkness. Characters start out as weak humans. Filling in the dots helps visualize how "humanly" competent a character is.


    If players wants to go beyond the human maxima (e.g. STR above 20), then they will have to use my house rule of using the Characteristics power. The way I see it, Superman visually looks like he has a STR of 20, but in "reality" his STR is insane.


  5. Champions Complete Missing Powers

    Mental Defense

    Basic HERO Missing Powers


    Cannot Be Stunned

    Damage Negation

    Damage Reduction



    Endurance Reserve

    No Hit Locations


    Shape Shift


    Takes No STUN

    Monster Hunter International Missing Powers


    Cannot Be Stunned

    Damage Reduction


    Density Increase

    Does Not Bleed


    Endurance Reserve



    Shape Shift


    Takes no STUN

  6. Maybe off-topic, but I'll put in my 2¢.


    Vehicle vs Character.... Is there a middle ground for mecha-ness? Maybe a character in armor with reduced DEX and/or SPD? And then there's Robotech's valkries. Clearly a vehicle when in fighter and gerwalker mode. But in humanoid mode, it acts (follow the rules) like a character. It had to be since the villains are giants (oops, spoilers).

  7. What do YOU mean by "Traditional RPG" and "Storytelling Game"

    Let me interject here if I may. IMO, "Storytelling" is more meta-gaming than roleplaying. Players spend points to change dice rolls, situations, and/or any aspects of the game. Doing so feels like like an MMO game. Instead of reacting to a situation as a character, players react as gods with a personal investment to their avatars. So, they spend points to change the outcome. As the system suggest, storytelling is just that. Players tell stories.


    "Traditional RPG" is when players and avatar is one in the same. Dice are thrown and players don't get the chance to change their fate(pun). Pass or fail, the player react to it in character ("character" as in their avatar, and "character" as in a person's moral integrity. Pun was intended here, too).

  8. I think this is a good time to release my Vector Movement Plotter Java program. It's still a small program which can be easily extended, forked, and/or rewritten (code-wise or language-wise). Also, it's a good time to show my limited knowledge of 2D Newtonian physics.


    Anyway, I've always been looking for a good Newtonian-base board/tabletop/miniature game system. The closest one is Attack Vector: Tactical by Ad Astra Games. Unfortunately, my mind can't handle 3D. So for 2D, I like Magestic Twelve Games' Starmada. It's a good system, but their "Newtonian" rule system feels like a redefinition. IE, it's not Newton's math I'm dealing with, but it's Magestic Twelve's "math". AV:T can be played in 2D. I was inclined to computer-ize it, but I'd also be dealing with their own version of Newton.


    So, I blew off the dust from my college Physics textbook and proceeded to write my Vector Movement Plotter Java program. The program basically generates a location point(expressed in meters), a directional facing, and speed for every seconds for a ship to follow. In the /VecMov02/dist directory, there's the VecMov02.jar file. You should be able to double-click on it to make it run.


    When you start the program, you'll see eight (8) veriables: Facing, Location, RSpeed, RDirection, Acceleration, Rotation, Seconds, and Scale.


    Facing: This is where the nose of a ship is pointing to. And it's expressed in degrees (0 to 359).


    Location: X and Y coordination of a ship.


    RSpeed: This is the resultant speed which a ship is travelling. This value should never be negative since RDirection takes care of that.


    RDirection: This is the resultant direction which a ship is travelling. It's expressed in degrees (0 to 359).


    Acceleration: This is based on the Facing variable. It is assumed that "thrust" is generated from the ship's aft. BTW, I could have used real thrust, but that would involved the mass of a ship. Anyway, the end product of thrust is acceleration.


    Rotation: This is where I didn't apply Newton physics. I didn't want to deal with spin inertia. So I use the Asteroid math; the ship just spins to the number of degrees set per second.


    Seconds: This is where players define how many location points they want generated per turn/segment/round.


    Scale: This variable re-calculates a ship's location for your convenience when you're dealing with miniatures or cardboard cut-outs on the table.


    Finally, let me say somethings about the variables, Acceleration and Rotation. These variable can be looked at as cost to a thrust and/or maneuver rating currency. With a fixed amount of "money", you can allocate them to Acceleration and/or Rotation in a 1-to-1 basis. But, you don't have to do that. You can make it a rule that one (1) thrust point gets you 4 degrees of Rotations every turn/segment/round. Just have fun with it.





    I used JDK 7 with NetBeans 7.0.1 in Linux Mint.

  9. Re: Changing the roll low to hit and skill check to a roll high to hit and skill chec


    I don't know if this makes sense to all of you guys, but it makes sense to me. Feel free to criticize. I say keep the target number to a static 10. No modifications are applied to it. All the modifications are only applied to the attacker's attack roll including the calculation OCV - DCV. The greater the DCV, the less likely the attacker to succeed. Anyway, if the attacker rolls a 10+, he succeeds. But if he rolls a 15+, he succeeds with a "made by half".

  10. Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender


    Yeah, I'm late in the game. I've just finished watching the animation and I liked it. Ending was so-so, but consistent. Anyway, I'm leaning toward VPP as a way to express their powers. And I'm also leaning toward making the combat system more wargame/boardgame like.


    Firstly, powers for the VPP have to be pre-made and written down on index cards. Players can make an infinite numbers of powers. But during play, they can only have 3 card in hand. The 3 cards represent the 3 powers that the player/character "knows/remembers" during his phase. He can replace any one or all 3 cards with new powers from his personal deck, but will require a skill check and one phase to do it. Failure just prevents him from making any Attack Rolls.


    Secondly, VPP is powered by Endurance Reserves. In the animation, they don't get tired easily. It's only when they use a lot of powers do they get tired. Seems like they start using their personal ENDs after awhile.


    Thirdly, have most powers have the Require Gestures limitation.


    Forthly, have most offensive powers STUN-base.


    Finally, have most powers requiring a focus. This is where the boardgame comes in. It seems that their powers gets stronger when they use natural and man-made terrains.


    Well, that's it. Tweek the rules. I'm to lazy to add more. Oh, BTW, get the Champions Powers book to start making your deck of cards.



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