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  1. Instead of Shapeshift + mind control, I think a transform is better. That way you could just give them a Psych Lim that they think they're the King.
  2. Re: Elvis is Everywhere! Elvis is Everything!! I thought they already were...
  3. I usually give the girls some extra COM... but not all of them. They tend to look better in my head when I think about'em.
  4. Block doesn't have shit to do with STR. But if you have 100 str, chances are you'll be blocking stuff with your chin on a daily basis, cuz it would be a realistic SFX. If you have 5 str, your block is more likely to be a sidestep. The Block vs Dodge debate is silly IMO. Block IS a dodge, only vs one attack. While the dodge give you lesser chance of being hit by ALL attacks, the block focuses on not getting hit by one specific attack. Block can still be evasion.
  5. I'd say they couldn't even scratch superman. The dude can fly around the world under 1 sec (try to hit that target) and do a laservision sweep to vaporize not only the X-men, but the whole area around them without breaking sweat. End of battle. Avengers and FF would face the same destiny.
  6. What is evil doings then ? Mr.Bush has 150 executions under his belt, and if you ask him, I bet he don't consider himself evil. Better to define which actions can or cannot be done than to just say "can't do evil things".
  7. The way I figure, Flash and Green Lantern are around 1000 points too, not just Superman and the Marsian dude. X-men or Fantastic Four would have trouble fighting ONE of those JLA members IMO.
  8. Gargoyle

    Super Names

    Going through the list, I saw that theres both a Mindblade and a Mind Blade.
  9. Witchcraft from the Champions has Multiform as a VPP slot in her official writeup.
  10. And X-men isn't in the same ballgame.... except for Dark Phoenix and maybe Professor X.
  11. Avengers vs JLA would really be a battle between the "big ones" like Thor, Iron Man, Hercules and Vision vs Superman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern. Maybe I forgot someone. If all these characters do an all-out fight. no holding back... the rest of the teammembers on each side should die quickly by the side-effects of the main battle.
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