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Posts posted by Argus

  1. Concept:

    I am recreating a character I made up many, many moons ago.

    The concept is that there are two people, one man and one woman, who were going to be sacrificed to summon a demon.

    Some superheroes interfered in the ritual and saved the couples life.


    Minor Drawback: Now whenever the two characters touch they Disappear and The Demon appears.


    The first time I created this character I used Duplication on the Demon and limitations on everything that he could not use when Duplicated or Could only use if Duplicated.


    Now I’m thinking I might use the Male as the primary character and Buy Duplication and Multiform with the limitation that when Combined The Multiform must turn on and When the Multiform is off the character must turn on the Duplication.


    Is this how you would create this character? What level would you give the limitation?


    If this is not how you would do this then how would you?

  2. Please just one M*A*S*H Joke


    Originally posted by Blue

    Hmm. California has a nearly incomprehensible government system. Wonder what actor won governorship on that Earth ;)


    Uncle Slam: Probably a confederate hero. While I've never purposely said where he was from, and I've never played him with a Southern drawl, I'm thinking alt-earth Slam would be "Colonel Flagg" (No M*A*S*H jokes, please).



    Argus could be your Sidekick Radar.



  3. I Agree


    Originally posted by AtomicGladiator

    Yeah, I'm a sucker for creative use of skills and powers. Of course, the problem is that Leroy can control the timing and path of the strike, you can't. All you can do is fly along a prearranged trajectory.


    Still, I love creative moves by PC's and if this character was aware of Leroy's attack, I'd allow the attempt you describe, giving it a pretty hefty penalty, and root for the PC to make it.

    Hey, they do it in the comics! A player who pulled that off would have to feel good after that. :D


    I agree,

    Always give the players a chance to do something Heroic.


    Always give the villains a chance to do something very Villainous.


    It's what the game is about, right.



  4. Re: Maneuver Help


    Originally posted by CrosshairCollie

    I'm planning ahead for a villain team, giving them some code-word maneuvers to use in a fight. I'm devising a move between Tachyon and ... erm ... LeRoy The Awesome Exo-Skeleton Man.


    The Maneuver involves Tachyon grabbing someone, then throwing them at Leroy as he launches into a Move-Through, adding Tachyon's throwing speed to Leroy's effective velocity. (Of course, if Leroy's armor doesn't activate, he's going to be renamed 'The Stupendous Splat-Man', but that's another topic.)


    Now ... here are the questions ...

    1. What's your DCV when being thrown? I'm guessing 1/2, but can't find it for certain.

    2. How does the Knockback for the Move-Through work for a situation where the victim is moving towards the attacker?

    3. What would you call this particular stunt? ;)


    For DCV I would go with 1/2 + Based on Velocity if the victim had anyway of trying to avoid the Impact. (Page 237)


    For Knockback I would give -1d6 for being in the Air and if they were coming at each other Stright on I would give -1"knb/5"V.


    If the person being thrown was awake I would allow them the chance to do a Move Through on the character they were being thrown at, (If he had an action that phase).


    I would call it "The Batter UP!" Maneuver!




  5. Re: 1000 Point JLA Campaign


    Originally posted by Metaphysician

    Okay, you just got invited into the Holy Grail of all campaigns: the 1000 point JLA-style campaign.


    Create a character for it. :D


    Ok we've created some 1000 point characters.


    Put them together and make a Team out of them.

    Let us know who is on it and why you choose those characters.



  6. Some Background


    Originally posted by Chuckg

    What's his backstory?

    Real Name: Micky Doyle

    Age 37

    Height 5'11"

    Weight 190 lbs

    Borwn Hair.

    Blue Eyes.

    Born and raised in Miami Florida.


    Micky's powers arrived when he turned 15, at first he used his powers to listen to the radio in History class, and to see what Lisa Smith looked like under that sweater.


    Some of his friends got involved in drugs and one of them ended up dead. Micky hunted down the drug dealers intending on killing them, but he couldn't do it. He did make sure they spent a long time in jail.


    Argus is in his late 30's and has been a superhero since he was 19 or so. He has had several names, Power Boy, Mutant, Gemini, Far Sight before he settled on Argus.


    Argus thinks META Humans are better then Non-META Humans and it is our responcability to take care of them.


    Argus likes to gage the person he is fighting before he gets into combat with them. He will do a lot of Detects with Analyze to make sure he knows what the villian is able to do and then he will figure out how to beat him. He likes to let the villian wear himself out by dodging his attacks and when the villian is tired he hits them and out they go.



  7. I present


    A 1000 Point Argus.






    Val Char Cost
    25 STR 15
    26 DEX 48
    25 CON 30
    15 BODY 10
    23 INT 13
    23 EGO 26
    25 PRE 15
    18 COM 4
    25 PD 20
    25 ED 20
    7 SPD 34
    20 REC 20
    80 END 15
    41 STUN 0
    6" RUN02" SWIM05" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 270


    Cost Power END
    52 Enhanced Senses Pool: Variable Power Pool (Only Sense Powers), 30 base + 22 control cost, No Skill Roll Required (+1), Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1) (75 Active Points); Limited Class Of Powers Available Very Limited (-1)
    0 1) Detect META Humans A Large Class Of Things 14-, Analyze, Discriminatory, Range, Rapid (x10), Sense (30 Active Points) Real Cost: 30
    0 2) Radio Perception/Transmission (10 Active Points) Real Cost: 10
    0 3) N-Ray Perception (10 Active Points) Real Cost: 10
    0 4) Nightvision (5 Active Points) Real Cost: 5
    0 5) Radar (15 Active Points) Real Cost: 15
    60 Find Weakness 17- (All Attacks)
    10 Flash Defense (10 points) (Sight Group)
    10 Flash Defense (10 points) (Hearing Group)
    10 Flash Defense (10 points) (Radio Group)
    10 Flash Defense (10 points) (Unusual Group)
    25 Damage Resistance (25 PD/25 ED)
    60 Eye Beams: Multipower, 60-point reserve
    6u 1) Energy Blast 12d6 (vs. ED) (60 Active Points) 6
    6u 2) Energy Blast 8d6 (vs. ED), Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2) (60 Active Points) 6
    6u 3) Energy Blast 8d6 (vs. ED), Double Knockback 1.5x KB (+1/2) (60 Active Points) 6
    4u 4) Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Ranged Full Range (+1) (40 Active Points)
    6u 5) Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6 (vs. ED) (60 Active Points) 6
    6u 6) Energy Blast 6d6 (vs. ED), Area Of Effect (7" Cone; +1) (60 Active Points) 6
    40 Flight Powers: Multipower, 40-point reserve
    4u 1) Flight 20" (40 Active Points) 4
    4u 2) Flight 13", Variable Advantage (+1/4 Advantages +1/2) (39 Active Points) 4
    4u 3) Flight 12", Position Shift, x8 Noncombat (39 Active Points) 4
    Powers Cost: 323


    Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
    4 Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
    4 Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
    4 Martial Escape: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, +30 STR vs. Grabs
    4 Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, STR +5d6 Strike
    4 Nerve Strike: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 3 1/2d6 NND
    5 Offensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +7d6 Strike
    4 Joint Lock/Throw: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 2 1/2d6 NND; Target Falls
    12 +3 HTH Damage Class(es)
    Martial Arts Cost: 41


    Cost Skill
    3 Shadowing 14-
    3 Persuasion 14-
    3 Oratory 14-
    3 Lockpicking 14-
    3 Security Systems 14-
    2 Navigation (Air) 14-
    3 Inventor 14-
    3 Forensic Medicine 14-
    3 Electronics 14-
    3 Mechanics 14-
    3 Deduction 14-
    3 Criminology 14-
    3 Concealment 14-
    3 Computer Programming 14-
    3 Bureaucratics 14-
    3 Cryptography 14-
    15 +3 with Ranged Combat
    15 +3 with HTH Combat
    16 +2 with All Combat
    30 +3 Overall
    3 Stealth 14-
    3 Streetwise 14-
    3 Systems Operation 14-
    3 Paramedics 14-
    3 Scientist
    2 1) SS: Subatomic Physics (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 14-
    2 2) SS: Robotics (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 14-
    2 3) SS: Hydrology (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 14-
    2 4) SS: Physics (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 14-
    2 5) SS: Biophysics (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 14-
    Skills Cost: 148


    Cost Perk
    15 Money: Filthy Rich
    10 Computer Link
    40 Vehicles & Bases (200 Base, 25 Disad)
    53 Follower (x16, 165 Base, 100 Disad)
    Perks Cost: 118


    Cost Talent
    3 Absolute Time Sense
    3 Absolute Range Sense
    3 Bump Of Direction
    56 Danger Sense (Area: General Area, Discriminatory, Function as a Sense, Sensitivity: Any Danger, Targeting Sense) 18-
    3 Lightning Calculator
    5 Eidetic Memory
    8 Lightning Reflexes: +5 DEX to act first with All Actions
    4 Speed Reading (x10)
    15 Combat Sense 14-
    Talents Cost: 100



    Total Character Cost: 1000


    Val Disadvantages
    25 Hunted: By The Eye-Glass 14- (As Pow; Harshly Punish; Extensive Non-Combat Influence)
    25 Hunted: The Miami Cartel (Super Human Drug Lords) 14- (As Pow; Harshly Punish; Extensive Non-Combat Influence)
    15 Psychological Limitation: Code Vs Killing (Common; Strong)
    10 Reputation: Real Superhero 11-
    25 Dependent NPC: Family(Wife and three children) 8- (Normal; Group DNPC: x4 DNPCs; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID)
    20 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Many Enemies) Frequently (11-), Severe
    15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidance (Common; Strong)
    15 Psychological Limitation: Protect Innocents (Common; Strong)

    Disadvantage Points: 150


    Base Points: 200

    Experience Required: 650

    Total Experience Available: 650

    Experience Unspent: 0

  8. Re: Twenty MINUTES?


    Originally posted by Haven Walkur

    I am humble before the Master of Geek-Fu. You built a Champions character in TWENTY MINUTES? Seriously, I'm impressed; it always takes me forever, and I have a friendly uber-nerd helping me!


    In version 3 & 4 I could build a character in under 20 minutes without the books whild waiting for my lunch to arrive from the Bowling Ally.



  9. 1st Character was ......


    My first character?

    Hmmm 1983 around November.

    Let me get out the Character Sheet.


    His name was Stellar.

    He had 30 Strength, a 20 Dex, 25 Pd/Ed, Flight, Invisibility, 8d6 Energy Blast and Desolidifcation.

    Some Skills,



    Not really a bad first Character.


    My favorite Character?


    Argus came along in 1985 or so. I built him quickly for a game that was starting in 20 minutes.



  10. Infinite Duplication


    I've posted this before.


    Infinite Duplication.

    Cost 88 Points.


    Duplication 350 points +1/4 Altered Duplication (25% points spent differently.)

    Which comes out to 88 points. Build a Duplicate that is exactly the same and have him Spend his 88 points on, you guessed it.

    Duplication 350 points +1/4 Altered Duplication (25% points spent differently.)


    I ran it by Steve and he said it was legal.



  11. That would depend.


    The 18 – 30 year old Argus would at a drop of a Hat. No problem, sign me up.


    The 30 – 45 year old Argus, the one with a wife and three kids would have to pass and suggest they asked Avian. He would make sure that the charity in question got a very generous grant from his Robotic Company.


    The 45 – 60 year old Argus, Widowed grandfather would have to insist that there be a third person chaperone (photographer maybe) around to ensure that nothing could comeback and bite him later.



  12. The New Guard.


    Using my abilities to Detect META Humans, Altered-Humans, Aliens, Magic-Users and basically anyone who isn’t a normal. I would look for suitable subjects and then I would look into their backgrounds and histories.


    I would see it they know about their powers and see how they use them.


    I would watch them for about two weeks then I would test them.


    I would send a minor robot to combat them (in an out of the way place) and see how they handle themselves.


    If I think they did well I would send them an invitation to a dinner party.


    The ones that showed up would be asked to join the New Guard.



  13. I'm not your Comrade


    I’ve played this one also,


    Argus ended up fighting the Communist at every turn. With his abilities he would gather together a group of equally minded META Humans and go to ground. He would play the game as a Super Assassin and try to Hit the top most men in the Communist Party.




  14. Look up in the Sky.


    If Argus had been around during WW2 he would have gone off to war and helped the Army Air Corp. If other members of the group are around he might have joined up with Force and Demon and wreaked total Havoc on Germany.


    If he was still around today he would have gone the route of Teacher to new Heroes, and tried to impart unto them his own moral compass.

  15. Been There


    Done That.


    I’ve played Argus in a Nazi World.


    He was one Bad Mother.


    With his ability to Hunt Down META Humans, and his belief that META Humans are Superior then Non-META Humans, and with out the passion for protecting the Innocents.


    He was a Super Nazi META Hunter who would cut down a crowd of Humans to bring one of the Chosen ones into the Fold.




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