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Everything posted by Clonus

  1. Re: DEX levels in your campaign. Too extreme for me. I want DEX to have some connection to physical combat and I wouldn't be comfortable with the default CV being 0.
  2. Re: The Hero Forum's Hottest Man in Comics. The hottest man in comics? Gotta be the Human Torch.
  3. Re: DEX levels in your campaign. I'm not talking about actually trying to dodge but just Supe's usual day to day DCV, which totally tanks. And yes, Superman had powers when Jimmy Olsen knocked him out with a thrown rock. (It was a rock from Kandor.)
  4. Re: The Hero Forum's Hottest Woman in Comics. Personally, I just can't see it.
  5. Re: DEX levels in your campaign. He doesn't, though. Can't dodge to save his life, as he proved when he needed to dodge to save his life. Jimmy Olson once took him out by throwing a rock at his head.
  6. Re: DEX levels in your campaign. The thing is, Spider-Man's dexterity really is only marginally better than Cap's. He's fast but his ability to connect and avoid being tagged just doesn't radically outclass Cap. Same thing with Nightcrawler. His acrobatics are over-the-top, but his fighting ability is nothing special for an agile character.
  7. Re: DEX levels in your campaign. That's solidly based on the original source material. In comic books, characters like Batman, and Captain America are almost never overmatched in terms of their ability to hit, dodge and manuever because if they were, then they'd be worthless. The only exception's are certain super-speedsters, and even then their ability to connect is usually not equal to their elusiveness.
  8. Re: Disturbing Character premises... Ah yes, I remember the idea I had for transporting my Runequest PCs to an alternate universe where humans were extinct, but ogres weren't... They didn't just make that up out of whole cloth incidentally. For example, in the earliest version of "Sleeping Beauty" to be recorded, the story doesn't end when she wakes up. Instead she marries the King, goes off with him to be his wife but has mother-in-law problems. Specifically, her mother-in-law is an ogre with an appetite for the two babies our narcoleptic heroine gave birth to while comatose. Her children are saved, the ogress is killed and Sleeping Beauty lives happily ever after...with her at least half-ogre husband who rapes comatose girls, speaking of "disturbing".
  9. Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun. Hellfire would switch to an alternate ID and try to only use her physical strength and not her fire. If only she didn't have Bad Temper and a compulsion to flame on every time she loses it. (And yes, that response should reveal my Secret Identity to people with great memories. Curses.)
  10. Re: Splatproofing megascale flight
  11. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. The fact that Superman doesn't run into opponents who can cause him physical harm on an everyday basis doesn't mean he never runs into opponents who can cause him physical harm. Even in the old days he ran into into enough opponents packing kryptonite or magic or Mongul's bulging "Kryptonians are wimps" muscles to ensure that his career wasn't entirely risk-free. And of course to me "hero" merely implies admirability. While putting your life on the line to save others is certainly one way to be admirable, a guy who on a day to day basis saves thousands of lives just because he can and doesn't abuse the power that lets him do that, is admirable to me even if he never runs into anything that can pose a threat to him.
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