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Posts posted by Maur

  1. Re: Alternate Universe: No Industry, No Guns


    But it isn't necessary. You just say "They didn't happen to invent guns". You can even go so far as to change the behavior of gases under high pressure to eliminate these technologies.


    Sounds like the premise for "Dies the Fire" by S.M. Sirling. The only problem with this is that the Sun and the outer planets wouldn't work if the basic laws of gases under high pressure were changed.

  2. Re: Chocolate Orc


    The only thing I can think to add might be a Susceptibility to Direct Sunlight' date=' seeing how chocolate melts when it's hot outside.[/quote']


    That would be Susceptibility to heat. Being out in the shade on a warm day will melt said orc...

  3. Re: Dramatic use of Skills


    Use of skills is something I remember Shadowrun doing a decent job of handling. Any task you wish to attempt has a base time to accomplish it. So, one begins the task and then rolls the requisite skill. If one gets any successes, then the base time of the task is divided by the number of successes. If you get no successes then the base time goes by while you attempt what you are trying to do and only then does the CHARACTER know that (s)he has failed. You can then attempt the skill again with the same base time.


    So, say a lock has a base time of 3 minutes to pick. You roll your lockpicking skill and get 5 successes. So, you will finish the task in 36 seconds, but the characters don't know that.


    Now, say, same lock. You roll your lockpicking skill and get no successes. 3 minutes will pass before the characters know it isn't happening. You can try again with the same base time of 3 minutes and see if you can succeed.


    The other side of this coin is something akin to the nWoD system. A task requires a certain number of successes to accomplish and each attempt will chew up X time. You keep rolling and accumulating time until you have enough successes (with critical failures removing already gotten successes).


    So, now that lock is a base of 30 seconds per attempt and takes 10 successes to pick. Player rolls their skill and gets 4 successes, then 2, then -1, then 5... Total time taken to accomplish the task is 2 minutes (30 sec * four rolls)...

  4. Re: Skill Trees (A New Framework?)


    Well, or you have the GURPS 3rd Ed skill bush (not really a tree as lots of things link to lots of other things) where you can default from skills or attributes with penalties to do other things. E.g. someone with Surgery could default from that or INT to Veterinary Surgery with a penalty as the skills are similar.


    Shadowrun had that as well (haven't read through 4th to know if it stuck around).

  5. Re: increasing bow damage with OCV levels?


    To pick a nit: The answer really is "no' date='" assuming that what he means are 2 point OCV CSLs.[/quote']

    Given the wording of the original question he was talking about moving 2 levels for 1 DC of KA and so never specified how many points the levels were worth, heheh.

  6. Re: Bewitched "time stop"


    While Thia's build is awesome. There is a problem with it as relates to this theme.


    In Charmed, Piper could only stop people and vehicles. I Bewitched, Samantha could stop a cup of coffee from falling off a tray.


    The speed drain version of this power has no effect on falling objects, spilling liquids, or already released projectiles (a bullet in the air would continue to move, as would a thrown ball).


    The only way to be able to stop these things as well as people, animals and vehicles, would be to use one of the EDM versions, or a transform similar to what Clsage described. (granted I wouldn't allow a character to gain personal immunity as part of a -1/4 limitation, but thats me.)

    Uh, she could stop plates and cups in midair, liquids falling down, etc... Everything but her and her sisters in the room (and later much larger areas) came to a grinding halt when she used her power. She could also selectively unfreeze things like people.
  7. Re: 1 for 5 powers (summon, duplicate, mult-form, follower etc)


    Well, in the case of multiform, you get 5 for 1 to spend in the alternate forms, but any skill or characteristic you fail to put on them from the base form they lack in the alternate. So if your base form has lots of science skills, contacts, etc... and you don't pay for those when building the alternate forms, then you lack them when you shift to those forms. So, while you can beef up that form, if it is only a "You, but not You" kind of form, then you are respending points on each alternate form to make variations on you that are mostly the same.

  8. Re: Autofire Option


    Uh, this already exists in the Ultimate Skill under Autofire... Costs 5 points and is known as "Precise Shot I" or something like that. Gain +1 OCV for each shot sacrificed from hitting.


    Makes an accurate model on the idea of hosing an area down to hit that Dex 20, Spd 8, DCV 15 guy...

  9. Re: Star Wars arms and armor


    Wow, that is some high STR mins on those lightsabers. Also, not sure they should be AP vs AVLD. The only defenses that seem to work against them in the movies are a force field or another lightsaber to block with. They pretty much cut right through any normal armor they encounter with no effort on the part of the Jedi.

  10. Re: Understanding Drow Creation


    Of course, hiding in shadows is only useful when used against an opponent that can only see in visible light spectrum. A creature with infravision wouldn't perceive the shadows the same way. Not really sure why the Drow would have that ability if they lived underground since shadows only exist where there is light to create them, heheh.

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