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Posts posted by Maur

  1. Re: Sports Mechanics and Atheletes


    A marathon runner' date=' assuming a lower rate of speed and a higher NCM to simulate being being set-in for a long term steady pace should be able to cover an equal distance-- a greater distance-- with less END cost, particularly if the marathon is several kilometers.[/quote']


    A marathon is 26 miles and change. Else it wouldn't be a marathon, heheh.



  2. Re: Ship-to-Ship Combat ... Or "Shields, Keptain?"


    One SciFi weapon I remember from one of the books I've read was called a Skip Torpedo. Essentially it was a torpedo with its own FTL drive launched from a craft. It would repeatedly engage and disengage the FTL drive to cross huge intervening spaces between it and its target with each drop out of FTL used to reaquire its target for the next jump. These allowed fights to be conducted at light hour distances or more since the weapon could adjust to the target movement and cross the distance in less than a minute.

  3. Re: FRPG Ideas from D&D that ain't necessarily so




    Perfect compartmentalization of the gods, and perfect information about them: They're all completely statted out like PCs and they all have specific and fixed attributes. They each have one name, one specific symbol (usually detailed to a ridiculous degree), a favorite weapon that they want you to use, specific "domains" of spells that they grant to their clerics, etc.



    Priests will serve one particular god of their religion's pantheon, and may actually be hostile to the servants of a god of the same pantheon.


    All gods believe all other gods also exist, as do all their followers. There are no disputes on the existence of any god by the followers of any other god.


    These aren't really D&Disms. These are basically offshoots of the ideas of the Greek, Roman and Norse gods. Ares was the God of War, Zeus the God of the Sky and Thunder, Aphrodite the Goddess of Love and Beauty, etc... They all knew each other and fought amongst each other. Same thing with the D&D deities.


    Some of these planes represent the afterlife - but you can still travel there even if you're alive. And they're all well-defined and concrete, just like the real world. The afterlife is a matter of factual knowledge, rather than faith.


    Even though the conditions of the afterlife planes are well-known, well-documented, and objectively true, some people still choose to be evil, even though they know for an absolute fact, that it will mean an eternity of torture and pain.


    Again, this isn't really a D&Dism. A number of the Greek Myths had tales of people crossing the River Styx to the afterlife and returning. They also had tales about what came of those who tricked the gods (Sisyphus). People knew who Hades was, but they still worshiped him...

  4. Re: Help with Building a Curse


    How many points would need to be drained to drop each attribute down by one level (which would pull skills down as well). I think a drain of 3 from each attribute that has skills attached (dex and int being the biggest) would be enough :)

  5. Re: What I Learned Playing a Robot


    The same thinking outlined above applies to clones as well. Knowing that made 6th Day seem really dumb to me.


    The big problem with The 6th Day was the fact that they had memories from after the point where their minds were scanned. They wouldn't remember any of those events.

  6. Re: Fringeworthy Hero


    I left out Deduction since our group has always sort of considered that to be an NPC skill.


    Skills like this are good for PCs to occasionally have since they can't truly know or pick-up on everything their character would in the game setting. I've used skills similar to this in the Shadowrun system and based on the successes the characters got was able to provide them with information they basically had, but hadn't put together because they, the players, don't think that way...



  7. Re: Star Trek: Dominion War Aftermath and effects?


    "We can't think of anything interesting"

    "Bah, just throw some time travel in and give them some cool new super tech to solve the problem"


    The fact that a computer created entity (the Doctor) had no backup copies and couldn't be run multiple times to give them enough medical help (major explosions, just turn on 5 copies of the Doctor to get triage going) was just idiotic. The Enterprise D had enough juice to run multiple full holodecks with tons of characters with full personalities that could be saved, copied and modified, but not Voyager's Doctor.

  8. Re: FRPG Ideas from D&D that ain't necessarily so


    70a) Humans don't even have their own language; they speak Common, which apparently everyone speaks.


    70a.I) Common is apparently English, to the extent that multiple meanings in English translate directly.



    That is only true in English speaking countries of this world. Else everyone speaks German or Italian or wherever the players happen to live. This is no different than all aliens in Star Trek, even those just met by the crew speak English with appropriate accents and all. Most gamers aren't linguists. They want to play a game and have a good time.

  9. Re: Walking the fire


    Yes' date=' but IIRC, Deadlands gave you a raise for every 5 points over the target number, and being able to shift your hit location about was by no means inevitable as a result.[/quote']


    Hmm... well could change it up from every 1 to every 2 or 3 as that would reduce the movement of the hit locations.

  10. Re: Order of the Stick


    This strip just keeps getting better -- it is so AD&D crunchy and yet has such a great plot going as well! Excuse me while I gush -- THIS STUFF IS JUST SO FREAKING AWESOME!


    Matt "I'm-over-it-now-but-OotS-RAWKS!" Frisbee



    Has more D&D 3.5 than AD&D crunchiness to it...

  11. Re: Walking the fire


    The difference in damage for hit locations in Deadlands was extreme as well, but one could, with enough Raises, move a shot from the foot to the head if one wanted. Of course, turnabout was fairplay. The GM NPCs also had this ability, so having a good dodge ability was very useful.

  12. Re: How many Dragon's teeth adorn YOUR shield?


    Sounds like my Great Horned Dragon from Rifts. Party found it a few hours after it had hatched and it was already strong enough to crush most things. Only MD armor could stop its claws. Needless to say the party got a small surprise when it clamped down on one of them, but eventually it figured out that while they are soft and squishy, they are also full of stories of otherwheres and otherthings.

  13. I'm not thoroughly versed in all the rules of 5er, but I have been learning them (and forgetting them) as I've been playing with my current group.


    I used to play Deadlands (pre-Reloaded, pre-D20 days) and one of the things I liked in it was that while the hit location was random (like Hero), the better one made the shot by (called Getting a Raise, IIRC) the more the player could choose to move the hit away from the location. So, one of the things I was trying to think of is how one might implement a similar system in Hero.


    Ex: Player rolls to determine hit. On a successful hit rolls to determine location. For every success the hit was made by the player could add or subtract one from the location result to move the shot to another location. Autofire could be handled the same way with each shot having the location based on the hit result for that particular shot.



    Single Shot Example -

    Player: OCV - 7

    NPC: DCV - 5


    Player rolls a 9 to hit (4 under a 13-). Gets a result of 13 for the hit location. The player could then choose to move the shot to be anywhere from 9 to 17 (13 - 4 = 9; 13+4=17) with all of the requisite bonuses and penalties for that new location.


    Rapid Fire Example -

    Player: OCV - 7

    NPC: DCV - 5


    Player takes two shots at NPC. First shot hits with a 10. Second shot hits with a 9. Hit location for the first is 15. The second location is a 13. Since the player needed an 11 to hit, he makes the first by 1 and the second by 2. So the first shot can be placed anywhere in the 14 - 16 area. The second shot can go in the 11 - 15 areas.


    Not sure of a good way to explain Autofire without it taking up pages of text...

  14. Re: Currency . . . of the Future!


    POWs setup a currency of cigarettes. IIRC this was because under the barter system, someone good at bartering could end the day with 2 or more complete Red Cross relief packages which means someone was out a package. Of course even with this system they had to deal with counterfeiting.

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