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Posts posted by Maur

  1. Re: [sTAR WARS] It is my turn now.


    Actually you're thinking Episode V' date=' what Yoda says is that the Force Breeds life and Life breeds the Force, it surrounds us and binds us... It connects us, you me the tree even the earth and the ship. It is all of these things, and i understand that the Vong, were "stripped" of the force. It was also all but impossible to detect them and use the force for various things invovling them. If it surrounds us and binds us and it is the bearer of life... then why should it be stripped from the creatures who seem to celebrate biology more than any others. I didn't mean to start a debate here about the Vong or any other EU subject here. If there is interest in this subject we could retire to the Other topic forum.[/quote']


    Ahh, found what looks like the full quote:


    "And well you should not. For my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. It's energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we...(Yoda pinches Luke's shoulder)...not this crude matter. (a sweeping gesture) You must feel the Force around you. (gesturing) Here, between you...me...the tree...the rock...everywhere! Yes, even between this land and that ship!"


    Doesn't seem to say anything about the force creating life... So you could cut the Vong off from it and they wouldn't die. In some ways their getting cut off is like the Ysalimari from Myrkr except it doesn't radiate out from them, just ends at their skin. That doesn't stop a jedi from launching something at them, but does make them harder to fight when you are used to having the force perception to guide your movements by anticipating an opponents upcoming actions, heheh.

  2. Re: bourne


    The whole point to his hand to hand fighting wasn't the technique so much as what you hit' date=' and it was supposed to be quick and brutal. The fancy fighting in the movies is idiotic, especially considering they're supposed to be assassins. Assassins that take 5 minutes to finish a fight are poor assassins indeed. And yes, I realize its a movie, and don't mind watching it though. Its fun. :D I have yet to be in an altercation that lasted longer than 10 seconds, and that was a long 10 seconds. After that, either you ran or called 911 and layed real still, depending on how it turned out.[/quote']


    An assassin hitting a target might just be a few seconds in length, but an assassin vs an assassin with very similar levels of skills probably would last longer in a fight.

  3. Re: Are Hero characters too rugged?


    My point is that such a rule makes LOW DCV bricks less than competitive. Superman has super speed. He can move faster than a speeding bullet and he only gets hit when he feels like it.


    He seems to get hit a lot more often than just when he lets someone hit him. To be honest, he doesn't seem to have a very high Dex until after he accelerates to a high rate of movement. Of course we're talking about a character that moves and reacts at the speed of plot (L&C:TNAoS, Smallville, JL, JLU, etc...).

  4. Re: [sTAR WARS] It is my turn now.


    Thanks' date=' I've never liked any system for Star Wars either. Hero is great since I focus on the Films and ignore 90% of the EU. I ike Star Wars to be simple and about stories. To often the EU gets bogged down in minuta like Tech Bable and really out there force interpretations. The Psalimari is a great example. If you make any area with out the force everything in that area will all but die, the Force and Life are circular one breeds the other. The Force proof Yuuzan Vong for that and many other reasons may be the worst offenders.[/quote']


    The Vong aren't really Force Proof. As is found out by the end of the Vong war they were stripped of access to the force by their own world (which had somehow attained Sapience).


    If the force creates life and life creates the force, then inanimate objects like water and rocks wouldn't be connected to it at all. Instead it seems more like what Yoda originally said in Ep 6. It is an energy field that surrounds us, penetrates us, binds us together. Suppressing that field wouldn't have any effect except to hinder those that have the ability to access it. This would be like an insect gaining the ability to absorb rather than reflect hypersonic sounds. That would make them much harder for a bat to find and so let that prey species take off with a predator that is now less effective at finding them.

  5. Re: Laser target designator "HOW?"


    Would probably just be a negative to the intended targets DCV to the incoming weapon which has to have the ability to perceive the mark and be guided to it. Range penalties wouldn't apply to a guided munition as it can make course corrections while inbound to a target whereas a dummy rocket or bullet can't and so are more sensitive to misalignment at time of firing.

  6. Re: Telekinesis - Earth Only


    How well the gravel holds up the person would, I would think, be more a function of how well the TK is able to get a grip on the stones and keep them together. Similar to holding a pile of stones in your hand. If you cup your hands around it and have someone try and push down on the stones they don't have anywhere to go to get away from the pushing force, so they stay still. However hold a pile of stones in your flat palm and someone can cause the pile to collapse as they push down which would eventually allow them to fall through the pile.

  7. Re: Would you allow this?


    Even with the DNA you would have issues making the specific due to the Epigenetics of the genome. Epigenetics is what helps a liver cell from expressing skin cell proteins or characteristcs. Even with the DNA of a subject you wouldn't be able to match up the fingerprints, retinal pattern, skin pattern, body height/weight, etc... That all is an effect of the environment in which those genes are grown up (eat lots of fast food and you won't look the same as if you grew up with a more balanced diet and exercised a lot, but you have the same genes). Identical twins don't share the same fingerprints...


    As for the Y chromosome making something male...


    Question: Why can frogs (some species) change sex?

    Mike A Smola



    This is a complex subject. Several studies have exposed some of the answers to this question, but a definitive answer is yet to be made.


    It all boils down to the level of which genes are activated. Studies have shown that the sex chromosomes are not necessarily the determining factor. The traditional display of a female is when an individual has two X chromosomes present. When one of these genes is a Y, it is a male. This tends to be the case for most organisms that sport individuals that are different sexes. However, the Y chromosomes has been almost always a male determining chromosome, but with molecular biology and genetic engineering techniques, a male can be made from a XX combination and females have developed from XY combinations. These are extremely rare, but they have given insight to the fact that there are other factors beside X and Y chromosomes that determine sex, probably a gene

    found in both chromosomes.


    As far as frogs are concerned (and other organisms that display this Phenomenon), apparently there are chemical triggers that respond to the number of members in a population that will activate the gene(s) that will allow for the disintegration of one set of sex organs and the development of the other. This is an advantage to a species

    whereby they have evolved the ability to assure their reproductive success.

    Steven D Sample

  8. Re: Dragonstar Campaign Suggestions ?


    1. There are thousands of habitable worlds' date=' all inhabited by THE SAME SET OF SPECIES, that exist on every planet in roughly the same distribution and would have done so regardless of any contact between planets. In addition, the cultural, social and political values are pretty much the same everywhere in the Universe. This is not only so unlikely as to be virtually inconceivable, it's also deathly dull. Why bother exploring if you already know what's going to be there?[/quote']


    This was to explain things like how all the various fantasy worlds one has in D&D all are very similar to the point of having the same languages. They don't say all the worlds are exactly the same. We have worlds in our setting that were uninhabited and have been taken over by agricorps or dwarven mining consortiums. The dragons explore to expand their sphere of influence. More worlds under their control means more resources to have access to and use. Also, the worlds weren't all the same. The Dragon Empire is obviously more technologically advanced than any of the standard D&D campaign worlds, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't run into other worlds that don't have much magic, but are high in tech.


    2. The universe's staticity is so great (the Evil Dragons are going to be ruling the galaxy for the next ten thousand years' date=' and since the Good Dragons have no problem with it and nobody else has the power to do anything about it they're pretty much stuck) that the "puny mortals" are utterly meaningless. Nothing PCs can do is going to make the slightest bit of difference in any situation they are likely to encounter. None of the problems of societies, individuals or themselves are within their power to correct.[/quote']


    The good dragons are ok with the chromatics holding sway for the next 5000 years because that was the agreement they had come to 5000 years before to stop the war the dragons were conducting against each other. Each still holds sway in its own territory regardless of which color is on top.


    How much of an effect do most players have in the normal D&D worlds. A small party might be able to defeat a small patrol of Drow, but wouldn't be able to wipe them and their cities off the world. Undermountain will never be tamable by a group of PCs, nor could they really alter the outer planes, but that doesn't stop the players from playing and having adventures in those settings as they can have an effect at the PC level (saving the small village from raiding orcs, rescuing the princess from the ogre king, etc...). Even in Star Wars the players didn't change the rebellion against the Empire much beyond the local level because there are thousands of worlds in SW.

  9. Re: Help with a gadget


    That it turned red doesn't mean IR. The colors you see from an IR camera are an interpretation of the wavelengths that are outside our vision. You could easily change the interpretation of the wavelengths to all be shades of purple or green if one wanted to. Would be more likely that Bats was using UV like the effect you see with a black light when it strikes phosphorescent materials. The UV causes the material to fluoresce in the visible light spectrum.

  10. Re: Help with a gadget


    Are you sure it is in the IR? I suspect the spray was a liquid form to the dust that forensics experts use to collect finger/hand/foot/etc... -prints. If he was following an IR signature, then he would not need to spray the air with anything, just change his vision to perceive it and hope the target spent time in each step before moving on.

  11. Re: Surviving fall from orbit


    Some form of LS Extended breathing since your not gonna be able to breath for about 5 to 6 mins or so. Pretty sure it would be the next best thing to impossible to actually take a breath while falling at terminal velocity. The actual pressure gradients of air being forced into your lungs ect.


    Terminal velocity for a human in the horizontal position (face down or up) is 120MPH or so. I know I have no trouble breathing when traveling that fast on a highway with the wind in my face. The problem with breathing at higher altitudes is the low partial pressure of oxygen. This is why HALO skydivers carry oxygen tanks and masks with them.


    LS intense heat and cold- 1st off outer space out side earths atmosphere is nasty extremes either your in direct solar radiation and fried by very high temperatures or your in shadow and its VERY cold. Additionally these compensate for the heat of re entry if any base on angle/starting velocity ect. as well as the fact that its Very cold on the outer edges of the earths atmosphere and the 1st 3 mins or so of the fall are spent in very cold temps with a high wind chill. Basically need these to account for all the variables in the how and why your falling.


    Dont think you need LS Radiation because your only gonna spend a min or so in hard space before you get into the earths atmosphere but it is useful in the situation.


    If you dont have these I personally think you die with in the 1st 30 seconds of exposure to hard space before the whole re entry thing even comes up.


    After that I would personally say that the fall is killing dmg unless your hitting water at least a 1/2 mile deep. The books say 30dcs for terminal velocity you just have to decide if thats reasonable to you, based on some of the examples in the system it seems to fit. That would give you a range of 10 body with 10 stun on the low end to 60 body with 300 stun on the high end with 35 body and 105 stun being the average. If you go with average then depending on the body of the subject you need some where in the range of 15 to 30 resistant PD to survive the impact with positive body. And average person with 8 body would need 28 PD to end with 1 body left and not start bleeding to death for example. Course the high end would still turn the poor guy into patte so if you want a sure thing he would need 53 PDr. The subjects body is a huge factor in the equation as it greatly reduces the amount of PD needed. a 30 body super for example only needs 6PDr to have positive body from and average fall and 31PDr to have positive body from a worst case scenario. Having enough stun to remain conscious and crawl/walk out of your crater is a completely different ball game and probably the next best thing to impossible with out at least 50% DR and super levels of physical stats to support the stun pool needed.


    Inigo Montoya: Let me 'splain.


    Inigo Montoya: No, there is too much. Let me sum up.


    This seems to be a very good summary of what has been discussed in this thread :)

  12. Re: AI trouble


    First Law: Cannot harm, or through inaction, allow a human to knowingly come to harm. Common, Total

    Second Law: Must obey all orders from a human except where they violate the First Law. Common, Total

    Third Law: Must preserve its own existence except where this would violate the Second or First Law. Common, Total



  13. Re: Doctor Who


    The Doctor does tend to have issues when he tries to actually target a specific time and location. He was trying for a rock concert in london and landed, with rose, a hundred years in the past in a field near the coast.


    So, something similar could happen to the players given that the TARDIS is at least semisentient. They try and go back to the start of the adventure and instead find themselves somewhen else with a new mystery to deal with instead.

  14. Re: Doctor Who


    Errrr....Not to pick a nit (but I guess I am) but wouldn't that be

    Season 29, Ep. 1 (since the one with the bride and the huons was

    a Christmas episode yes ??) ? Since the first season aired in 1963..






    That depends. This current run of Doctor Who is noted as Doctor Who (2005), so it would be S03E01.


    http://imdb.com/title/tt0436992/ <-- Dr. Who (2005)

    http://imdb.com/title/tt0056751/ <-- Dr. Who (1963-89)

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