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Posts posted by Cygnia

  1. Re: What happens when a new GM doesn't understand game balance


    I've not run into that with the women who play RPGs because they like gaming (as opposed to the ones who must share all activities with their boyfriends/husbands because it's a Law of Coupledom). They neither asked for nor received preferential in-game treatment... pretty much the only difference between their SOs running the game and other friends from the group was that there was more teasing and bickering out of character.


    Consider yourself lucky. And unfortunately, it comes on both sides. I've seen Wife/Girlfriend GMs blatantly favor their spouses/BFs too.

  2. Re: What happens when a new GM doesn't understand game balance


    Note that the above problems don't seem to crop up if the GM's girlfriend is actually a gamer in her own right' date='[/quote']


    That's right...when the GM's SO is a gamer, there's the chance of a whole NEW crop o' problems! :ugly::thumbdown


    "So lemmie get this straight...everyone took damage from the no-save area effect fireball EXCEPT your wife, Bob?"

  3. Re: The Minority


    Try to imagine him as a puppet instead.


    I saw Dan Quayle groupies when he gave a speech at my university about 12 years ago. It was...scary. :nonp:


    As for this campaign idea...ehhh. Too wangsty for my tastes.

  4. Re: WWYCD: Magic Fishnets?


    My male heroes probably have no interest in putting them on. None of my female heroes are martial artists of any sort, but only one might actually put them on.


    $64 Question: Can they be taken off?

  5. Re: What Marvel hero am I remembering?


    I remember "Captain Marvel". Way to alienate the Mar-vell fan base' date=' Marvel. Shoulda called her "Photon" from the start.[/quote']


    Probably called her that just to renew the copywright on the name so DC couldn't snatch it back up for Shazam.

  6. Re: Order of the Stick


    I found it more unsettling than humorous. Were the genders reversed, I'd be berating the creator for suddenly taking such a dark turn with the comic. He's clearly not interested, so why is it funny that he's coerced through threat of bodily harm?


    And I think it was more her half-orc side than her ninja class that makes her cranky.


    As they say, it's called the double standard 'cause it's twice as true!:ugly:

  7. Re: Why don't you play online?


    While I prefer face-to-face play, the sad fact of the matter is, the gamers we know in the area don't want to play what I play (and are unwilling to compromise...no "We'll play 4Ed D&D/White Wolf for 4 months and then switch to 7th Sea/HERO/Feng Shui/Toon for 4 months, ok?"). So it's off to the online forums I go.

  8. Re: Order of the Stick



    Archliches are "good" though, right? (did they keep them around in 3.0/3.5?)


    The husband noted that once a body is turned into undead, it CAN'T be resurrected anymore, like when Roy's dad wanted to raise his mentor in "Start of Darkness"


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