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Posts posted by BoloOfEarth

  1. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


    Has anyone done an updated list of all the charaters on the list and the hero list yet?


    Eep! Six months! I didn't realize it's been that long. I'm in the process of updating my list, but I have about 25 pages to enter. Yikes!

  2. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


    I'd better do this before Lucius does!


    Dromedan, the team brick, is a hunchback mostly covered in fine tan-colored hair. He feels considerable lower back discomfort standing erect, so he usually moves on hands and feet, where he resembles a camel (hence his name). He's not the strongest or the toughest one around, but he's strong enough and tough enough to handle most foes, and he certainly has considerable staying power.


    In the Days of Destruction, he represents Wednesday (aka Hump Day).

  3. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


    The female mentalist known as Daymare can tap into targets' minds to put them into a daydream-like state that gets progressively more dangerous the longer they remain inside it. After a while, the target can suffer lethal damage from the illusory attacks. Strangely, Daymare's powers seem rather muted at night -- at best, she can create normal nightmares that are frightening but decidedly non-lethal.

  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    The University of Aruba Syphilitic Conquistadors. (They wanted a name that would inspire fear in the locals.) The University of Aruba - Where knowledge is king and clothing is optional!


    New Topic: Unforeseen consequences of Eurostar fighting VIPER in your home town.


    (Using Detroit as my childhood home town, though I grew up in the suburbs) Both sides get mugged and all of their foci get stolen.

    (Using Dexter as my curren home town) The little old ladies from church harangue Fiacho and the VIPER Nest Leader, getting them to not only stop fighting but to also volunteer to work at the Easter Breakfast.

  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    Slam his fingers in a door -- again and again and again and again!

    "...then spend, One More Minute, with you..."


    NT: Things Cancer would rather do than grade lab reports. Hint: It's a really low hurdle.

    Argue politics, religion, gun control, and dropping COM and Figured Characteristics on the NGD boards. Simultaneously.

  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    Centipedemobile rides for everyone!


    New Topic: Musicians that would also be great superheroes (and why).


    Katy Perry. :love: As to why? Magic Cleavage Window.


    New Topic: Really bad casting ideas for the actors (and their roles) in a Justice League movie.

  7. Re: One shot convention adventure ideas


    Dave Mattingly has run some excellent combat-oriented convention games -- Champions BYOB (Bring Your Own Brick) and Monumental Battles are the two that spring easily to mind. Since you're talking more for newbies, BYOB would be out, but something along the line of Monumental Battles could probably work. (Caveat: although I've played in BYOB and seen Dave's writeups for the various Monuments battling, I've yet to play a game of MB.)


    Last year at GenCon, Mike Surbrook ran an excellent Left 4 Dead Hero game. Not Champions, but it seemed to run fairly easily and was a lot of fun.


    Lots of other fun one-shot games I've participated in, most with fairly complex plots that may or may not fit what you're looking for. Unfortunately, I've yet to get up the guts to actually run a convention game, so my advice here is fairly limited.

  8. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster


    Okay. I came to the boards after all the "Rachel and Kara" stuff' date=' but can anyone explain it to me?[/quote']


    Short version: A guy named Fred Bittick pretended to be two hot lesbian gamer chicks over quite a long time, using pics from a pr0n site for themselves and "befriending" numerous people on these boards. When Fred's deception was finally uncovered, there were a lot of bad feelings.


    Here's the thread where the deception was first explained, around page 2 or so.

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