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Everything posted by Psybolt

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Let's all go to Disneyworld!!!!
  2. Re: A Game Of Questions What if some likes a team on the West Coast ... besides the Lakers I mean?
  3. Re: A Game Of Questions Does that stop them from endless talking about them or the Yankees?
  4. Re: Ctrl+V http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fifth_Element
  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat extremely painful... hey, don't touch! Yeah it hurt, you moron! NT: Other things that really , really hurt
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Jihad Hero
  7. Re: Ctrl+V "You know you seem familiar. Have we met before?"
  8. Re: A Game Of Questions Would you be the only one?
  9. Re: A Game Of Questions Was it the same in the late 70s and early 80's when he played?
  10. Re: Ctrl+V Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes
  11. Re: A Game Of Questions Why would I do that? Actually I did not. He was a real player.
  12. Re: A Game Of Questions What about Thurman Munson?
  13. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone I too expect a really good match with Undertaker and HHH. I believe they will pullout all the stops to make a memorable match. I actually think this might steal the show. I like Cole's heel role as well, but he goes too over the top with his screaming during some matches. He should tone that down a little bit. Christopher Daniels is back in TNA playing Suicide again. And with Daniel Bryan, I am sure that the name was close to take advantage of his name recognition and still own the rights. It is not a backward slap at ROH or anyone else and if you think it is so, you're really overestimating the WWE's thoughts on other promotions. Rock is supposedly scheduled in some form for RAW tonight. Whoo
  14. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone "Just as calling Brian Danielson Daniel Bryan" The name change has absolutely nothing to do with ROH or any other wrestling organization. They change wrestlers names so they can own the rights completely. That has nothing to do with it. And again saying TNA is "worrying about/trying to be WWE" with a 1 minute promo at the end of a 2 hour show is pushing it a bit, don't you think? Actually, I think it is just one more piece of evidence. From devaluing its formerly successful Knockouts, to signing all these former WWE guys and pushing them ahead of the originals, and with the backstage skits... instead of focusing on their own talent (X Division, KO, etc) that made them an alternative. At first the other announcer was very wishy washy about the stuff Cole was saying and even agreed sometimes, but once WWE realized folks HATED what Cole was doing Matt Striker finally started insulting Cole I don't believe that the WWE cared one bit if the Internet hated this. The Miz did, as the Internet was up in arms about Bryan having Miz as a pro. The WWE took that and ran with it. In fact, this is the origin of Cole as bad guy.
  15. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone http://rajah.com/base/node/21971
  16. Re: WWE Snark-Free Zone Hm. Let's take this one point at a time. First, in the old Monday Night Wars, I do remember the WWE doing the Turner skits, and every once in a while taking a veiled verbal poke at WCW. Usually it was something about age. But they rarely come right out and copied something the competition did... a week later. And to call it a spoof... well, that just does not work either. A spoof is funny. And tongue in cheek... well, it seems like a lot of fans didn't take it that way. This was just trying to capitalize on the WWE success with the 2-21-11 video. And the TNA fans responded with a lot of anger at it. if some of the tweets and posts are any indication. CM Punk could have easily been talking about Shane McMahon. He jumped off the Titan Tron as well. Was he referring to Hardy? Probably. Now if he had painted his face and dressed up in tight colorful shirts with watered down hair when he did the routine, then that would be similar to 3-3-11. Now, as for NXT... they called Daniel Bryan an "Internet" darling more than "Indy" darling. And the losing streak to start his WWE career? Who cares? That meant nothing. He was a star at the end of NXT, thanks to his "feud" with Michael Cole. If there wasn't the unfortunately silly "tie" issue, he'd be farther along. Even now, Bryan was listed as the company's 2nd biggest new star for the coming year behind ADR. As for ROH, I don't think the WWE spends any time thinking about them. And the Undertaker not being a shock... well, that is true. The first promo was very uncertain. Each week it became more and more clear that it was the Undertaker. And yet they provided a huge moment when HHH interrupted the return and had a face off with Taker. Plus, the announcers or the owner never tweeted that this was the most shocking moment of the year. In fact, the WWE announcers never even made a single comment about the 2-21-11 videos. So in the end, I agree that the WWE does make some remarks veiled toward the other companies. But you have to be a "smart" to realize them. How many times have the words WWE, Vince or up north been used on TNA? Heck, they did a whole angle around the WWE Hall of Fame. All I said is that TNA should stop thinking about, worrying about, imitating, trying to be the WWE and they should be themselves. Until they do, they will never be successful. And that would be a shame, because they have a lot of great performers.
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat When you throw the dead body in the water, it floats.
  18. Re: A Game Of Questions Do you mean Craig Nettles, former third baseman for the Yankees?
  19. Re: Ctrl+V http://embraceyourgeekness.ning.com/profiles/blogs/academy-awards-through-a-geeks
  20. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat [quote=Michael Hopcroft;2134288 NT: Subtle signs that you've been using your computer too long. You have run out of empty pop bottles for your urine.
  21. Re: A Game Of Questions Or what about Jello pops?
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