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Psybolt last won the day on May 27 2022

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About Psybolt

  • Birthday 02/18/1969

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  1. Geography: The Stage The Stage is a gigantic stadium similar to the Roman Coliseum with multiple levels of stages and marks where all kinds of entertainment can be held.
  2. Geography. Sentient Life. Bamfs Gift to Civilization. Music Flora/Fanua/Ore: Marijuana Interference. Mythic Monster or Guardian. Les Grossman Secondary Domain. Drama Secondary Domain. Tragedy Secondary Domain. Performing arts Tomfoolery looked out around the world as it started to take shape. He was fascinated as his Godly family made such moves to the world. He called Les Grossman to speak to... "Les... there is still far too much seriousness in the world. We need more room for laughter. So this is the mission I embark upon thee. Each of the family tree needs a special gift... something to create a pleasing for them all. Not mean-spirited mind you... I know how you are. I want each of them to receive a specific...joke. Something to make their existence more than what it is now. Do you understand?" "I do," said Grossman, brushing his hair over the excessive forehead. "I think I will call the idea... a PRACTICAL JOKE Interference: Each God will receive a Practical Joke from Tomfoolery. Since you all know your Gods better than I do, you may choose the manner in which the joke is provided. (I am never good at the interference pick, so this is how I get around it) Have fun with it.
  3. Melee (coming in Exceptional X-Men)
  4. Player Psybolt, God Tomfoolery, God of Humour Geography. Sentient Life. Bamfs Gift to Civilization. Music Flora/Fanua/Ore: Marijuana Interference. Mythic Monster or Guardian. Secondary Domain. Drama Secondary Domain. Tragedy Secondary Domain. Performing arts Tomfoolery knew that there was a lot to do, so he decided to dip into the human race, looking for a HERALD. Tomfoolery was still slightly annoyed by those road crossing chickens, so he knew he needed something special. He knew what he wanted and he took a man and molded him into the perfect assistant... at least in the eyes of Tomfoolery. "He may be more of an annoyance to the fam," thought Tomfoolery, smiling broadly. Tomfoolery lived for these kinds of moments. "Awake my form of a monster.... I dub thee... Les Grossman!" Mythic Monster or Guardian.: Les Grossman (Tropic Thunder)
  5. Love it. Any time anyone wants to include Tomfoolery, I am up for it
  6. Player Psybolt, God Tomfoolery, God of Humour Geography. Sentient Life. Bamfs Gift to Civilization. Music Flora/Fanua/Ore: Interference. Mythic Monster or Guardian. Secondary Domain. Drama Secondary Domain. Tragedy Secondary Domain. Performing arts Flora/Fanua/Ore: Marijuana
  7. Tomfoolery looked around as his family started the creation of this new world. He had thought about creating something very much like what Rethormathe had done with the race of beings dubbed humans. With this opening, he wondered aloud what he should do. "This world requires more humor within it. These humans must learn of the ways of humor. What they need is something smaller.... ....and BLUE!" Sentient Race: Bamfs
  8. Dust And it was probably the younger version of Cyclops who was created for All-New X-Men...
  9. I always create the humans.... what to do now?
  10. How badly do I want to use my Gift to Civilization to create Kevin Bacon..... I will resist such a pick though. Secondary domain: Drama
  11. That would require Tomfoolery have a sibling. Anyone want to be my sibling?
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