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Posts posted by Herolover

  1. Re: Questions and Suggestions for my next campaign.


    I have thought about what it uses. My initial ideas is that it uses helium (hydrogen is just soooo messy).


    I have been studying a lot of airships and have found that they releases ballast and sometimes even gas to raise or lower in emergency situations. I was thinking that the airship has some kind of weird science device to produce helium.


    However, I think I might change my idea. Perhaps the airship uses helium, but does have a means of producing hydrogen. Thus later in the flight the ship will use a combination of hydrogen and helium.


    No matter what however, I am going to make the producing of this hydrogen and helium a long process. They may have to be stranded for a while...ahhhh :)

  2. Re: Questions and Suggestions for my next campaign.


    Ah but is he REALLY a philanthropist ? Or is he just using the heros for some nefarious purpose ? Why are coded signals being received on the airship late at night' date=' and why does no-one in the crew want to talk about that fog shrouded island south of New Zealand that appears ONLY on the old map in the captain's cabin ?[/quote']


    LOL, yeah I have thought about using something along this lines. However, I think I am gonna keep him as a good guy, but the PCs will be doing a lot of strange things.

  3. Re: Questions and Suggestions for my next campaign.


    Pocket of tremendous updraft' date=' flings them into the stratosphere - emergency oxygen or lose consciousness and wake up who knows where (or possibly even suffocate). Or in the case of the R101 (and Doctor Who) - meeting an alien spacecraft.[/quote']


    Is this one of the new episodes? I don't remember that on in the old and don't get the new :(

  4. Hello all. I am looking for input on my next campaign.


    I am starting to plan my campaign and since I will be picking up the new Pulp Hero book and have some players that have shown great my next campaign will be a Pulp adventures game. I am wanting (hoping) to make a game that is 60% Indian Jones, 20% Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, and 20% everything else.


    My Basic Idea

    The campaign starts in 1936. The PCs are hired by a multi-millionaire philanthropist for a “project†he is putting together. They travel to (some remote out of the way place TBA). (I may put an adventure together based on their travel.) Once at the TBA place they find that the philanthropist has built a massive airship. I am thinking something like 1.5 times the Hindenburg. It will have its own crew, science staff and labs, I am even basing a squadron of 5-6 “fighter†planes on the airship.


    The idea I have for the campaign is that “airship†travels around the world investigating strange areas (can you say lost worlds), archeological digs, and other sites of interest helping natives, fighting wrongs, and generally getting into trouble.


    What do you think? Do you have suggestions? Adventure ideas, problems you see, etc

  5. Re: Question for you Traveller fans.


    Thanks for the information.


    What I am actually looking for I guess is setting information especially on the aliens of Traveller. The Zhodani, Vagr, etc.


    I got the Marc Miller's Traveller and Alien Archives. The main book appears to have very little setting info and mainly just a rule book. The Alien Archives book only talks about minor aliens.


    What I am wondering, other than buying the books from Far Future.net, what books would I need for setting info and the info on the Zhodani, Vagr etc?

  6. Okay.


    So with the release of the TravellerHERO pdf I am thinking about running a Traveller game. However, I haven't looked at Traveller since....well....a long time. MegaTraveller I think.


    So, what do you think of what they are calling Traveller 4th edition. I got the main book...where are the alien species made up?


    Second, I saw on the FutureNet website the books offered. Nice, but the books are a little pricey for me right now.


    Basically I would like to see where I can get some information on the aliens in Traveller. What books do I need?

  7. Re: Traveller Hero is ready for Download


    Makes you wanna start up a Traveller Hero game' date=' doesn't it?[/quote']



    LOL...I grew up with Traveller in fact, Traveller was my first non AD&D game that I ever bought.


    I am not sure how to break it to my players that instead of doing Pulp HERO I may want to do Traveller HERO

  8. Re: Traveller Hero is ready for Download


    I downloaded this and just got a chance to take a good look at it.




    Great work. Not sure when I will get to use this, but at least I have it. I mean really....wow.


    I know how long you guys have been working on this and I can see that you put a lot of work into it. Great job and thanks.

  9. Re: to map combat or not to map combat.


    I think some of you are missing my point and it is not your fault, but mine for not explaining well enough.


    I agree with those that map. In fact, as I stated, I always map out combat. I find that not mapping out combat leads to far, far to many questions of, "Where is he at again? How far away is he? etc."


    Maybe my question should have been do you map to scale? I noticed one person mentioned the 50 hex chasm and I myself use dice to represent height.


    Here is what I am looking at....

    I was watching a movie and it had a large dock area, with a large crane, and warehouses and such. I started thinking what a great place for a champions battle like you see in the movies. Then I started thinking about how in the world would I map that out. I would need a whole room to do it. I was hoping some people in here would give me a better answer.

  10. How many of you actually map out combat? There really isn't much in the rules that say you have to map out combat.


    The reason I ask is because I normally map out all of my groups combats. However I am wanting to run a couple of combats that could take up whole street blocks and this could make mapping very difficult at best. How do you do it>

  11. Re: Stardrive Engines, how would you do it?


    I always liked Alternity and really liked the StarDrive setting. I felt it had some great potential and the two introductory scenarios are the best two intro scenarios I have ever seen.


    Megascale Teleportation. Requires 5 Days is where to start. As for the recharge time I would add Requires a skill roll. This way if the person rolls really good then they can reduce the recharge time.


    Put it in a multipower with the other slot being overrcharged with a chance of burnout.



    Note, you play how you want to, but for me I wouldn't bother to write these up as powers. I have never understood the need to write up as powers a lot of equipment for a non-supes game. It does such and such...end of story.

  12. Re: Help on mechanics for 1st ever HERO session


    1) Welcome aboard.

    2) Remember to have fun. Don't get bogged down by rules. If if sounds good go with it.

    3) If a rules questions comes up quickly make a ruling. Don't look in the book for over 5 minutes.

    4) Have a blank piece of paper handy. On this piece of paper write down any rules questions that come up in the game that you don't look up. This way you can go back after the game is over and look up the rule questions.

    5) Have you and each player have a copy of the combat manuevers. Any time a player wants to do "cool undefined manuever" look at the combat manuevers and pick the one closest.

    6) +1 to +2 is for something really easy. A small but noticeable bonus.

    7) +3 to +4 is more difficult, something along the lines of a very noticeable bonus.

    8) +5 to +6 is OMG

    9 ) Greater than +6 is so rarely seen it isn't worth mentioning.

    10) I know you aren't using HIt Locations, but to get an idea for OCV penalties and bonuses look at the penalties to hit a certain location.

    11) For Knockdown as the player is rolling his damage you as gm roll two dice. If his BODY total is more than your two dice person knocked down.

  13. Re: War of the Worlds


    I agree that it what a good movie. I give it a B.


    However, I agree with Beast in that there are some MAJOR plot holes. For big picture it is good. However, looking at some small things you end up wondering that in the world is going on. An example is during one of the scenes major characters and extras are walking towards battles and explosion. Walking TOWARDS. Uhhhh yeah.

  14. Okay. Here is an adventure I am working on for my campaign. The characters are your basic 350pt good guys. If you are part of the Southeast Missouri Campaign or don't want any spoilers on VIPER stop reading here............































    The Serpent Lantern of Nama was lost during a battle between VIPER and Dr. Destroyer. It fell to the earth (location to be determined by GM I am using Antarctica) where it remained undisturbed with only Nama and the Supreme Serpent knowing its location. The Serpent of the Lantern, actually Nama’s son, felt betrayed by his father as he was left alone to languish in the frozen depths of Antarctica. As the cold overtook him and sleep came upon him he vowed revenge upon his father and those that had used him.(Dr. Destroyer, Nama, Council of Thirty, mankind etc.)

    The Serpent of the Lantern remained undisturbed for years until he was discovered, completely by accident, by Mechanon. Mechanon recognized that the lantern was an item of power and took it to his local laboratory-factory for investigation. There the Serpent of the Lantern, now calling himself ??, was able to infiltrate Mechanon’s factory and began to take control of Mechanon and the factory. As he was being taken over Mechanon was able send a signal to one of his factories in deep Africa to start production and reclaim him Antarctic domain. ??, unaware that Mechanon had activated another factory in Africa, set about using Mechanon’s factory to create for himself a body and mindless robotic minions to do his bidding.

    The activation of a factory near Nama’s home area woke him and using mystical spells he discovered his rebellious son. Nama realized that ?? could use the technology of Mechanon to threaten him. Nama acted by sending visions of a possible future to several members of the Council of Thirty, Viperia, and certain heroes he felt were best placed to aid in the coming battle.


    Act One

    The PCs receive visions of a destroyed landscape where VIPER, PRIMUS, and UNTIL work together to overcome “invaders†using strange technology. Also Nama contacts the Supreme Serpent and Viperia and alerts them to the new threat. (I have actually started this part. I had the heroes received very stylized and symbolic visions. As the visions occur more frequently they will become less stylized and less symbolic.)



    I am still working on where to go from this point. Ideas I have are........

    a) The visions continue and intensify.


    B) VIPER attacks a technology site, the heroes intervene and some VIPER agents, I plan on using VIPER-X mention that a larger threat is coming and VIPER is actually attacking to site to keep it from the new threat.


    c) Mechanon appears and kidnaps a large number of people. Maybe a whole small town, or a whole group of people to watching a sporting event. This will obviously be very strange. Mechanon kidnapping people instead of killing them? (?? needs actually biological flesh for some of his powers to operate.)


    d) The PCs battle ?? in the form of Mechanon when the real Mechanon shows up. Who do you cheer for? Do the PCs stay out of the way or get involved in the battle. Why are there two Mechanon's.


    Finally the PCs will learn the true threat and Dr. Destroyer(or his agents), VIPER, and the PCs will have to work together to battle this new threat. I see it coming down to the PCs learning that although ?? is somewhat free of the lantern it is still the base of his power. They will discover that it is at the factory in Antarctica and they must battle to Antarctica, to the factory, and finally battle ?? at the lantern.


    The great thing is they can't destroy ?? or the lantern. They can only force him back into the lantern and disconnect him from the factory. Then the real fun starts to see who keeps the lantern or what happens to it.


    I still have a lot to work on because I need to know what are some of the things the Serpent of the Lantern can do? What can he do in the body of Mechanon? What kind of powers should-could his minions have?


    I see this as a major wham adventure taking many sessions, crossing comic isssues and the whole lot. The kind of major thing Marvel did where it took 6 months to a year, crossed all lines, and then in the end nothing really changed.


    Comments, questions, suggestions are EARGERLY awaited.

  15. Re: The Serpent Lantern.


    Wow. You guys have come up with some great stuff and much of it is right along my own ways of thinking about an adventure I am going to run using the Serpent Lantern. I am going to start another thread so you can see more of my adventure idea.

  16. Hello all. For those of you not wanting VIPER spoilers from the book stop reading now...........................................................................................










    Okay. The Serpent Lantern is a mystical artifact inhabited by "The Serpent of the Lantern." The Serpent of the Lantern is actually a spirit-snake which happnes to be the son of the Nama.


    Now. Assuming the spirit-snake could get out of the lantern or give powers to people-things what power would you give it? What powers could it grant?


    The reason I ask is I am creating an adventure using this and will post to the board when I get more written up.

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