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Posts posted by Herolover

  1. Re: City of Heroes writeups


    I played COH when it first came out and once and twice since. Still love the character graphics and sometimes I think it is worth it just to be able to draw your character.


    I used the Clockwork men in one campaign and was just wondering if anyone had written up the villians.

  2. Okay all you City of Hero fans. There is an RPG coming out for you, but where are the Champions writeups? I am sure some of you fans have writen up some of the heroes an villians of the COH universe, but where are they?

  3. Re: Has anyone used the Slug or Elder Worm?


    Wow thanks for all the replies.


    I forgot about the GAC stuff, I will have to have a good look at it.

    I knew about the Terran Empire stuff, but thanks anyway.

    Also, I forget which Digital HERO it is, but there are more Elder Worm artifacts made up in one of the articles.


    Thanks again.

  4. Hello all.


    Getting ready to start a new/continued campaign (long story) and I am looking at who I want to be one of my major villains. I have decided to use and expand upon Slug (from CKC pg 198) and the Elder Worm. I am just wondering if anyone else has used the Slug and how he and his Elder Worm faired? How did you use him?


    Also, while I am asking is there any place for more information on the Slug and Elder Worm other than CKC?

  5. Re: Special bonus for a well build lightsaber?


    In Knights of the Old Republic I & II special crystals or "'well-made" lightsabers provide bonus to-hit rolls, extra damage, and extra damage vs certain kinds of equipment, or special types of damage.


    For a 3...umm....To me that is VERY special. Using your lightsaber rules I would go with


    +1 OCV and +2 damage.


    This might seem high, but I think it would also make the character far more careful with his lightsaber :)

  6. Hello all.


    I like to run heroic level games and since I play a lot with D20 people I explain that Weapon Familiarity is just that you know how to use a weapon without hurting yourself. If you want to show that you are really trained in it and are good with the weapon you should take Combat Skill Levels.


    This raises the question of what does how many combat skill levels represent? If I have a +3 OCV with swords what, in real world terms, does that mean? Am I good, real good, OMG I can't believe anyone can do that with a sword. What do you use?


    Do you see what I am asking?

  7. Re: Two Game Master's


    Note, I have never ran any game with a "Co-GM."


    That said, I agree with the CourtFool in that I am wondering why you are wanting to another GM? Is it just to help you with rules ideas, combat and such, or are you wanting him to actually run complete sessions to give you a break in running?


    If it is just help during the session then you don't really need a co-gm just tell you players to help you with the rules and such. For new games I usually offer the players some kind of reward (xtra XP, cool item, in game money) if they can catch me messing up a rule. I learn the rules, they learn the rules it all works.


    As for a Co-GM running games in the same world.

    1) Work big plots and event together and agree who is going to run what.

    2) Each gm pick out a couple of specific plots, villains, or PC hunted disads that they want to run adventures for. The other GM cannot run adventures dealing with these without the first GM's permission.

    3) Get a list of things in the campaign that neither GM can change without the others permission. Places, important NPCs, campaign themes, etc.

    4) Both GM's will have to talk about events that will change the world. IE if one GM's adventure is based upon a city getting destroyed then he should talk to the other GM before running it.


    Good luck.

  8. Re: I want to play Hero,


    I live in a small rural area so I go through some of the same problems. Few players and then they want to play D20. So I understand and have a few suggestions.


    1) I have driven an hour one way (2 hours driving time) to play. If possible you might want to look into what big town or college is near you.


    2) Do you GM? If not, then you will only play HERO if you are VERY lucky. If you are wait till the group is between campaigns and then suggest that you play something. Make it a very different then normal campaign and use HERO.

  9. Re: My Star Wars Force Powers


    First thanks for those list. I have been looking at list you have done and the list that Questionman has out for places to look for information on Star Wars Hero. They have been a great help.


    I do not feel I am throwing anything out just that I have found that everyone makes the force VPP's or comes up with the rules and a few powers, but it doesn't appear to me that everyone gets all the powers. Usually they just hit a few that go for thier campaign.


    I am trying, in my small way, to get a single list of Force Powers that could be used with any Force Power system. Think of this as a Grimoir or USPD of Force Powers. That is why I didn't put RSR on the powers because some people feel you need it and some don't.

  10. Well, I guess itis that time of the year again. Time for Star Wars.

    I am working on a Star Wars campaign and redoing my old Star Wars conversion and now I am up to Powers.


    So, I am going to post my ideas on some of the classic Star Wars powers. One thing I am not going to do for my powers is put any type of Requires Skill Roll Limitation on them. That is easy to go back and add no matter how I or any one wants to do it. What I am looking for is critiques on how I did the powers and suggestions for other/better ways to write the powers up for Star Wars Hero.


    Power END
    3 Battlemind (Learner): +1 with OCV (5 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2) 1
    7 Empathy (Learner): Telepathy 4d6 (20 Active Points); Receive Only (-1/2), Eye Contact Required (-1/2), Empathy (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) 2
    20 Affect Mind (Learner): Multipower, 30-point reserve, (30 Active Points); all slots Gestures (-1/4), Limited Range 5" (-1/4)
    1u 1) Sight and Hearing Groups Images 1" radius, +/-2 to PER Rolls (21 Active Points); Gestures (-1/4), Limited Range 5" (-1/4) 2
    1u 2) Mind Control 6d6 (30 Active Points); Eye Contact Required (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4), Normal Range (-1/4), Limited Range 5" (-1/4) 3
    14 Enhance Ability (Novice): Aid to STR or DEX 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4) (25 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 2


    Power END
    3 Enhanced Senses (Learner): +2 PER with all Sense Groups (6 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 20 Minutes (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 1
    9 Farseeing: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Hearing And Sight Groups), Single Dimension (60 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Extra Phase (-1 1/2), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Character May Take No Other Actions, -1 1/2), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby events; -1 1/2), Time Modifiers (-1/2), Vague and Unclear (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 6


    Some of the powers might seem a little low in abilty and active points. This is because they are for beginner. I will have other powers to represent better characters. Well there you go what do you think?

  11. Hello all.


    I am wondering of you who have ran Champions campaigns and of you that are currently running champions campaigns who do you have installed as the "Bad Guy they love to hate."


    I define this as a villian that the players could possibly beat, but seem to have a hard time actually doing it. The villian always gets away and the players love to hate him (even though they won't admit it.) Someone like Darth Vader in Star Wars, Magneto to the X-Men, etc. Who are you using for this role and why?

  12. Re: New-model Dalek


    I am so jealous. I wish I could see the new DR. Who. I hope, yes I doubt it will happen, that BBC America or some smart station here in America will start to play it so I can see it.


    IMO, these are things that the Daleks should always have been able to do. This is why I was thinking about doing a DR Who campaign, but was going to "re-imagine"' it.


    Now of course I am GMing my Champs campaign. Of course, I can still use the Daleks now cant I :)

  13. Re: Your "2005" Pet Gaming Projects


    Well for the time being things have been decided for me. A couple of players have decided to start D&D campaigns so I am switching my game to another night and restarting my Champions campaign.


    For something to work on during my time I am goin to be working on my Star Wars campaign.

  14. Re: Your "2005" Pet Gaming Projects


    Well, for me it is kinda of the thing that has my attention at the moment. I don't have ADD until it comes to gaming and then I am everywhere. Things I would like to get time to work on (HERO only)



    Battlestar Galactica writeups (the new version)

    Dr. Who (re-imagined writeup for a campaign I am thinking about)

    Star Wars (rework my Star Wars conversion for a possible campaign)

    Conspiracy X setting converstion to HERO


    Currently I am working on a writeup from the Nephilim RPG for a campaign I might be running.

  15. Re: Some thoughts on River Tam (Firefly)


    This was revealed where...?


    Sorry, just saw this.

    I will have to look up where it was first revealed. It might be that is what Joss said at a convention. It has been pretty common knowledge among the browncoats (firefly fans.)

  16. Re: Some thoughts on River Tam (Firefly)


    I love Firefly and can't wait for Serinity so I am really happy to see this post.


    For those not in the know Serinity will, as I understand it, be a kind of pilot for a new show. They aren't going to re-write any of the material in the TV show, but then they aren't going to go strictly by the TV show either. They are going to reveal a lot of information, but aren't going to give everything away.


    As far as her write-up I don't think we know enough of what happned to her. I would write her up using mainly Overall skill levels and Psionic powers.


    How would you write up her disadvantages?

  17. Here's another one.


    One of my players that plays Supers alot using HERO thinks Fantasy HERO combat is a lot slower because you don't get as many actions. I, on the other hand, as GM don't think it is any slower, just that turns go by faster.


    Is Fantasy combat slower than Supers combat? If he is right is there anything I can do to speed things up?

  18. Re: When to use larger than normal weapons


    Yes, they have shown that some of the heavy armors, such as plate, that people thought would be impossible to move in are actually easy to move in and don't offer that many inhibitions to movement.


    However, it has been shown that while movement isn't hampered sometime vision is and wearing the armor ALWAYS is very tiring.


    In truth, if you were going to realisticly do armor any DCV/DEX penalties should be small, but the END penalties should be high.

  19. Re: Rep Points?


    PS. I suppose it's possible to create a secret pact of rep traders' date=' but again, is that cheating?[/quote']


    So what you are talking about is a secret society of individuals dealing in black market reputations points. Umm....I see new HERO conversion coming. :snicker:

  20. Hello. Okay here is another question. When should creatures use larger than normal weapons?


    For example in my campaign players can play several races that have the "Large" limitation and the appropriate stats. If one wants to wield a Great sword should I let them wield a Great Sword or should they wield a Larger than normal great sword?


    In fact, my question alsw deals with the hands required. A Great sword is a 2-handed weapon. At one point in size should you be able to use it one handed? Should a large creature be able to use a 2-handed Great sword with one hand?

  21. Re: Dive For Cover


    Of course here is the way around it.


    You, buy up your DCV or by lots of Combat skill levels.

    You hold your action. When you see the mage is starting to cast a spell you interrupt his action (If you are that dexey you should beat his dice roll to go first.) You move and close distance with the mage attacking if possible.


    This will

    1) possibly interrupt his spell.

    2) Make sure he and possibly the archer are caught in any AOE spells.


    With you CSL's and a high DEX you hope the archer misses. If not your are screwed.

  22. Re: Dive For Cover


    I have always seen Dive for Cover as a last ditch manuever. For normal, I want to get out of the way, situations you use Dodge. For the OMG, I need to MOVE, you use Dive for Cover.


    In the situation you are using as an example most anyone would be hosed. Two well coordinated foes, with a plan, acting against one lone target. Very few people wouldn't be hosed in this situation.

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