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Posts posted by drunkonduty

  1. Originally written by Bloodstone:


    >>>Well, I don't want to derail, but lets look at a common Power Armor trope: Boot Jets.


    The tech necessary to make something as "simple" as boot jets would change the world as we know it. It's massively advanced super science that most people kinda just shrug about because Iron Man's been doing it for years in the comics. A lot of high tech stuff is treated like that.


    So basically, most games I've been in allow amazing technology without dealing with any of the implications. I've had GM's go out of their way to preserve the status quo when the super tech guys tries to change the world with some innovation or another.<<<



    Regarding "super tech impact on the world at large" thing. Myself and a friend of mine have in mind a campaign where all super powers are tech/gadget based. But all tech that is significantly advanced from real world tech is considered experimental and is subject to activation roles, catastrophic failure, limited range, etc. We'll run the game as alternating GMs.


    To start the campaign I'll run a "flying saucer under the Arctic ice" game in which a variety of organisations (UNTIL, VIPER and Master Control) race for the secrets contained therein. The idea is that everyone gets away with something from the saucer, setting off a super tech arms race. Thereafter, as the narrative demands/allows, tech advances are made and the GM removes some restrictions/ups the DCs on some powers for some organisations. And of course the tech eventually spreads through wider society.


    That's the plan at least. Finding the time to actually game is proving difficult.

  2. Re: Fantasy Cosmologies


    That you'd have to ask the WoD designers about. It seems to be an extension of the old Ars Magica idea of Magical/Fey/Faith areas that depend on the beliefs of the folk who live there. Least it seems that way to me.

  3. Re: Dark Elves: Compelling?


    Oh the Tolkien nerd in me must speak up or burst.


    Celeborn, Arwen and Elrond are technically "Dark Elves" as they never saw the light of the Two Trees. Glorfindel and Galadriel are both Light Elves for sure. I'm not sure about Haldir. He is a Noldor but I'm not sure he was born in Valinor.


    Eol is referred to as "Dark Elf" by Thingol as a perjorative, but it would seem he meant it in moral terms. ie: Eol was a bit of a bastard. Incidentally Thingol was the only non-Noldor Elf in Middle Earth to be accounted as a Light Elf because he did see the Two Trees (before coming back to Middle Earth.)


    Sorry for the nerdgasm. Please go about your business.

  4. Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


    My not-too-bright muscle-bound Olympian God, Minos, works as a gym instructor at Flash's Super Gym in LA. One day he hears sounds of battle in the distance. (super hearing!) Neither he nor his team mate, Gylfi an Asgardian sorcerer, have any sort of travel powers.


    Minos: 'Quick Gylfi, to the bus stop!'


    Of course since he's only wearing his leather posing pouch and a too-small 'Flash's Gym t-shirt' he has no money on him.


    They eventually get to Venice Beach where the battle is just about over. The Big Bad has taken down the local super group (West Coast Avengers IIRC) leaving only our two boys to carry on the fight. The BB's got a big auto-fire missle rack and engaging in a shooting fight with Gylfi. Minos, unable to reach the flying villain and not currently a target watches Gylfi as he keeps aborting to dodges. Thinking this is kinda wussy way to conduct a battle he says:


    'Stop jumping about and take it like a God!' One blast later and Gylfi is unconscious on the sand.


    Gylfi used to do a lot of things Minos said. You'd think he would have learned.

  5. Re: Pet Powers


    Alas I do not get to play enough Champions to have a signature power.


    If I did it would probably be a mulitpower EB.


    That said: any Champions players in Sydney looking for a new member?


  6. Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


    Knight Rider: A truly gorgeous gown. SOmething long and slinky that was cut low enough in back to show just the beginnings of the curve of her bum.


    Stryker: the name of the supremacist bastard who ordered his cousin killed.

  7. Re: Is your character religious?


    Knight Rider is Japanese and was brought up with a mix of Shinto and Buddhist beliefs but does not practice. She is, if anything, more of a humanist. This is not to say she doesn't believe but she thinks there are more important issues/causes.


    Stryker: Baptist and reasonably devout. But given his career as a government hitman he does have trouble reconciling his beliefs with his actions. He is likely to wind up being a rather messed up, twisted individual: if he ever gets played again.

  8. Re: WWYCD "super" registration


    Knight Rider: would shake her head and then go into a long (boring) polemic about how this is the perfect example of how national governments are too short sighted and parochial and need to give more power over to the UN. As she doesn't live in the US she would have no need to register.


    Striker: would probably be excused from registering. He's already on a super-secret government data base and the government would not want one of their more secret (and illegal) assets listed on what would amount to a public data base. Striker would assume that this was all part of the the latest phase of Project:WIDEAWAKE and secretly work against it. He considers WIDEAWAKE to be a private corporate project that has illegally taken over (aspects of) the legitimate government.

  9. Re: WWYCD: Registration Payback


    Knight Rider: "I work for UNTIL, I have no jurisdiction in the US." Then post links to the more interesting pages to her whole mailing list. And subscribe to the website.


    Stryker: As a government secret op who's frequently called in for anti-super wetwork he would be put on the case immediately. Unfortunately for the government, a few months ago he became aware of Project:WIDEAWAKE and it's involvement in the killing of his cousin who is also a mutant. He is now secretly working to bring the whole thing crashing down. When he found Lady Blue he'd be all Deep Throat about it give her the names ofthosehe suspects to involved with WIDEAWAKE.

  10. Re: What were: the best Marvel titles of the 80's?


    What, no one else want to nominate Excalibur? With especial love for the cross-time capers. It went down hill after Alan Moore left.


    Thor was a favourite, especially the battle against Jormangandr. That was a classic, worthy of the Eddas.


    And of course the Avengers (both Coasts) and X-Men.



  11. Re: WWYCD: Out of Focus, in the know


    Knight Rider - go "Whoot!" finally I get some use out of the affects desol part of my EB.


    I only really bought the advantage to simulate tachyons going-through-things-ness.


    Sorry, I know that's not really in character.


    She's a respected and successful business woman with contacts and an UNTIL badge. SHe'd start scoping out all her associates and UNTIL friends and superiors and build a network of people she can trust. And see about mass-producing her tachyon blaster.

  12. Re: WWYCD: We hope you're feeling better now


    Knight Rider is all power armour girl so having her powers 'go away' wouldn't be hard for her to accept. She would assume that she was imprisoned by VIPER and that they were trying to get information out of her through some elaborate interrogation scheme. She'd resist with everything she had and try to find a way out. She has some skill as an actor and might be able to bluff her way out.


    If she was eventually let out of the hospital and found the world out there was real (and not just images on a TV) she'd freak out for a while. Eventually it might occur to her that the whole scenario was the creation of some sort of "holo-deck" built with the alien technology and go back to assuming VIPER have her.


    Alternate reality just wouldn't occur to her. Nor could she accept it if it were suggested.

  13. Re: WWYCD Genocide - or Genocide?


    Knight Rider would reluctantly fight to kill. She joined up with UNTIL to make the world a better place: genocidal aliens are not helping that goal. But she's no world beater and would need to fight with a lot of allies to have a hope.


    A nervous breakdown due to Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome afterwards is very likely as she does have a code vs. killing.

  14. Re: [Review] Gadgets & Gear


    I consider myself a pretty good hero-systemer and I still appreciate the plain English write ups telling me what a thingy is supposed to do.


    And I also like having stuff pre-made, saves time and allows you to bang together villains/dooms day weapons etc on the fly.


    I'll definitely give the book a look over.

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