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Everything posted by Cassandra

  1. Batgirl Val Char Cost 20 STR 10 20 DEX 30 20 CON 20 12 BODY 4 18 INT 8 14 EGO 8 20 PRE 10 18 COM 4 8 PD 4 6 ED 2 4 SPD 10 8 REC 0 40 END 0 32 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 110 Cost Skills 3 Acrobatics 13- 3 Breakfall 13- 2 CK: Gotham City 11- 2 CK: Washington, D.C. 11- 3 Computer Programming 13- 3 Criminology 13- 3 Deduction 13- 3 Disguise 13- 5 Eidetic Memory 3 Fast Draw 13- 3 Lockpicking 13- 4 Martial Block 4 Martial Dodge 4 Martial Strike 3 Martial Throw 5 Offensive Strike 2 PS: Librarian 11- 2 PS: U.S. Represenative 11- 3 Security Systems 13- 3 Shadowing 13- 10 SL: Overall +1 3 Stealth 13- 3 Streetwise 13- Total Skills Cost: 79 Cost Powers 16 Armor +8 PD +8 ED, OIF: Batgirl Costume (-1/2) 20 Multipower (30 Points) OIF: Batgirl Utility Belt (-1/2) 1 u) Darkness to Sight, AE 3"r, [8c w/1 Turn Duration] (-0), OAF: Bat Smoke Bombs (-1) 1 u) EB 6d6, [16c] (-0), OAF: Batarangs (-1) 1 u) EB 3d6, NND [LS: Self Contained Breathing] (+1), [16c] (-0), OAF: Bat Tear Gas Grenades (-1) 1 u) Entangle 3d6, DEF 3, [16c] (-0), OAF: Bat Bolas (-1) 1 u) SL: Overall +3, OAF: Bat Computer (-1) 1 u) Swinging 15", 4x NCM, No END (+1/2), OAF: Bat Line (-1) 4 ES: UV Vision, IIF: Batgirl Cowl (+1/4) 2 Running +1" 13 Running +5", 8x NCM, Ground Level & Level Surfaces Only (-1/4), No END (+1/2), OAF: Batcycle (-1) Total Powers Cost: 61 Total Cost: 250 150+ Disadvantages 5 DNPC: Police Commissioner James Gordon (Normal/Useful Skills) 8- 10 Hunted: Killer Moth (As Powerful) 8- 20 Normal Characteristics Maxima 20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total) 15 PsyL: Devoted to Justice (Common/Strong) 15 PsyL: Protective of Innocents (Common/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) Total Disadvantages Cost: 250
  2. Re: The Essential *Good* Silver Age "Tell me who's responsible, and dig more graves!" Aquaman, Justice League Unlimited "Wake the Dead."
  3. Re: The Essential *Good* Silver Age My favorite Silver Age Story was the Legion of Superheroes "The Stolen Superpowers". Saturn Girl receives a message from an alien race, and destroys it to prevent any others from reading it. She then uses her telepathic powers to get the other members to elect her leader, and makes them wear medallions with her face on them. She then has them exhibit their powers, and suspends them for failing various tests. When an infamous space pirate threatens the peace of the Galaxy Saturn Girl goes off alone to fight him. The others suspect she is in league with the Pirate, and Lightning Boy goes after her. It turns out that the message was from aliens who could predict the future, and the message said that one Legionaire was going to die fighting the Pirate. Lightning Boy catches up to Saturn Girl and destroys the Pirate ship but is fatally injured. Saturn Girl had intended that she be the only one who dies. [Lightning Boy is brought back to life later in the series]
  4. Re: My Superhero Universe I've broken up the POTUS and adding more details. I'm also dropping the Constitution/National Party and using real states.
  5. My Superhero Universe "President Harper 2" Andrew Jackson Harper was a three term Senator from Tennessee before serving as Vice President. His wife is Rachel "Honey" Child, who secretly wrote some of her husbands speeches. They have one child, Holly, who married a U.S. Senator. He was President during the Southeast Asia War, and didn't allow superhumans to operate in combat for fear of causing an "escalation." The use of superpowered mercenaries by the enemy caused the war to drag out into the next administration.
  6. My Superhero Universe "President Harper" Andrew Jackson Harper was a southern U.S. Senator who was chosen as the running mate of Dirk Morganthal Cassidy. When Cassidy decided not to run for a second term Vice President Harper was elected in a landslide. An egotistical and vainglorious man, President Harper believed he could solve all the countries problems through a series of government programs. He ignored the Office of Strategic Service, and instead relied on the United Nations Law Enforcement & Security Service to deal with superhuman national security threats. He refused to deal with the United Superheroes of America as he was unable to directly control them.
  7. Re: My Superhero Universe Funny you should mention that part about superhero movies with real supers. Supergirl in the early 80s used to be an actress. I always wondered what would happen if she played Wonder Woman.Linda Danvers as Wonder Woman.
  8. Re: United Superheroes of America Steel City is a large but rather isolated city, surrounded by high mountains, and in a valley at the joining of three rivers. The League of Heroes member known as the Swift was the last major superhero to come out of the city. Hephaestus Forge Steel Works is the main employer in the city, and had pretty much total control of the city government.One member of the Sentinels, Sentry, is the current owner of Hephaestus Forge.
  9. Re: My Superhero Universe Bubba, let me ask you a question. How much do you think a world that has always had superhumans, and superheroes since the America Revolution, be different from ours?
  10. Re: My Superhero Universe I did. Unfortunatley I'm working with a very dumb computer.
  11. Re: My Superhero Universe Sorry for the way it turned out.
  12. My Superhero Universe "POTUS" My Superhero Universe takes place in an alternate timeline, and while most of the major events that have taken place in our history have taken place in the superhero universe as well, there are some differences.The two major political parties are the Constitution Party, and the National Party. The Constitution Party is on the right, and is pro-superhero, seeing them as covered under the 2nd Amendment. The National Party is on the left, and seeks to restrict superhumans to prevent vigilantism.Presidents of the United StatesThomas Jefferson Russell (1901-1909) [Constitution Party, Empire State] was a Spanish American War Hero and had been a masked adventurer known as the Rough Rider. A world traveller, he learned and was one of the first true martial artist. He created the Bureau, an organization that attempted to recruit superhumans and crimefighters into Government service.Russell De Angelo Forsythe (1937-1945) [National Party, Empire State] was the Director of the Bureau during the Great War, and recruited Captain Freedom and Maiden America. Confined to a wheelchair after an assassination attempt, an incident which caused the next administation to close down the Bureau, Russell went into politics and was eventually elected President. A cousin of Thomas Russell, he was in office during most of the Second Great War. Despite it's independent nature, he created ties to the United Superheroes of America, and authorized them to undertake wartime missions.Matthew Easton Fremont (1945-1953) [Constitution Party, Golden State] was a Great War Hero, Medal of Honor Recipient, and superhero [Captain Freedom] he was elected after Russell Forsythe declined to run for a third term for health reasons. Fremont kept the Office of Strategic Services in operation after the war, assigning it missions dealing with superhuman threats to National Security. His wife was Dr. Madeline Ames Fremont, who was the superheroine Maiden America.James Longstreet Davenport (1953-1961) [Constitution Party, Golden State] was a former newspaper publisher and who returned to the Army during the war and achieved high rank and theater command. He returned a war hero, and was elected President. He continued President Fremont's pro-superhero policies.Dirk "Duke" Morganthal Cassidy (1961-1965) [National Party, Bay State] was a former U.S. Senator and son of pro-Nazi Secretary of State Daniel Cassidy. He was Winger, the sidekick of Lone Eagle [Col. Douglas Mansfield] and was a member of America Force. He broke with the isolationist superhero group, joined the Navy, and was a war hero. The most pro-superhero National Party politician of his generation, he was rewarded when a group of heroes led by Ultraman prevented his assassination. He also created the United National Law Enforcement & Security Service [uNLESS]. To the shock of the nation, he didn't run a second term, and died less then a year after leaving office from a previously undisclosed disease. Andrew Jackson Harper (1965-1969) [National Party, Volunteer State] was a U.S. Senator and Vice President to President Cassidy. He narrowly defeated Governor Harold Cassidy, President Cassidy's brother for the party nomination and won in a landslide. He was openly hostile to the United Superheroes of America, and used UNLESS as the primary agency in dealing with superhuman crime. A series of foreign and domestic failures caused him not to seek a second term.Peter Reinhold Maxwell (1969-1973) [Constitution Party, Golden State] was a former U.S. Senator who was defeated by Dirk Cassidy for the Presidency in the 1960 election. The press gave him the nickname "Sneaky Pete", and painted him as a hardline rightwinger while he policies were far more moderate. Fear of the exposure of his wife's superhero activities caused him to take actions which led to the Gatewood Scandel. President Maxwell did not seek a second term, and left office under a cloud of suspicion that followed him until his death in 1993.Stephen Decatur Clark (1973-1981) [Constitution Party, Golden State] was appointed a U.S. Senator to take the place of Matthew Easton Fremont. He served two terms, and then two terms as Governor. From his experiences as Nighthawk he knew better then anyone the need of cooridating superheroes and crimefighters. He created the Crisis Response, Intelligence, Security, & Investigation Service (CRISIS) to replace the ineffective UNLESS, and sent in a superhero team to rescue Ultraman during the Isle Azure Hostage Crisis.Melissa Fremont Blake (1981-1989) [Constitution Party, Old Dominion] was the daughter of President Matthew Fremont and Dr. Madeline Fremont. She was a historian who married a congressman and served in his place when he died in an accident. Melissa was elected on her own, and was chosen by Stephen Decatur Clark to be his running mate. During the Second Great War she was Miss Freedom, and had been chosen by Nighthawk to be his second in command then as well. She was the first woman Vice President, and President.John Bradley Taylor III (1989-1997) [Constitution Party, Empire State] was President Blake's Vice President, a former Senator and Billionaire Industrialist. As Ultraman he was the first modern superhero, and the third superhero to become President. Bradley Taylor is married to Stephen Decatur Clark's twin sister Katherine, and his sister Brooke was Clark's White House Chief of Staff.Matthew Harrison Brady (1997-2001) [National Party, Silver State] was a popular Governor who ran as a new kind of politition, defeating Vice President John Travis by a narrow margin. His administation was turned out to be the most hostile to the superhero community in history. Denouncing "freelance vigilantism" he created the "1000 Superhero Program" and cut ties to the United Superhero of America. UNLESS was brought back into the U.S., and clashed with both the OSS and CRISIS. A series of near disasters and corruption at home and abroad brought down the administarion after one term.John Barrett Travis (2001-2009) [Constitution Party, Lone Star State] was a former Governor and was Vice President. He forced UNLESS out, and re-established the ties with the United Superheroes of America. During his Administration the so called "Superhero Civil War" took place.
  13. Re: My Superhero Universe Ice Cube.Speaking of Ice, check out Ice-T in Air Rage for the dumbest action movie ever made.
  14. Re: United Superheroes of America The Sentinels survived, finding their own funding. They maintained very close ties to the city government. There have been a number of corruption scandals in Steel City of late, however.
  15. Re: My Superhero Universe Would XXX and Mr. and Mrs. Smith be 150 or 250 points?
  16. Re: A question of power level "History is made at night. Character is what you are in the dark." Dr. Emilio Lizardo
  17. Re: A question of power level All the characters I've created are 250/150. Most supervillains are at 150 because they don't generally have a lot of background skills. Superheroes are at 250, and crimefighters are at 150. I've created a few templates that help me along the way. Superhero (Martial Artist) Val Char Cost 20 STR 10 18 DEX 24 20 CON 20 12 BODY 4 18 INT 8 11 EGO 2 20 PRE 10 14 COM 2 8 PD 4 6 ED 2 4 SPD 12 8 REC 0 40 END 0 32 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 98 Cost Skills 3 Acrobatics 13- 3 Breakfall 13- 3 Criminology 13- 3 Deduction 13- 3 Disguise 13- 3 Lockpicking 13- 4 Martial Block 4 Martial Dodge 4 Martial Strike 3 Martial Throw 5 Offensive Strike 3 Security Systems 13- 3 Shadowing 13- 3 Stealth 13- 3 Streetwise 13- Total Skills Cost: 50 Cost Powers 2 Running +1" Total Cost: 150 Crimefighter (Martial Artist) Val Char Cost 15 STR 5 18 DEX 24 15 CON 10 12 BODY 4 13 INT 3 11 EGO 2 15 PRE 5 12 COM 1 6 PD 3 4 ED 1 4 SPD 12 6 REC 0 30 END 0 28 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 70 Cost Skills 3 Acrobatics 13- 3 Breakfall 13- 3 Criminology 12- 4 Martial Dodge 4 Martial Strike 5 Offensive Strike 3 Stealth 13- 3 Streetwise 12- Total Skills Cost: 28 Cost Powers 2 Running +1" Total Powers Cost: 2 Batman, for example would be a superhero with the superhero template, and the following additions Val Char 20 DEX 14 EGO 16 COM Total Characteristics Cost: 12 Cost Skills 2 CK: Gotham City 11- 2 Contact: Commissioner Gordon 11- 3 Contortionist 13- 3 Fast Draw 13- 3 High Society 13- 3 Interrogation 13- 15 Money: Flithy Rich 10 SL: Overall +1 Total Skills Cost: 41 Cost Powers 16 Armor +8 PD +8 ED, OIF: Costume (-1/2) 20 Multipower (30 Points) OIF: Ultility Belt (-1/2) 1 u) Darkness to Sight, AE 3"r, [8c w/1 Turn Duration] (-0), OAF: Smoke Grenades (-1) 1 u) EB 6d6, [16c] (-0), OAF: Batarangs (-1) 1 u) EB 3d6, NND (LS: Self Contained) (+1), [16c] (-0), OAF: Tear Gas (-1) 1 u) Entangle 3d6, DEF 3, [16c], (-0), OAF: Bolos (-1) 1 u) Flash to Sight 3d6, [16c], (-0), OAF: Flash Grenades (-1) 1 u) SL: Overall +3, OAF: Various Kits (-1) 1 u) Swinging 15", 4x NCM, No END (+1/2), OAF: Batline (-1) 4 ES: UV Vision, IIF: Cowl (-1/4) Total Powers Cost: 47 Total Cost: 100 Batgirl would be a Crimefighter Val Cost 18 COM Total Characteristics Cost: 3 Cost Skills 2 CK: Gotham City 11- 3 CSL: Martial Arts +1 3 Computer Programming 12- 5 Eidetic Memory Total Skills Cost: 13 Cost Powers 10 Armor +6 PD +4 ED, OIF: Costume (-1/2) 20 Multipower (30 Points) OIF: Utility Belt (-1/2) 1 u) EB 6d6, [16c], OAF: Batarangs 1 u) EB 3d6, NND (LS: Self Contained), [16c], OAF: Tear Gas 1 u) Entangle 3d6, [16c], OAF: Bolos 1 u) Swinging 15", 4x NCM, No END, OAF: Swing Line Total Powers Cost: 34 Hope this helps.
  18. Cassandra

    Dc 250

    Re: Dc 250 Power Girl Power Girl is a superstrong and invulnerable flying brick. While she is kryptonian, the current PG does not have x-ray vision, heat vision, or supercold breath. I gave her a susceptibility to kryptonite, but it doesn't effect her powers because she's from a krypton from another universe. This version has a total of STR 70 and a SPD 5. Handle with care.
  19. Cassandra

    Dc 250

    DC 250 "Power Girl" Power Girl Val Char Cost 50 STR 40 18 DEX 24 25 CON 30 12 BODY 4 13 INT 3 11 EGO 2 20 PRE 10 18 COM 4 25 PD 15 25 ED 20 5 SPD 22 15 REC 0 50 END 0 50 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 174 Cost Skills 3 Computer Programming 12- 2 PS: Software Designer 11- Total Skills Cost: 5 Cost Powers 25 Damage Resistance 25 PD 25 ED 15 EC (Solar Energy)-15 Points 12 1) Flight 10", Variable Advantage (+1/2), Megascale or Reduced END Only (-1/4) 10 2) STR +20, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), No End (+1/2) 9 LS: High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum Total Powers Cost: 71 Total Cost: 250 150+ Disadvantages 10 DNPC: Matt Cable (Normal/Useful Skills/Unaware Secret ID) 8- 5 DF: Blonde Bombshell (ECon/Noticed) 10 Hunted: Enemies of the Justice Society of America (As Powerful) 8- 20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total) 15 PsyL: Overconfident (Common/Strong) 15 PsyL: Protective of Innocents (Common/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity [Karen Starr] (Frequently/Major) 5 Suscept: Kryptonite, 1d6 STUN/Minute (Uncommon) 5 Vuln: Magic, 1 1/2x STUN (Uncommon) Total Disadvantages Cost: 250
  20. United Superheroes of America "1000 Superheroes Program" USA Datafile Superhero History The 1000 Superheroes Program was a U.S. Government outreach to communities without crimefighters or superheroes. The Department of Justice administered the program, which took the form a series of cash grants to local law enforcement organizations. The goal was to recruit crimefighters and superheroes directly connected to the city governments and bypassing the system set up by the United Superheroes of America. The reason behind this was political. President Matthew Harrison Brady did not like the fact what while the United Superheroes were closely allied with the U.S. Government, they were not under his direct control. The new program would make those superheroes and crimefighters recruited dependent on his for continued financing. The program ran into trouble from the very first. Funds were allocated to "Reseach" by many communities, and no superheroes were recruited. Those communities which had existing relations which non-USA member crimefighters simply created a token account which more often led to those individuals receiving little more then Cell Phones so the police could call them in an emergency. One notable exception was the creation of the Steel City Sentinels, a seven member group which was organized during the first year of the program. Despite funding cuts, the group continued to operate, and President Brady mentioned them as an example of the success of the program. The Sentinels even attended the State of the Union Address as guests of the President, and they in turn campaigned for him. That got the attention of the United Superheroes, which has forbidden it's members to take part in politics while in costume. President John Travis, who defeated Brady, cancelled the program and instead strengthened the U.S. Government's ties to the United Superheroes. The program recruited a total of 18 crimefighter and 13 superheroes, fall short of the goal of two hundred and fifty, which would have brought to total of superheroes and crimefighter in the United States to one thousand.
  21. Re: Setting: World of Alts You should see what it did to my Power Girl in the DC 250 thread, Doctor.
  22. My Superhero Universe "rumormill.web" rumormill.web is a website that appeared in early 2008. It's origin is unknown, and it serves as a discussion board for rumors and conspiracy theories about superheroes.Some of the latests are . . .The U.S. Government has been taken over by the United Superheroes of America, and at least three of it's members have been President of the United States.There is a plot by those with powers to take over the world. A group of those without natural powers are opposed to them. Magic and Technological based heroes are no longer operating together.There is a massive crackdown on supervillains since the start of the new year.
  23. Cassandra

    Dc 250

    Re: Dc 250 I'm using a different computer so I'm sorry the way PG turned out. I'll try again soon.She's basically a flying tough brick with a major attitude. Handle with care.
  24. Cassandra

    Dc 250

    DC 250 "Power Girl" Power GirlVal Char Cost50 STR 4018 DEX 2425 CON 3012 BODY 413 INT 311 EGO 220 PRE 1020 COM 525 PD 1525 ED 20 5 SPD 22Total Characteristics Cost: 173Cost Skills 3 Computer Programming 12- 3 PS[iNT]: Software Designer 12-Total Skills Cost: 3Cost Powers25 Damage Resistance 25 PD 25ED15 EC (Solar Radiation)-15 Points12 1) Flight 10", Variable Advantage (+1/2), Megascale or 1/2 END Only (-1/4)10 2) STR +20, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), No END (+1/2) 9 LS: High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/VacuumTotal Powers Cost: 71Total Cost: 250150+ Disadvantages10 DNPC: Matt Cable (Normal/Useful Skills/Unaware Secret ID) 8- 5 DF: Blonde Bombshell (ECon/Noticed)10 Hunted: Enemies of the Justice Society of America (As Powerful) 8-15 PsyL: Agressive (Common/Strong)20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)15 PsyL: Protective of Innocents (Common/Strong)15 SocL: Secret Identity [Karen Starr] (Frequently/Major) 5 Suscept: Kryptonite, 1d6 STUN/Minute (Uncommon) 5 Vuln: Magic, 1 1/2x STUN (Uncommon)Total Disadvantages Cost: 250
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