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Everything posted by Cassandra

  1. Re: Setting: World of Alts My character sheet has a very high deduction roll.
  2. Re: Setting: World of Alts This opens a lot of possibilities. There was an article on an old adventurer's club called I believe "The Schmelhorn Effect". It was an attempt to explain the quite unscientific principles of superhero equipment. Basically it was like that episode of Gilligan's Island where the hero if flying with a pair of homemade wings until he's told it's physically impossible, at which point he falls to the ground. The "Vibe" could have the effect of making the impossible possible. Scientist would make things like cold fusion generators work, but be the only ones who could. People could actually make devices like home made wings and jet packs that would allow them to fly. Magic belts can give people superhuman strength, because they believe it possible.
  3. Re: Setting: World of Alts Red hair and 5'3" Alyson Hannigan?
  4. United Superheroes of America "Exposure" The U.S.S. Mason was a diridgible capable of operating a half dozen small scout planes. It was the prototyle of a class of flying aircraft carriers that would alter the Naval balance of power. Enemy agents had a hand in the "accidental" destruction of it's sister ship, and now it was the Mason's turn. An attempt on the life of Eve Clark had led to a conspiracy to destroy the Mason. Fortunately Stephen Decatur Clark and his twin sister Katherine (As Nighthawk and Raven) got on board in disguise, and managed to foil the plot. At least, they saved the crew from being killed. A bomb set off by the leader of the spy ring sent the Mason crashing onto a West Coast beach. The naval officers were at a loss of what do to the crimefighters. Nighthawk's car suddenly appeared on the beach, driven by a mysterious redhead in a costume like his, and Nighthawk and Raven were soon gone. On the way back to the Nest, Nighthawk asked what exactly his ex-wife was wearing. She proudly announced it was her Nightingale costume. He said no. She said we'll see. Raven remained silent, knowing who was going to win the argument in the end. A group of men met in Washington, D.C., the next day. Nighthawk was becoming a concern. Unlike the dozen of other crimefighters he was taking an interest in national security issues. More to the point, he was very effective. That, had his contact with most of the major superheroes gave the men pause. What was Nighthawk up to? One of the men was Col. William Murphy, U.S. Army (Ret.). A war hero from the Great War, he was one of the leading organizers of the new Intelligence organization that would soon be known as The Office of Strategic Services. At the moment he didn't have any resources, no agents, not even an office. He did have a daughter. Lauren Murphy was an olympic gold medalist and a well known mystery novelist. She had been training herself to become a crimefighter. Perhaps she was just the person for a very important mission.
  5. Re: United Superheroes of America Thank you both for the explaination, and the kind words.
  6. Re: My Superhero Universe Regarding the Specials, Dr. Agenda It probably was the way that people would act if superheroes were real. Plus it had Jordan Ladd, Paget Brewster, and Judy Greer.
  7. Re: My Superhero Universe The Jessica Alba Fantastic Four. I know the critics panned it be I found it to be pure entertainment. Here are a few more. Nick Fury (I know, starring David Hasselhoff, but it wasn't bad.) Justice League Unlimited "Double Date" (Black Canary and Huntress!) The Ultimate Avengers DVD (Black Canary, Nick Fury, and the Hulk shows us what the Beserk Disadvantage really is like) Justice League "Maid of Honor" (Wonder Woman and Batman) Justice League Unlimited "Grudge Match" (Superheroes Battle Each Other) The Incredibles (Check out the secret files on the second DVD)
  8. Re: Setting: World of Alts This is an interesting explaination for a sudden appearance of boardline superhumans. I was thinking that there might be a psychological change that would go unnoticed but still be in evidence. What if those effected began to act in more sterotypical ways. The person of gains combat luck and more skills with handguns could start acting like an action star come to life. While I would never recommend it, The Last Action Hero shows the kind of universe that some kind of event took place where steretypes loom large.
  9. Re: My Superhero Universe Any other suggestions to the above list?
  10. Re: My Superhero Universe Recommended Viewing Mystery Men The Specials The Tick (Live Action) Fantastic Four Undercover Brother Justice League and Justice League Unlimited Wonder Woman Season One The Greatest American Hero
  11. United Superheroes of America "The Forces of Evil" USA Datafile USA Threat File 001 The Forces of Evil The Forces of Evil is a supervillain group first created by the Mechanical Menace in January of 1947. The alien robot knew that it's masters were coming through the hyperspace bridge in July of that year, and was attempting the prepare the way. The two greatest threats to the invasion were the United Superheroes of America, and the Atomic Bomb. The Mechanical Menace hoped to use the latter to defeat the former. The Mechanical Menace had worked with Mastermind before on attempts to destroy Ultraman. They had come close to doing so, but his USA allies had stopped them. Without telling the Mastermind about the invasion, the Mechanical Menace proposed forming a group of supervillains, luring the USA with leaked information about a plan to steal the Atomic Bomb, and then destroying them and their allies with it. The effect would leave the two of them masters of the world. The Mastermind agreed, fully intending on destroying his Powered Armored ally once the deed was done (Mastermind had no idea what really was in the armored suit.) It was decided to recruit the archenemies of the USA members. These included the Crime Doctor, the Emperor, Ice Maiden, the Clown, Captain Axis, Blitzkrieg, and many others. The target was the Nuclear Testing Site in New Mexico. Blitzkrieg, who had been rescued from prison just to let him be captured with knowledge of the fake plot, was sent to assassinate Ultraman. This attack ended with the second rate villain interrogated by Lady Liberty's telepathic magic torch, and soon the USA was converging on New Mexico. The date was July 3, 1947. The villains plan went arwy because of two mistakes. One was them thinking they could get access to a ready Atomic Bomb. While all the pieces were there at the testing site, it would take several hours to put it together, even for geniuses like Mastermind and the Mechanical Menace. The second mistake was not realizing that USA members were already on site just in case of of such an attempt. Maiden America, Patriot, and Minuteman were able to defend the lab long enough to prevent the theft of the Atomic bomb. The battle was the largest superhero/supervillain fight in history. Over thirty costumed figures fought it out over an hour. During what seemed to be victory the Mechanical Menace let slip about the invasion, which caused a number of the villains to turn against him. The alien robot was able to defeat them, but was shattered by a blast from Starlet. The rest of the villains fled or were taken into custody. A next day the hyperspace bridge opened, and the USA destroyed the Alien Invasion force, containing it for the most part at the testing site. One saucer did break through, but was shot down by Starlet (whose light energy blast was particularly devestating to the aliens.) The USA managed to get the atomic bomb through the gate, and it exploded on the otherside. From the information the Mechanical Menace let slip, the Aliens only had one gateway, and were never heard from again. While the Alien Invasion was defeated, and the Mechanical Menace was exposed, the Forces of Evil survived. Mastermind and other supervillains would resurrect it from time to time in various world conquering plans. The near victory on that day thought the villains there is strength in numbers, even if the group would eventually turn on itself after any success. Note: The Forces of Evil was originally known as The Forces of Evil Villains in League. It had also been known as FOE from time to time.
  12. United Superheroes of America "Inspiration" When Nighthawk concieved the United Superheroes of America, he envisioned it as a nationwide alliance of superheroes and crime fighters. The League of Heroes, the first real superhero team, suffered from two major problems. One, it was overtly political and bound by the whims of it's sponsers, and two, it was a force that could only react to threats and could not take action before hand. That was the one major weakness of all superheroes. While they could deal with most situations because the their power, they only could take action after the fact. Crimefighters, those who used skills to seek out evil lacked powers, but for the most part took down villains before they could activate their evil plans. Nighthawk believed that by combining forces between the two groups, more good could be done, and more important, lives could be saved. Of course, there was the difference of personality types. Superheroes were by definition, heroic. They respected authority, kept their word, fought fair, and protected the innocent. Crimefighters were sometimes just as ruthless as their enemies. They would strike first and without warning because they were so often outnumbered. They would bypass the law because they found many times those who were suppose to enforce it were corrupt. The only thing that the two groups had in common was a general unwillingness to kill. Nighthawk had met superheroes before he began his crimefighting career, so he had contacts when he started. They agreed with him that cooperation between crimefighters and superheroes would make things better. Through them he met other superheroes and crimefighters, and soon a formal organization would be created. Before that, however, Nighthawk would have to risk exposure to the U.S. Government in order to prevent a disaster.
  13. Re: United Superheroes of America I'll keep coming up with characters, Corven. Anything you were looking for?
  14. Re: My superhero characters Is Skybolt a heroine or a villainess?
  15. United Superheroes of America "Member Profile 007-BC" USA Datafiles Member Profile 007-BC Black Cat Real Name: Dr. Catherine Ashley Tate, Ph.D. Occupation: Archaeologist Base of Operations: New York City, New York Date of Birth: May 27, 1915 Chronological Age: 93 [Appears 32] Height: 5'9" Weight: 135 lbs Hair: Black Eyes: Green Power Source: Altered Human [Magically Bestowed] Powers: Superhuman strength [1.6t], speed, agility, senses, and healing. Origin: Dr. Catherine Ashley Tate, Ph.D., had just discovered the Lost Temple of Bast, the Ancient Egyptian Cat Goddess, when tomb raiders attempted to rob it. Ashley defended the tomb, and after being wounded sealed the entrance to prevent it from being looted. Her body touched a statue of Bast, and Ashley was bathed in an eerie white light. The next thing she knew she was running across the desert, her senses heighted, her speed and strength far beyond that of a normal human's. She found the camp of those who tried to kill her, and attacked out of instinct. They fell before her easily, and she was soon in the leader's tent, and noticed her hand was a cat-like claw. A glace at a shaving mirror showed her to be part human, part great cat. Ashley had a choice, kill the cowering man, and become an animal, or spare him, and become human again. She punched him in the face, knocking him out, and was once again human. But Ashley found she was a human with superpowers, and she decided to use them to battle evil everywhere as the Black Cat.
  16. Re: My Superhero Universe The same principle was used by Wonder Woman. You notice she never needed a mask.
  17. United Superheroes of America "Maiden America" USA Datafiles USA Member 009 Maiden America Val Char Cost 50 STR 40 20 DEX 30 25 CON 30 12 BODY 4 18 INT 8 14 EGO 8 20 PRE 10 16 COM 3 25 PD 15 15 ED 10 4 SPD 10 15 REC 0 50 END 0 50 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 168 Cost Skills 3 Acrobatics 13- 3 Breakfall 13- 3 Bureaucratics 13- 2 CK: Washington, D.C. 11- 1 FB: Medical License 3 High Society 13- 2 Language: Fluent French 2 Language: Fluent German 5 Money: Well Off 3 Paramedic 13- 2 SS: Medicine 11- 10 SL: Overall +1 3 Tactics 13- Total Skills Cost: 42 Cost Powers 20 Damage Resistance 25 PD 15 ED 3 ES: Perception +1 15 Multipower (15 Points) 1 u) Leaping +15" 1 u) Running +5", 4x NCM Total Powers Cost: 40 Total Cost: 250 150+ Disadvantages 10 Hunted: Old Enemies (Less Powerful/NCI) 8- 20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total) 15 PsyL: Patriotic (Common/Strong) 15 PsyL: Protective of Innocents (Common/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) 10 Vuln: Sleep Gas, 1 1/2x STUN (Common) 15 Vuln: Surprise Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common) Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Appearance: Maiden America is a tall shapely woman who appears to be in her mid-thirties. She wears a leotard which is blue on top with a white star on her stomach, and a short red and white bottom. She wears white boots and blue mask, and gold bracetlets and belt. Background: Dr. Madeline Ames Fremont, M.D., was the daughter of a famous scientist who discovered a formula that would give anyone who took it superhuman strength. German spies attempted to steal it, and in order to prevent it from falling into their hands, Madeline took it herself. She used them to battle the Central Powers during the First World War. Now she uses them to fight for freedom as Maiden America.
  18. United Superheroes of America "Captain Freedom" USA Datefile USA Member 008 Captain Freedom Val Char Cost 20 STR 10 18 DEX 24 20 CON 20 20 BODY 20 18 INT 8 11 EGO 2 20 PRE 10 12 COM 1 8 PD 4 8 ED 4 4 SPD 12 8 REC 0 40 END 0 40 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 115 Cost Skills 2 AK: California 11- 3 Breakfall 13- 3 Bureaucratics 13- 2 CK: Washington, D.C. 11- 5 FB: United States Senator 3 High Society 13- 2 KS: American Politics 11- 2 KS: United States Marine Corps 11- 1 Language: Fluent Arabic 1 Language: Fluent French 1 Language: Fluent German 1 Language: Fluent Spanish 3 Linguist 4 Martial Block 4 Martial Dodge 4 Martial Strike 3 Martial Throw 5 Money: Well Off 5 Offensive Strike 3 Oratory 13- 2 PS: United States Senator 11- 10 SL: Overall +1 3 Tactics 13- Total Skills Cost: 72 Cost Powers 19 Armor +8 PD +8 ED, OIHID (-1/4) 12 EC (Magic)-15 Points, OIHID (-1/4) 10 1) Flight 10", Variable Advantages (+1/2), Megascale or Reduced END Only (-1/4) 9 2) STR +20, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), No END (+1/2) 7 LS: High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum, OIHID (-1/4) 6 Transform: Instant Change [One Set of Clothes], Incantations (-1/4) Total Powers Cost: 63 Total Cost: 250 150+ Disadvantages 10 Hunted: Old Enemies (Less Powerful/NCI) 8- 5 Hunted: Political Enemies (Less Powerful/NCI/Mild) 8- 5 Watched: The Press (Less Powerful/NCI) 8- 20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total) 15 PsyL: Heroic (Common/Strong) 15 PsyL: Superpatriotic (Common/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) 15 Vuln: Surprise Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common) Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Appearance: Captain Freedom wears a red body suit with a white cape, gloves, and trunks, and a blue cape and mask, and a gold belt and the letters CF in gold on his chest. Matthew Easton Fremont is a tall well built man with brown hair and brown eyes, and appears to be in his later thirties. Background: Matthew Easton Fremont is the grandson of a Marine who took part in the battle against the Tripoli Pirates in 1803. That young Marine saved the life of an Ancient Sorcerer who granted him and his heirs superhuman powers when they say "Semper Fidelis". Matthew inherited the powers from his father, and used them during the First World War. After the war he began a political career, but when the nation is in peril Matthew Fremont will be there to save the day as Captain Freedom.
  19. Re: United Superheroes of America Thanks for Black Cat, Corven. She kind of looks like Mitzi Kapture.
  20. Re: United Superheroes of America Thanks Bubba. That's a good thing, right?
  21. Re: Golden Age Resources: Superweapons of WW II Superweapons The U.S. had the XB-35 Flying Wing Bomber in developement. You can see it in the 1952 movie The War of The Worlds. It had the unintended but welcome adventage of being nearly invisible to radar (The B-2 Spirit Bomber's shape is no coincidence.) The Germans had the Maus (German for Mouse) Panzer, a 125 ton tank with a 125mm cannon backed up by a 75mm cannon. It was so large that it couldn't use standard bridges and had to be equiped with a snorkel. The German's also have about four dozen U-Panzers, Mark 2, 3, and 4 Tanks equiped to move underwater from invasion craft to beaches. As long as they kept moving they were fine but if they stopped while underwater they would get stuck. They were used in the crossing of the Bug River during the Invasion of Russia on June 22, 1941.
  22. Re: My Superhero Universe I'm sure she'd like the short skirt. She does like to play mind games, Robo. I based the UNIT on the original X-Men.
  23. United Superheroes of America "Black Cat" USA Datafile USA Member 007 Black Cat Val Char Cost 30 STR 20 23 DEX 39 18 CON 16 12 BODY 4 18 INT 8 11 EGO 2 15 PRE 5 18 COM 4 16 PD 10 14 ED 10 5 SPD 17 10 REC 0 36 END 0 36 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 135 Cost Skills 3 Acrobatics 14- 2 AK: Egypt 11- 3 Breakfall 14- 2 CK: New York City, New York 11- 3 Contortionist 14- 4 Double Jointed 1 FB: Passport 3 High Society 12- 2 KS: Ancient History 11- 2 KS: Mythology 11- 2 Language: Fluent French 5 Money: Well Off 2 SS: Archaeology 11- 3 Shadowing 13- 3 Stealth 13- Total Skills Cost: 40 Cost Powers 30 Multipower (30 Points) 1 u) Clinging 30 STR 2 u) HA +4d6, HTH Attack (-1/2), No END (+1/2) 3 u) HKA 2d6/4d6 w/STR 5 Damage Resistance 5 PD 5 ED 5 ES: Discriminatory Smell 3 ES: Perception +1 3 ES: Ultrasonic Hearing 5 ES: UV Vision 15 Multipower (15 Points) 1 u) Healing: Regeneration 1 BODY/Turn 1 u) Leaping +15" 1 u) Running +5", 4x NCM Total Powers Cost: 75 Total Cost: 250 150+ Disadvantages 5 DNPC: Bast [barbara Anne Sarah Tyler] or Cleopatra [Alexandria "Scarlet" King] (Slightly Less Powerful) 8- 5 DF: Always Wears Black (ECon/Noticed) 5 Hunted: Great White Hunter (Less Powerful) 8- 5 Hunted: Mad Dog (Less Powerful) 8- 5 Hunted: Pharoah (Less Powerful/NCI/Mild) 8- 20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total) 15 PsyL: Love of Action and Adventure (Common/Strong) 15 PsyL: Protective of Innocents (Common/Strong) 15 SocL: Secret Identity (Frequently/Major) 10 Vuln: Sleep Gas, 1 1/2x STUN (Common) Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Appearance: Black Cat is a tall and shapely young woman with black hair and green eyes. She wears a black leopard with bare legs and arms, black boots, gloves, and mask. Dr. Catherine Ashley Tate is 5'9", 135 lbs, is 27 years old, and always wears black. Background: Dr. Catherine Ashley Tate was an archaeologist who discovered the Lost Temple of Bast, the Ancient Egyptian Cat Goddess. When tomb raiders tried to rob it, Dr. Tate defended it and was wounded in the effort. An anciet device gave her superhuman powers in return for her bravery, and now she fights evil as the Black Cat.
  24. Re: United Superheroes of America Was does "Rep Power" mean anyway?
  25. Re: United Superheroes of America No boxers or wrestling heroes, yet, Bubba.
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